
Reincarnate as Naruto Uzumaki

Reincarnate as Naruto Uzumaki with the "Strongest system" as a helper. A middle-aged man saves a girl from a gangster but in the process, he dies at the hands of the gangster and reincarnates as Naruto Uzumaki. So, He decides he is going to live this life to the fullest in this world. To help him to fulfill his wish he got a system as a helper. Warning: Mc is bisexual. He will fuck both girls and boys. Tag; pedo, loli, lolicon, self fuck, self incest, twin incest, child sex, swinging, lesbian, yoai, futanari, shemale, traps, transmen, incest, daughter, grandmother, boys love, girls love, threesome, foursome, orgy, lactating, big boobs, small boobs, big ass, rape, virginity, slut, gyaru, many more. A lot of sex and mega harem building. Disclaimer: Don't take this story seriously. This story is made of fiction. This story is for fulfilling your hidden desires. Read this story at your own risk. The auxiliary chapter will be updated regularly.

Legends124 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


'Hmm...What's this?! Where am I? Uh! I remember I was on the way to the office, weren't I? So, What am I doing here, In this white room?!'

I look around for a door but all I see is white. Am I really in a room?

Then a very high mighty toned sweet but novel woman's voice can be heard from all around me.

{You aren't in a room. This is the afterlife. You have died.}

'What!? Who are you? How did you know my thoughts? and wait?! What do you mean by I am dead?!'

{Come on, can't you ask a question one at a time? Who am I? I god! What else. How do I know your thoughts? Because I am God! Are you Stupid or what?}

'I know, I know. I was just startled. Aren't you a bit too mean for a God? Now can you tell me? How did I die? I remember up to this point where I was going to cross the road. But I don't remember anything after that.

{Hmm. Looks like you don't remember anything because you got shot in the head, Huh.}

'What do mean I got shot in the head?'

{Well, you were saving a girl from some gangster when one of them took a gun and shot you in the head.}

'It's t-that so. Those fucking bastards. Anyway, what about the girl? did she survive?'

{Don't worry she is alright.}

'Sigh! Thank god.'

{You are welcome. Of course, It's my duty-

'I wasn't thanking you, you know.'

{But you just said-

'I was relieved that's all.'

{I-Is it so? Ahem...}

Is she an idiot or what? But it's fun teasing her.

{You're an idiot, you're stupid. I can hear your thoughts you know.}

'Hahaha...I-I am sorry.'

{Hmph. Anyway, because of your good deeds, I will fulfill your 3 wishes. Tell me what do you want?}

'Is it so? Can I ask for anything at all?'

{Yes, you can ask for anything at all.}

'Then I want my first wish to be reincarnated in my favorite anime universe. In Naruto verse.'

{Hmm...In Naruto verse, huh!}

'You know about that!'

{Of course, I am God you know. I know everything. So, do you want to reincarnate in someone's body or your body?}

'I want to reincarnate as Naruto Uzumaki.'

{Ok. What's the second wish?}

'The second wish is I want a system powerful compared to God yourself as a helper. Also, it will be helpful if it has all the knowledge from my world.'

{Ok. After you are born this system will be activated with you and I have made a core for this system with a soul from your world. You will get along with her. She has the same interests as you. Also, I will install all the knowledge from your world to her.}

'Wait, why a soul as core?'

{Because... It's easy.}

'What? that's it?'

{Yeah, that's it. So what's the third wish? Tell me fast, I am busy you know.}

'My third wish, I want to save it for later. Can I?'

{uhh...okay, You can. Now go live and enjoy your second life to the fullest.}




"Congratulation! It's a cute boy."

"Woah, my son. He looks just like his mom."

"Come on, honey. He looks like you. Look he got hair like you too."

Hmm...!? Look like I reincarnated safely. This red-haired woman is Naruto's mother Kushina Uzumaki and this yellow-haired man is Minato Namikaze his father but now my father.

"Hokage, trouble. It's the nine-tail fox. What should we do?"

"Let's go."

"Honey, be careful."


So, the nine-tailed fox arrived here. In the anime, both of Naruto's parents died while fighting it. But now that I reincarnated as Naruto, I won't let it happen. System!

In front of me appeared a cute loli with black hair and red eyes, floating in the air.

[Yes, Host.]

Woah!! Are you the soul that God was talking about? You are so cute! Are you from Earth too?

[Yes, I am from Earth. My name is Riko.]

Ok, Riko-chan. I want you to seal all of the nine-tailed fox in me safely, not half like the story. Can you do it?

[Yes, I can.]

Also, put an obedience seal on it.

[Okay, Host.]

Wait, Riko-chan before you do it I want to ask you a question.

[Yes, Host. Ask away.]

Why are so small? I mean why do you look like a loli?

[I was going to be born as a baby too. I was going to grow up with you. But if I was to be born as a baby I couldn't help you much. So, I asked her to accelerate my body growth up to 8 years old. That's why I look like that.]

Hmm, I understand. Good thinking Riko-chan. By the way, you can call me Naruto.

[Ok, Naruto-kun. Then I will start now.]

Will it hurt?

[Don't worry Naruto-kun. It won't hurt. It will be finished in a second.]

Riko-chan started typing something in the system then an orange light came from outside and went inside my stomach.

[It's done. Naruto-kun.]

Huh! it's done?! So fast. Looks like you are really strong Riko-chan.

[Yes, It's all thanks to you Naruto-kun. I have power equal to a God.]

Really! Awesome! But do I feel so dizzy suddenly?

[Because I can't handle all the power God has locked inside me. So when I used them forcefully a partition of your stamina was used. You will feel tired and sleepy but you will be fine after you wake up.]

Okay, then I am going to sleep let's talk after I walk up, Riko-chan.

[Okay, Naruto-kun]




After 7 years,

"Naruto~Ahh~your mouth feels so good~"

'Glup...slurp... haa...ha... your penis tastes good~ Sasuke... Glup...slurp...slurp...'

How did it happen? It's a long story. It all started a month ago.

To be continued...

/pictures are on my discord

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