


There was only light in the beginning. Then came a fleeting moment of rest and a soft floating sensation. There was warmth and an underlying restlessness that made people want to let themselves go.

Why does it feel like I’m forgetting something?

What did I forget?

I did lose myself.

.—Who am I?

But what could it be—what could I have forgotten?

It started shivering unexpectedly before it had a chance to answer such questions.

Later, the cold became apparent to its mind. A piercing chill. Such was the nature of a newborn baby's first contact with warm water. Not that there was enough time to realize it.

However, the sudden onslaught of strange but previously familiar sensations brought on a panic. In the midst of a violent struggle for air, it started to writhe in agony at the same time. As the body, every cell, and the lungs cried out for oxygen, the pain was almost intolerable. All it could do was thrash around, unable to calm down enough to think clearly.

There was nothing to do but writhe in agony due to the overloaded, unresponsive senses that had been ravaged by pain. It quickly passed out from being strangled by these things.

The body sobbed instinctively, totally free of the feelings of a human that hadn't cried in ages.

Awareness diminished, and the idea of oneself became hazy. It saw the teal light as soon as it awoke.

Everything appeared distorted, as if seen through incorrectly-prescribed glasses, or perhaps it was blurry vision.

Even though it had been out of touch with human emotions for so long, the clouded vision bothered it.

Even basic shapes couldn't be made out. And all it could make out in the pitch-black space beyond the teal blue light were white shapes.

A large cylindrical glass tank that was cyan blue in color and had transparent tubes running beneath it shone brightly in the shadowy space.

"Executing ether base to hatch."

It sounded like a robot voice from a science experiment as an artificial voice resounded throughout the pitch-black space.


From the tubes below, blue fluids poured in at a rapid rate, entering the enormous tube.

"Incorporating ether structures".

While popping from the top, sapphire blue bubbles rushed from the tank's bottom.

"Structuring humanoid form".

A speck of DNA structures was created by the accumulation of particles.

As light particles gathered and formed a small baby, a formless milky-red blob rumbled.

"Procedures Successful".

The baby floated in the tank as the blue liquid evaporated into clear white.

"Analyzing subject number 101".

Running up and down the glass tank in a pulsing pattern were horizontal blue lines that lit up.

"No anomalies were discovered. The subject is safe."

One seemed to emerge from the shadows as a strange figure. A wrinkled, balding old man with white beards surrounding him. With a walking stick that appeared to support his legs, he leaped toward the glass tank.

"It's finally here, so please stop starring and start talking."

Over his remarks, an unidentified man—who appeared to be staring at someone else—replied by opening the tank, wrapping the baby in a soft white cloth, and then leaving the room.

It was struck with complete confusion after nearly three years of objective time and after beginning to reclaim its sense of self.

This vessel couldn't hold awareness for long, and a memory of being placed in it hadn't yet done so.

What happened to me?

As a result, when its waning consciousness just barely picked up on an infant's cries, it thought the cries were shameful but couldn't fathom why.

Babies undoubtedly cry, while mature adults may not. Instead of being hated, infants were supposed to be protected and given equal opportunities. So, with a deep sense of relief, it relegated the hazy shame to a recess of its mind and attributed it to a lack of conscious awareness.

When a vague sense of comprehension finally returned the next time, it was completely confused, which was not surprising. If memory serves, it ought to have been below a frozen lake. But when I woke up, I discovered that it was somehow inside a massive structure, having its mouth cleaned by a white, mask-wearing figure who appeared to be a nurse. If this was a hospital, it would be safe to assume it had been an accident and that the person had been saved. Injury may also be the cause of blurry vision.

However, as the lighting improved, it could now clearly see nuns wearing white masks. And the proper lighting, apparently.

Unless things were not as they seemed, the light came from high cellular sources.

"Say, ahh..."

At the same time, it observed the odd condition of the appliances close by.

This was a room filled with electronics in a society where it was considered impossible to be discreet. They are either humans or aliens.

But—why am I there with them?

"Good job!"

It was challenging to comprehend the situation. Confusion only grew worse.

"Now dear, here comes the last spoon!"

I do not comprehend. That was the exact issue. The spoon the nun held out was not noticed because of this. Naturally, even if it had, it would never have dared to imagine accepting the food being offered.

But it unconsciously accepted it. The spoon was undoubtedly intended for this.

It was a scoop of jelly cubes that had been stewed into mush and cut into bite-sized pieces. But that one spoonful also brought the truth to unknowing—stewed veggies.

The nun had only put that in its mouth. The act of motherly love only made matters more confusing for the person in question. However what made it worse was what the nun said next.

"Another full week of healthy diet, stable growth chart, no abnormalities…"

As the nun's voice continued to race with all these words, it eventually lost itself.

And the essence of its existence came to question.

Or to put it in another way, a query came forth from the core of its being—who am I?

If a soul were to be defined at this point, one might say that it was the essence of something that had been cultivated and created. You could argue that a soul is a natural phenomenon in this regard.

The physical manifestation of it was a human body, which is referred to as the "twin" of a person's soul. Simply put, the self—a spirit—had to exist in its very soul and in its physical body.

The body serves as the vessel, the soul as the essence, and the spirit as the self.

All of which together forms its existence.

But was what it experienced truly real? It was unclear. And this uncertainty was what confused it the most.

Perhaps, it might even be the cause of a lack of self-confidence and doubt regarding its identity.

Naturally, it was unable to verify the existence and identity of such a person. It only had facts about a person's existence—information that was reliable and what it saw in the physical world—to base its decisions on.