
New World

After Arga received all the gifts, the mysterious voice again said [ "Prepare yourselves because this time you will be sent to a new world, for those who have their ruler tokens have the opportunity to choose where they will stand, while for those who don't have ruler tokens, they will be sent to big cities From all the kingdoms in the new world, close your eyes and when you hear the voice of the command to open your eyes then you can open your eyes"] the mysterious voice said to all mankind to give instructions to them.

From there, Arga, who was included in it, followed what was said, while then he began to look forward to what the new world he would come to would be like. "Tring... Please open your eyes, and in this world, you will live from now on" the mysterious voice sounded again and suddenly disappeared.

For the humans who were transferred to the big cities of the kingdoms that exist in this new world, they then realized that they were currently in a medieval city and on the other hand Arga and those who had the ruler token, were not placed directly into the big city there.

However, Arga as well as other Humans who have ruler tokens are given information about the world they currently occupy.

The world they currently live in is called the new world, where there are hundreds of kingdoms in it with the seven largest human kingdoms being the main rulers of the new world. The seven biggest kingdoms in the new world are, the Iron Kingdom with its famous king named Leon / then the golden Kingdom with its famous king named Jabu / next is the black Kingdom with its famous king named Golem / then there is the Magic Kingdom with a famous king named King Hans / next is the Rock kingdom with the ruler of the kingdom is a Queen named Beatrice / then followed by the green Kingdom kingdom with the ruler of the Queen named Ayu / and finally the kingdom of Sea Kingdom, with the queen's name is Zahra.

In addition to the names of the kings and queens of the seven largest kingdoms in the new world, Arga as well as the humans who have ruler tokens are also given information about the new world where the shape of the land of the new world looks like a large continent in the shape of a flower petal with an in the middle of the continent is a very large forest area which is named strong forest.

Where the forest is a habitat for many animals and also rare plants that exist in the new world.

Ex: here will be explained a little about the currency prevailing in the new world, and will also be explained the most famous professions in the new world.

The currency in the new world consists of Copper coins / Iron coins / Silver coins / Gold coins / Platinum coins / Temple coins

With the following exchange rates:

1 Iron coin = 10 Copper coins

10 Copper coins = 1 Silver Coin

10 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin

100 Gold Coins = 1 Platinum Coin

10 Platinum Coins = 1 Temple Coin

The most famous professions in the new world are 2, namely a magician and also a warrior with the following details of levels and strengths:


1. Layman (people who can use magic for everyday purposes, for example, lighting fires and making water with limited sizes and quantities, the result of which is inadequate.

2. Apprentices (people who have 3x the mana than ordinary people, and can use more magic in quantity and quality, for example: using fire magic for attacks with a limited range below 10 M)

3. Beginners (people who study magic in a special magician's school and can do larger attacks with a radius of 100 M and can fight ordinary soldiers under 50 people)

4. Magician (mage who graduated from wizard school, has medium strength, and can fight 100 - 500 ordinary soldiers)

5. Master (Top tier mage capable of dealing with 1000-2000 ordinary soldiers)

6. Grand Master (High-level mage capable of fighting 2000-5000 soldiers)

7. Royal Mage (highest mage capable of fighting 5000-10,000 ordinary soldiers).

Warrior Profession with self-defense

1. Layman: has a physical strength 2-3 times the normal strength of an adult male, has no moves

2. Internship: has the above 5x that of adults and has limited moves

3. Young Knight: Have 10 times the strength of an adult with a little magic power and study at a knight school

4. Senior Knight: graduated from Knight school and has a physique equivalent to 50 times that of an adult with intermediate magic skills for attack and defense equivalent to 500 and under normal soldiers

5. Great Knight: A knight who has 70 times the physical strength of adults with high magic skills and is equivalent to 1000-2000 ordinary Soldiers

6. Master Knight: a knight who has a physique of 80 times that of an adult and is equivalent to 2000-5000 ordinary soldiers, has a large-scale and wide-ranging magic move

7. Royal Knight: A knight who has 100x the physique of an adult, has the ultimate move, and is equivalent to 5000-10,000 ordinary soldiers.


After a while, Arga is given a map of the new world which when viewed looks like a large continent in the shape of a flower petal, and on the other hand, he is given about 10 minutes to digest information from the various kingdoms in the new continent.

Until finally Arga decided to make his first step into a kingdom full of vast forests, with a queen who led the kingdom.

"Ok I choose here," said Arga to the mysterious voice

[ Are you sure? There is no second chance when you choose your first place of power] the mysterious voice answered Arga again.

"I'm sure here" Arga replied back.

[Fine if that's what you want]

Soon Arga saw that his eyes were covered by black shadows and not long after he saw a new scene in front of him, this time Arga seemed to be standing on a hill filled with grass, but on the other side, there was a large forest.

Equally from the top of the hill, the price can see the curve of the river, it seems to have a medium area.

"Well then, from here this new journey begins," Arga said excitedly as he took out the ruler token from his pocket and stretched it out from his hand, and right after Arga spoke thus the ruler token in his hand turned into light.