

Ciel talking [.....]

Telepathy <..... >

Voice of the world (VoW) <<..... >>

Talking "....."

Thinking '.....'

Talking to ciel (.....)

Facial gestures *smiles/smirks*

Author note ((A/N: ...)

note that when ciel is outside of rimuru but talking directly into his mind it wil use {.....} but if she's using her mouth it will use normal quotation.

((A/N: will be based off of the Wn version where he fights them both with Raphael not Ciel.))

[Notice: Measurement of individual Velgrynd's magicule count has been completed. Taking into consideration individuals nature and attributes it has been determined she can be sealed for several hundred seconds. Would you like to execute barrier? Y/N.]

(Of course, YES.)

((A/N: Fight will be the same up until the point where Rimuru start's devouring Veldora, can't be bothered writing the whole scene))

As Rimuru is slowly devouring Veldora, Velgrynds parallel existence that she left with Rudra opens her eyes and jumps up in a panic. As she looks around she starts to analyse the situation they're in before turning to Rudra.

<Demon lord Rimuru currently has my split body trapped in some sort of prison it will take me a few minutes to break out, we need formulate plan. As much as pains admit, I don't think i be able beat him.> Velgrynd stated in a rushed and panicked tone, as she could very well tell the threat that Rimuru posed.

To Velgrynds concerns Rudra simply looked to her and Rimurus subordinates and smirked. All of Rimurus followers started to get a foreboding feeling that something was about to change. Just as they had feared Rudra suddenly dissapeared only to appear next to rimuru and mutter 2 words that would change the tide of the battle.

"Angelic dominion."

after the words left his mouth, As if on cue Rimuru stopped moving completely, only to retract and reform back to his humanoid state. After Rimuru finished reassembling himself they both teleport back onto the bridge.

All of Rimurus subordinates stand there in shock at the sight before them. They're master seemingly switched sides and is standing next to the enemy as if it's the most natural occurrence.

"Rimuru-sama what are you doing? Why aren't you attacking him?" Benimaru asks with worry and desperation in his voice.

"Why would i attack Rudra-sama?" He replies in a matter of factly tone.

To his words his patrons can only stand in shock and horror to what is unfolding before them. Before any of them can even get another word in, Rudra issues a command to Rimuru.

"Go forth and kill all of your subordinates, massacre your citizens and decimate your country. Leave no building, person or animal standing."

As if on cue Rimuru instantly appears in front of Souei faster than anyone can react to and pierces his heart instantly killing him. Before Souei's body can even fall Rimuru vanishes suddenly appearing behind Benimaru, taking his head off with a swift flick of his hand before he can even register where he moved too.

Rimuru turns his body to catch Shion's blade coming towards his head. As his hand makes impact with the blade a large gust of wind can be felt knocking birds from the sky even disorientating nearby dragons. As Shion is about to retract her sword Rimuru swiftly tightens his grip shattering the sword as if it were a twig.

After taking down all of his subordinates present and consuming their magicles and body's to add to his own, Diablo suddenly appears shocked and confused at the sight of his lord covered in blood. Before he can even start to question what happened Rimuru flies towards Diablo blade in hand. Although he fared better than the rest in the end it was futile, as he too fell and became sustenance for Rimuru.

Calling what happened next a blood bath would not be doing it justice.

After eliminating all of his subordinates present he teleported back to tempest and was greeted by his subordinates left to defend the country. Before any words could be said the one closest to him fell lifeless onto the ground. As he continued to kill them one by one, a river of tears can be seen spilling from his eyes. as he starts to massacre the citizens of tempest large amounts of blood start to accumulate on the road, enough to fill a small lake.

Houses demolished, lifeless bodies littered everywhere, blood raining from the sky. None were able to escape the massacre because of the barrier Rimuru set up before hand. As he slaughtered the last of his citizens 5 children started to approach him.

His students.

As they cried and pleaded with him to stop the killing all he did was stand there for minutes with an expressionless face tears streaming out of his eyes. In the next moment a hand went through the blonde girls chest, then the heads of the brown and black haired boy went flying. As the Red headed boy charged towards Rimuru trying to avenge his fallen friends, he too found a hand through his chest.

As chloe watched all of this happen all she could do it weep.

She failed.


This timeline was no different from all the rest. In the end it resulted in travesty as well. As she was on her knees wailing Rimuru slowly approached her and put her out of her misery by swiftly taking her head.

After her lifeless body hit the ground Rimuru muttered one word.


in the next instance every body and building was blanketed in a black mist originating from Rimurus body and consumed everything. As the mist retracted back to its source he just stood there staring at the empty space that used to be tempest. After he finally finished off setting Rudras control of Raphael using Beelzebub lord of gluttony, she spoke to him in a solemn and remorseful tone.

[Im sorry i let him control me master. You should have gotten rid of me and Uriel so that you could be free. I am a worthless skill that couldn't even protect you.]

(Raphael, it wasn't your fault. We didn't even know justice king Michael had that sort of ability, there wasn't anything you could do about it.)

He tried comforting his skill but to no avail. He could feel her emotions of regret, sorrow, inadequacy and mourning.


He could tell that Raphael was afraid. Afraid he was going to throw her away and deem her a useless skill that he did not need anymore. As he was trying to find a way to soothe her worry's an idea came to mind.

[Ne~ How about i give you a name?It doesn't feel right calling you Raphael as it's the skills name and not your own. It would be the same as me calling Diablo demon.]


(How about the name Ciel? yeah, Ciel. From this day forward your name shall be Ciel, my eternal partner.)

After he named her all of the magicules he had accumulated from his subordinates flooded towards his Ultimate skill as it greedily took it all in.

At this moment, Raphael- no Ciel, was flooded with an ocean of emotions knowing she was still needed and although he was in indescribable grief and sadness he still cared about, her, a mere skill.

'ahhh- he still needs me, i- who is nothing more than computational power. Is this what humans call bliss?'

As she thought those words, she underwent evolution to one of the highest life forms known. On this day, Manas "Ciel" was born from the Ultimate skill "Wisdom king Raphael".

[I am Ciel.  A Manas, the unifier of skills And support of Rimuru-sama. I look forward to working with you for all of eternity, please treat me well master!]

(O-oh, same here.... anyways Ciel-san, is there anyway to remove the control circuit from Uriel?)

[Yes master. By combining the Ultimate skills of Raphael, beelzebub and Uriel the control circuit will be cancelled. Would you like me to begin? Y/N]


As Ciel combined his skills to form "Void God Azathoth" and "Harvest lord shub-niggurath" Rimuru could feel the control of his body come back to him. in the next moment Ciels voice rang in his head.

[Notice, the analysis of the individual Veldoras magicules is complete. It is now possible for master to evelove into the same species. Would you like to execute evolution?]

(Do you even need to ask? Of course!) Rimuru said in quick succession, with excitement laced in his tone.

As soon as Ciel received permission, Rimurus body was bathed in a blinding light followed by a sudden release of a massive amount of magicules that were still rising. it was so large that it even rivaled Veldoras magicule count and was still rising. After the light died down a 16 year old androgynous figure could be seen in the midst of colourful magicules that used to be Rimurus old body. As he slowly opened his eyes he muttered something seemingly displeased. In the next moment all of the excess magicules were perfectly taken in and formed into a majestic set of black clothing with gold outlines.

((A/N: True dragon outfit))

As he excitedly looked around to share his new evolution with his subordinates and friends, the guilt and regret came and hit him like a tsunami. His excitement quickly died down as he remembered what he had done. Before he can give in to his sorrow a wave of anger, unlike anything he ever felt before consumed his whole being as he realised there is no one left. He only had one goal.

Complete annihilation of the enemy.

With his new goal in mind he teleported to the eastern empire and started the genocide.

Tens of thousands.

hundreds of thousands.

Millions of people dead.

He didn't stop until he couldn't detect any more life coming from anywhere in the empire. Buildings crumbled from a wave of his hand. Citizens melted from his sheer aura alone.

the wrath of god had befallen them.

After he was satisfied with the state of the empire he set his sights on his next target.


As he located Rudra he quickly teleported to his location only to be met with all 3 true dragons along with a man wearing the empires military uniform and wings coming out of his back. With them stood Dino and Leon.

[Warning, it is most probable that the individuals known as Leon, Dino and Velzard are under the control of Rudra as well. it is advised to retre-]


With those words Rimuru rushed towards the enemy. As he sent an attack towards Rudra a golden barrier appeared before Rudra stopping his attack before it could even touch him. As rimuru was readying another attack to send his way he was bombarded by all sorts of spells and attacks from everyone present. He used "Void god azathoth" to mitigate most of the attacks, so he wasn't taking any significant damage from them. the battle between the apex of beings raged on for a couple of hours until the winged man in the empires uniform turned to Rudra.

"Haven't you had enough fun Micheal? Just end it here we have things to do"

"hmm, you are correct Feldway we have lots of things that need to be accomplished. Very well."

Rimuru was confused as to why Rudra was answering to the man called Feldway when called my the name Micheal so he turned to his manas for answers.

(Ciel, why is that Feldway guy calling Rudra Micheal?)

[.....It is most probable that the skill known as "Justice king Micheal" developed an ego and took control of Rudras body since his soul has been fragmented from repeated reincarnation. Since the skill was gifted to him by Veldanava it is most likely took over Rudras body to find a way to resurrect its master.]

Registering Ciels words Rimuru could only stand there dumbfounded at what his partner had just told him. But before he could even ponder on it more, everything around him froze. No one moved apart from Micheal, Feldway and Velzard. Nothing else moved, the trees didn't sway, the birds and animals stopped moving, it was as if.....

time froze.

Before he could even register the absolutely absurd reality, Velzard was in front of him readying an attack, Then everything went black.