
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

KLUX · สยองขวัญ
137 Chs

Chapter 129: Hero

The lampposts flickered in sync with the collective gasp that swept through the onlookers. The air, thick with dread, seemed to still as if holding its breath. The scent of metal from the unsheathed sword hung heavy, a stark reminder of the lethal precipice they teetered on.

From the shadows emerged Souta, the king of Lunaria, his figure commanding the attention of the entire square. The scent of regality accompanied him, an intangible aura of authority that filled the space around him. His steps were deliberate, resonating against the cobblestone ground, each one echoing the weight of his position.

"Your Majesty..." Jana uttered, her voice a blend of surprise and reverence. As realization dawned on her, she raised her voice, commanding all in attendance. "It's His Majesty! BOW DOWN!" The square quivered with the sudden motion as soldiers and citizens alike descended from the platform, their collective submission to the higher authority palpable.

Souta, now at the center of attention, observed the scene with a measured gaze. The lampposts cast a glow upon his regal attire, emphasizing the symbols of Lunaria that adorned him. The taste of authority permeated the air, as those who had moments ago kneeled in allegiance to Jana now acknowledged a higher power.

The tactile sense of obedience vibrated through the square as everyone lowered themselves, a ripple effect of humility. The texture of the cold ground against their knees served as a reminder of their submission to the king's will.

As Souta surveyed the bowed heads, the emotions of the onlookers painted a complex portrait — relief, fear, and an undercurrent of curiosity. The wind, carrying the scent of impending rain, whispered through the square, adding an ethereal quality to the unfolding drama.

In that moment, the town square became a stage for the interplay of power dynamics, with the lampposts bearing witness to the shifting tides of allegiance. The air crackled with the anticipation of Souta's next move, leaving the citizens and soldiers suspended in a liminal space between rebellion and submission.

Souta, the king of Lunaria, moved with deliberate grace as he walked past the bowed heads, his steps echoing against the cobblestone ground. The lampposts, casting a subdued glow, threw elongated shadows that danced with the rhythmic movement of his entourage.

The air, thick with tension, seemed to shift as Souta ascended the platform. The scent of regality accompanied him, an almost tangible aura of authority that pervaded the space. The lamplight highlighted the symbols of Lunaria on his attire, emphasizing his role as the arbiter of power.

Arriving at the center of the platform, he turned to face the crowd, soldiers flanking him on either side. The square below lay in hushed anticipation, the scent of uncertainty mingling with the cool breeze that rustled through the worn-down structures.

"Rise," Souta commanded, his voice cutting through the silence with an authority that hung in the air. The onlookers, still on their knees, felt the weight of his words, and as they slowly stood, the tactile sense of submission lingered.

The lampposts flickered, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow on the faces of those below. Souta surveyed the citizens and soldiers with a measured gaze, his eyes reflecting the complexity of the moment. The taste of obedience and the undertones of fear were palpable, carried by the breeze that swept through the square.

As the people rose, the platform became a stage where power dynamics played out against the backdrop of a town in flux. The lamplight, now a steady glow, outlined the contours of Souta's figure, emphasizing the singular authority he held.

Souta, the imposing king of Lunaria, strode with purpose across the platform, commanding attention with each step. His attire, a testament to his regal authority, adorned him in a black uniform intricately embellished with symbols of Lunaria. The crescent moon, stars, and mountains were meticulously embroidered on his chest, catching the lamplight and shimmering as he moved.

The black uniform, tailored with precision, accentuated the lines of his figure, lending an air of both strength and elegance. The symbols on his chest, each representing a facet of Lunaria's power, gleamed with subtle opulence against the dark fabric, conveying a message of sovereignty that lingered in the minds of those who beheld him.

As Souta stood at the center of the platform, his attire became a visual representation of Lunaria's dominion. The crescent moon, a symbol of grace and continuity, echoed the grace with which he moved. The stars, scattered like diamonds, hinted at the celestial authority he wielded, while the mountains embodied the steadfastness of Lunaria's rule.

The lampposts cast a steady glow, illuminating the details of his attire. The fine craftsmanship of his uniform and the symbols emblazoned upon it served as a silent proclamation of Lunaria's might. The scent of authority clung to him, carried by the breeze that rustled through the square, a subtle reminder of the power vested in the king.

Souta's appearance, a blend of refined aesthetics and commanding symbolism, left an indelible impression on the citizens and soldiers who bore witness to the changing dynamics in the town square. The tactile sense of the fabric, the visual impact of his regal presence, and the auditory resonance of his voice melded into a sensory experience that etched Lunaria's dominance into the collective memory of Skullblades.

As Souta's resonant voice lingered in the cool night air, the lampposts continued to cast their steady glow, creating pools of light that interplayed with the shadows beneath. The symbols adorning his black uniform gleamed, capturing the attention of every gaze fixed upon him.

The scent of tension and uncertainty permeated the square, carried by the breeze that whispered through the worn-down structures. The citizens and soldiers, standing in the aftermath of defiance, felt the weight of Souta's ultimatum. The air carried the taste of an impending decision, a choice between submission to Lunaria's rule or the grim reality of becoming enemies.

Souta's eyes, a piercing gaze that surveyed the crowd, caught the reflections of lamplight as he awaited the response of the onlookers. The visual tableau painted a picture of a town held captive by the intersection of power and resistance.

The tactile sense of anticipation hung in the air, as citizens and soldiers shifted uncomfortably on the cobblestone ground. The platform, a symbolic stage of authority, echoed with the distant murmurs of uncertainty, the shuffling of feet adding a subtle rhythm to the ambient sounds.

Souta's ultimatum, a choice between submission and defiance, reverberated through the square. The gusts of wind carried the subtle scent of rain, intensifying the sensory experience. The atmosphere, charged with the gravity of the decision at hand, invoked a collective holding of breaths, the heartbeat of the town seemingly synchronized with the unspoken pulse of submission or rebellion.

In the ensuing silence, the citizens and soldiers stood suspended in a liminal space, caught between the lamplight's glow and the shadows that clung to the periphery. The town square, once a symbol of defiance, now awaited the collective response that would determine the course of Skullblades' fate in the grip of Lunaria's dominance.

The gunshot shattered the fragile silence, sending shockwaves through the town square. The metallic tang of gunpowder filled the air, intertwining with the scent of damp cobblestone and the subtle fragrance of nearby flora. Citizens and soldiers alike recoiled, their senses jolted by the unexpected eruption of violence.

Amidst the chaos, the air resonated with a chilling echo of the shooter's defiant cry, "Die!" The lamplights flickered erratically, casting erratic shadows that danced across the cobblestone ground, mirroring the collective unrest.

In that moment of upheaval, the true astonishment unfolded. Souta, the king of Lunaria, stood unperturbed, his gaze unwavering. The taste of indifference lingered, a subtle reminder of the power he wielded and the calculated calmness with which he faced threats. The lampposts continued to cast their steady glow, illuminating the unfolding drama with a spectral brilliance.

Beside Souta, the enigmatic Ai, a woman android with capabilities surpassing human limits, emerged as the unsung hero. Holding her blade with precision, she intercepted the speeding bullet, the metallic clash resonating through the square. The visual spectacle unfolded like a carefully choreographed dance, capturing the attention of the stunned onlookers.

The tactile sense of tension reached its zenith as the citizens and soldiers watched in awe. The cobblestone ground beneath their feet felt solid, grounding them in the reality of the unexpected turn of events. The cool night breeze carried the whispers of shock and disbelief, ruffling through the clothing of those who stood witness to the unfolding drama.

The soldiers, trained and disciplined, reacted swiftly. They apprehended the would-be assailant, their movements a synchronized ballet of restraint. The scent of sweat mingled with the faint aroma of rain, adding an extra layer to the sensory tapestry of the moment.

As the would-be assailant was subdued, the square regained a semblance of order, albeit a tense one. The lamplights cast a renewed glow, highlighting the complex emotions etched on the faces of the citizens and soldiers. The town square, bathed in the aftermath of the gunshot, now stood as a stage where Lunaria's dominance, fortified by the stoic presence of Souta and the formidable Ai, was reaffirmed amidst the echoes of defiance.

Amidst the lingering tension, Allen's authoritative shout cut through the commotion like a thunderclap "Stop!!!!" The lampposts flickered in response, casting an erratic dance of shadows across the cobblestone ground as the town square pivoted its attention toward the once-defiant leader.