
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

KLUX · สยองขวัญ
137 Chs

Chapter 4: Escaped

Because of the commotion earlier, zombies from the outside gathered here, looking at those two, they will just be a burden if they helped me, I need to face them alone…

They are 4 of them, all adults, 3 men and a woman, they are covered in blood… Goddammit, gripping to the emergency axe, I face them alone.

All of them rushed at me!! I stood there, waiting for them, the first zombie got near me, I kicked him, but then another came! They are not letting me rest! I swing the emergency axe sideways, cutting his head.. zombies' weakness are their heads, which are already very common!

And I was right! He died on the spot! Celebrating now will kill me! I should not let my guard down, the three of them rushed to me all at once, I swing my axe downwards to the zombie who rushed in front of me, wrecking his head, however I have no time to pull it as the two are close to me.

I pull back, using the gun. Here is suicide! It will only attract other zombies, on my waist, I pulled the knife I took in the Barrack's kitchen earlier, I'm planning on giving this to Amy but I got no time and put it on my waist.

With the kitchen knife with me, I put my left foot ahead and my back foot on back, like a boxing stans, having the knife on my right hand. The two zombies got close and attacked me aimlessly. I dodge the first zombie and stab the other one.

"Oh shit!" I forgot! Amy and Steff!! I immediately looked back and saw Steff hit the other zombie with a baseball bat. I immediately went there and stabbed the zombie before he could even get on his feet.

"Thank God, you two are okay" I said in relief, If I ever lose this two, I don't even know what to do anymore… "Let's get out here immediately, take Amy with you, she seems shock after what happened"

She looks like a lifeless body. She must've been shocked, "Where are we going?" Steff asked curiously as she lift Amy on her back. Steff is athletic, so she has a lot of stamina, Amy is probably around 61kg. She's really slowing us down… the fck am I saying? That she's a burden??? What's wrong with me!?

"Hey, Souta, you okay?" Steff asked as she saw me getting angry on myself. She must've been worried.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. We should find a way to get away from this town first, I know a place we could settle down away from any settlement. It should be safe there, "

"It's good that you have a plan in mind, but I think we need to hurry up. That gate won't stand up forever."

"Yeah, let's go then,"

There is a parking lot near the back gate, it's where students and teachers park their vehicles, it may be useful however, I don't think we could even get out from the town with a vehicle, we'll probably cause attention and I'm sure that the roads are probably blocked off by broken cars.

But with Amy with us, we need to immediately find a place to stay, while walking we saw 5 zombies eating a teacher who is in his car, the door is open, he must've tried to scape.

We could use that car to scape and find a place to stay for now, we really need to rest as Amy is being a burden… zombies around the parking lot isn't a lot they are just around a dozen, also those 5 zombies that eating that man, I don't think I still have the stamina to kill them.

Steff is already tired, mentally and physically. I need to end this fast. I took out the Glock in my back and aimed at them, "Hey, are you sure? You know that noise will attract attention, " Steff said, looking at me.

"Don't worry, we'll immediately leave once I killed them,"

"…., do it fast,"

"I know." I then reloaded the glock and pointed at those zombies. It's my luck that father taught me how to use a gun. Clear my mind, take a deep breath, sighed… steady, aim, shoot!

Bang! One down, dammit it's too loud, they are coming, the zombies that are eating the teacher have now focused on me, bang! Two down, the three rushed at me, my hands are fcking shaking! Bang! Shit! I missed it! Focus, focus, aim, Bang! Now, only two left, I took the emergency axe that I put on the ground, rushed to them, smashing the one nearer, and took out the knife on my waist and stabbed the other.

"Let's get out of here!" I said as I took the emergency axe from the zombie's corpse. We immediately went to the car, and as I'm taking out the teacher's body, which was inside the driver's seat, it became a zombie!! Shit! I immediately let out of it however he got a hold of my hand, "!!!!!" I'm panicking!!

At the last second before I got bitten, Steff who is in the passenger seat stab the zombie on the head, "Hahhhhhh…" I sighed heavily, "thanks" I said and pull out the zombie's corpse out of the car, I search his pockets and got his wallet, I took it with me.

The keys are already put in the car, I started it and drove away from the school! "Shit, that was a close one." we can now finally take it easy for now.

"Yeah… it was the right choice to trust you, Souta. Thank you for saving us…" Steff said, being sincere.

"It's nothing. You two are the most important people to me… Even if I have to kill a person just to save you two, I'll do it." The atmosphere changed

It's not all fun and games. This is about our lives on the line! There's no going back. Once you've been bitten, it's all over. That's why we need to take this seriously.

In just a few minutes, Souta stopped the car. "We should rest here for now. Let's continue tomorrow," he parked the car in an alley for them to rest. The space is enough to fit the car.

The school's parking lot had 2 routes, one going to the right and to the left, the right one is going away from the town, while the left is going inside the town, and Souta chose the left side, as that is where the place they need to be.

The left highway is actually just a straight path to the exit of the town, however, since this is well known, I'm sure that place is filled with cars, that's why I chose to park first to rest and continue in the afternoon.

I'm worried about Amy as well. She passed out for a while now, and we need to drive our way through my house, there is. Path there going towards my goal.

And I plan to spend the night there for the day, I parked just near the school but it's at least 1km away, this alley is not well known and not really in the main road so we should not get spotted from here.

"We can relax for now -" Bang Bang! Gun shots starts to become common, it's probably from the police station, in front of the School is the police station after all, they probably get the idea that they needed to kill them in act of self defense.

"What's going on…?" Amy woked up! Steff hugged her immediately after she woke up, "I'm glad… I'm glad you're okay!" Steff said, hugging her tightly

"Steff, she just woke up, you're hugging her so tightly" I said as I laugh, "I'm glad you're okay, Amy" I said sincerely, I don't know why, but I thought of her as a burden earlier, I'm such a fcking scumbag…

"Steff, please… I can't breathe.."

"Ah! My bad… I'm glad… you're okay. " All fun and games, then Steff starts crying.. "I'm glad… Sob sob." she's really crying.

"Steff… stop it" Then Amy starts to cry as well, it becomes dramatic, I'm not really a dramatic man, but why is my eyes liquidy… this sucks, even thou I told to myself that I will act strong for them…

The three of us silently cried…
























Looking back to it, I killed more than a dozens of people already… I know they are now zombies and it's an act of self defense… however, I still have this feeling of being uncertain, feeling that what if they can be cured? Then does that make me a murderer?

It's been a few hours since then, these thoughts come to my mind as we take a rest, we already finished eating, it's the foods we got in the barracks earlier..

"We should get going. It's now 1 pm. We still have a long way to go," I said while the two of them just finished eating.

"Where exactly are we going, Souta?" Amy asked. She must be curious. After all, I'm so determined

"We should first take a rest in my house, we're also going there anyways, and besides, I want to take something there."

Amy said, "If you said so,"

I asked Amy, "How are you feeling, Amy?"

She answered, "I'm okay now compared to earlier… I'm sorry I was a burden earlier.. Steff even carries me on her back.." she must've been feeling guilty thinking she is a burden earlier..

Steff reassure her, "Amy, it's okay, your reaction was normal, even I would be shocked after the incident earlier… however I saw Souta, he faced 4 zombies on his own just to save us… after seeing that I was moved, I thought to myself, 'He's really strong and cool for that' that's why I got the courage to be strong for us, Amy, become strong, I know that you can do it"

She really reassured her… "Thank you… I promise, I won't be a burden anymore," Amy replied with a determination on her eyes. Now, with the 3 of us working together, we should be able to get there!