
Reincarnate and Become a Noble Wizard

Glen was reborn into the body of a young man from a noble Baron family. He, who had just adjusted to his new world, discovered a big secret that had been hidden in his family lineage. Getting this secret, Glen was surprised because the world of magic actually existed in the world when he came. With the help of his beautiful maid he manages to come into contact with the world of magic, and from there his new adventure begins. Wizards, kingdoms, different races, love, magic schools, world secrets, everything was ready for him to open and contact one by one. ###### This first book tells the story of the secrets of the magical world, Glen's magical school life, and his adventures. There is no system, Glen will only rely on his own abilities to be able to stand in the wizarding world. The magic found in Glen's school, summoning magic, spell casting magic, flying magic, potion magic, elemental magic, and combat magic etc.

Wijaya_Kesuma17 · แฟนตาซี
180 Chs

Take Precaution

Without saying much, Glen immediately hit James in the face.

"Brok…. And then followed by a sound of pain from James.

"Ahhhhhh...and he, who was unprepared for Glen's attack, fell and fell to the floor.

But it wasn't over yet, Glen who saw James fall, continued to launch his attack, and this time he sat on top of James' body while hitting him.

"You dare insult me….

" Look…what you can do

"Ahhhh...you're impudent...let go...me...

"Stop talking and feel my fist….

" Ahhh….it hurts….stop….

Moment later...

"I'll make you remember what you did!!!!

Glen finally stopped hitting James, as he looked at his face which was now blue and injured.

"Okay, that's enough, Glen, he's learned," Adam intervened, even though he was quite surprised by what Glen had done.

"Okay, just leave this unworthy loser alone..." cursed and left the place under the extraordinary gazes of many of the students present.

There was surprise and fear in the students' eyes when they saw Glen, they didn't expect Glen to act so brutally and rudely.

Even though fights often occur in the magical world, they generally fight with magic, not bare hands like Glen, where he beats his opponent without being able to prepare.

This of course subverted what they understood, because generally those who attended royal magic schools were of noble status or rich and famous people, very few of them came from civilian circles.

So a fight like James and Glen's that was happening in front of them right now was very foreign to them, because if there was a dispute with each other they would have a noble duel like James did to Glen.

And James, who was now being beaten by Glen, felt pain all over his body. He who had liked to be pampered all his life, of course didn't have a good physique.

So when Glen attacked him he could only act passively, not to mention reporting this incident, he obviously couldn't because otherwise his punishment would be something very embarrassing.

And for the nobles it was worse than losing in a duel, as their family's image was damaged due to the incident.

Only then did he realize that he could now be said to be a joke because from start to finish it seemed like Glen was at a disadvantage.

But he was the real winner, the term "inlander" was clearly sometimes called on the school campus and if he was caught he would be punished quite severely, as for Glen.

Those who hit him physically because they were insulted would only be punished with light punishment, not to mention that this was witnessed by many other students.

And Glen, even though his identity as an inlander is now open, will not easily make other people insult him because his current actions are considered partly preventive.

Which is enough to make other people afraid and even distance themselves to a certain extent.

("You bastard, Glen,...wait for my revenge...I won't just let this happen...

Ahhh...I will repay you for this shame many times over!!!) burning revenge now filled James' heart.

He knew that he and his family's face had now been lost because of Glen, and he as the heir with the title of Viscount, of course couldn't just let this happen.

Because if not, he will definitely get punishment from his father.


"Glen you are amazing, where did you learn how to fight like that!!!" Adam was excited as he remembered the moment when Glen beat James so hard and fast.

"Ohhh...why indeed??" Glen asked again. Feeling better now, even though he knew there was a big possibility he would be punished but he wouldn't regret it.

Because for the sake of his future, he will definitely not make any compromises.

Moreover, it can be said that his goal has now clearly been achieved, even though his identity will now be spread, he knows that because of his actions, no one will easily produce him.

Even so, Glen became increasingly aware that he had to quickly master good attack magic so that when he was challenged he would be able to win and make his status high in the eyes of others.

"Yes, I want to learn, can you teach me Glen?" Adam asked excitedly as he imagined he would become as strong as Glen.

"Yes, in the initial stage you have to run 3 km every day, then continue with doing 100 push ups then 100 sit ups, do that for 1 month." When Glen told Adam the initial conditions that had to be done, he immediately turned pale and shook his head. strongly.

"No..no..no...Glen...you can't be so cruel to your friends, right!!" Adam complained to Glen.

"Yes, that's the initial requirement, Adam. It can't be reduced further whether you don't realize that a wizard with a good body is stronger than the average wizard," said Glen, explaining again.

"I know that, but all of that will only be resolved if I can learn good magic, so I'm not worried," said Adam again.

"Hey...you're relying too much on something that's not certain, Adam...but it's up to you, I'm just making a suggestion," Glen answered again without thinking much because Adam didn't want to, so he couldn't eat it.

"Okay... stop discussing that, let's have lunch first," said Glen again to Adam.

"Ahhh...you're right I feel hungry now" seeing that it was almost lunch time.

"Ohhh...I can't wait to taste the ice cream for dessert...I heard the ice cream on campus is really delicious!!!" Rubbing his stomach while imagining eating ice cream.

Not long after, they arrived at the hall again, and now the place where the food was served was completely filled with many types of food.

Seeing the many types of food, Glen became increasingly satisfied, and because it was midday he chose soup as a main course with the addition of steak and some fruit.

Meanwhile, Adam, who is a culinary lover, has greedily started filling his plate with bread, meat and pastries.

Feeling that it wasn't enough, he asked Glen to help bring his food, where he then also took soup and some snacks and ice cream dessert as he wanted.

Seeing so much food in front of him, Glenn couldn't stop thinking that Adam would once again become a refugee.

And while the two of them were enjoying their lunch, Marlon as usual came to where they were sitting and talked while eating his meal.

"I heard you beat up spoiled brat Glen?" Marlon asked.

"Oh…has it spread?" Glen asked calmly.

"Yes, it has spread throughout the Fire magic faculty," answered Marlon again.

"Then what is the other response?" Glen asked again.

"They think that you are too barbaric to fight with your hands," answered Marlon again.

"Oh... I see..." Glen became uninterested in continuing to ask questions.

"Be careful, Glen, someone won't be happy with you for doing that," Marlon warned Glen.

"Hu...why are you so afraid Marlon...let them come and I, Adam will help Glen!!" Adam interrupts and firmly states his support for Glen.

"You pig...you only know how to eat!!" Marlon mocked Adam but clearly in a joking tone.

"What do you mean little monkey!!! Now Adam doesn't want to lose in insulting Marlon.

"There is a strange group at this school who targets foreigners like Glen..." Marlon said again.

"Ehhhh...strange group...???" Glen became interested again.

"What group is that???" Adam asked also curious.

"They are called…..