

In front of their eyes at this time, the ground they were standing on suddenly rose very quickly, and immediately locked them all in it.

Seeing this, their leader, who was also a level 4 magician, immediately came to his senses and knew that if he let this happen then it was certain that he would die along with his men.

So then "fire element .... pillar of fire !!!" Taking advantage of the confusion that was between them all.

The magician then cast a spell and from there, thanks to the boost of his magic he managed to escape the confinement of the earth element attack.

And while he was still flying, he could see that the wall that suddenly surrounded them, then just collapsed.

"Booooooom" and buried the remaining 4 men alive.

Seeing that, he still couldn't find the whereabouts of his opponent.

The leader was clearly frustrated, some had now returned to standing on the ground.

Feeling of cold sweat, which flooded his entire body.