
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

KLUX · สยองขวัญ
137 Chs

Chapter 1: The Disaster

[ Kingdom Building In Apocalypse]

The once-familiar streets now echo with haunting moans as the relentless horde of zombies roams freely. Skyscrapers, once symbols of human achievement, stand as eerie monuments to a world now plunged into chaos.

Abandoned cars line the roads, remnants of a frantic escape that proved futile for many. The stench of decay lingers in the air, a constant reminder of the gruesome fate that befell those who couldn't outrun the relentless undead.

Every step is a gamble, every shadow a potential threat. Resources are scarce, and the once bustling stores are now picked clean by desperate survivors. The occasional distant scream punctuates the oppressive silence, a chilling testament to the ongoing struggle for survival.

The survivors, a motley crew from different walks of life, form makeshift alliances in a bid to endure. Trust is a rare commodity, as the line between friend and foe blurs in this nightmarish landscape. Each passing day brings new challenges, forcing them to adapt and evolve in the face of an unimaginable apocalypse.

Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of hope remains. A rumor of a safe haven circulates among the survivors, a distant sanctuary that promises refuge from the relentless onslaught. It becomes a beacon of salvation, driving the battered souls forward, even as the world around them crumbles.

In this grim reality, the question lingers: Will humanity find a way to reclaim what was lost, or are they destined to become mere echoes in the post-apocalyptic abyss?

The Disaster

Chapter 1: By Klux

I am Souta, an ordinary senior high. You can see everywhere, I live in a small town near the mountains, I have 1 sister, but she and my parents live in the city.

I live alone in my old grandparents house, unfortunately they passed away since I was still little, me and my family used to visit here, however, because of my father's work, we need to stay in the city.

When I become 18, I choose to live alone, and decided to stay in my grandparents house to study but maybe when I go to college I'll move to the city, with my parents, I look at the TV while preparing to go to school.

[ Reporting there is a virus rapidly spreading around the world, If is said to be airborne! We advise everyone to wear a mask when going outside, this virus has been rapidly spreading in the entire world, almost half of the population is infected with this disease, so please be careful and if you ever have a high fever please go to the nearest hospital immediately ] the girl reporter said while wearing a mask, standing in the empty city. It seems that the people there had quarantined themselves to not be affected by the virus.


It was a notification sound that came from my phone, I took my phone from my pocket. It was a meme that the virus will be the start of the zombie apocalypse

I said, "Hmm, apocalypse, huh? well, if there is any, I know what to do." While spreading a jam on the bread, To be honest, I am someone who always overthink something, so if the apocalypse happened, I'm already prepared.

If it's the famous zombie apocalypse in the movie, then it's an easy solution, noh? Just go to an island and live there. Those zombies won't be able to swim anyway. Thou, the ocean is far from here, this is a countryside after all, maybe in the mountains? Or something-

The alarm on his phone starts to vibrate on the table, [ 7:00 AM: You are late btch ] "Damn, I'm harsh on myself, aren't I?" I said, disappointed on myself on what I'm doing.

"Zombie Apocalypse huh…" I giggled and said, "Like it will happen," sighed on myself in being childish , and I still think about something like that. "I should get going,"

Suddenly, someone came burging into Souta's house. "Hey! What are you doing!?? We're fcking late! Hurry the fck up! we don't have all day!" a girl said, she has this loud voice, ever since we're child, if I were to describe her then she's an energetic girl and always cares about others, she is an airhead that almost got a zero on our test.

Her name is Amelia I call her Amy, she has this blonde hair, blue eyes, and around 5'2 in height, she can immediately be a celebrity with her looks, however she has this carefree attitude that I hate, when it comes to others she looks like an angel but when it comes to me, she's like a child that always shout and complain all the time. She always laze around and doesn't do anything unless eating and watching anime.

In her side, she's the one who giggled her name is Steffanie I call her Steff, she is the exact opposite of Amy not talkative, nor energetic, she always has this cold aura, as she is cold to others but surprisingly when it comes to us she seems to behave like a normal girl, she is a smart and a straightforward girl.

Having Black hair, around 5'5 She's also athletic and always does the household. These two live by their selves, unlike mine, their parents work abroad, living the two of them.

These two are my childhood friends, my family and theirs are close friends, that's why we also got close because of them.

We used to play when we were kids in the playground, and because of that, we became so close to each other

Amy said, "Hey! Stop staring at us and keep moving!" shouting and complaining

"Yeah, yeah," I said, brushing it off, I went and unplugged the television on the living room and got my backpack on the sofa.

Having the bread on my mouth, I said, "Alwarth Les, go!" (Alright, let's go!)

Steff said, "Souta, finish your food first before talking," reminding me that it's a bad manner to talk while having food in my mouth.

I replied, "HAHAHA, is fone! Ish fone!" (It's fine, it's fine." Laughing, she's really like a mother like girl.

Amy sighed, "Stop caring about him. Let's go already!" Amy said, annoyed.

We left the house, and walk towards the school, it's just near here, around 1 km away, our house is close to the road, we don't have any service so we walk towards the school, it's a good exercise before going to the school.

As a gentleman, I follow the sidewalk rule, and I'm proud of it! The school starts at 7:30, that's why we should already be walking in 7:00 or else we'll get late, I finished eating my bread, and talk to them.

"Hey, you two look good in the new uniform." The uniform is a black skirt and a white polo, with the school name imprinted on it.

Amy said, "Stop looking you perv," with an eyes looking at me with discussed

Steff burge in, "You should already stop talking to Souta like that. You're not like that in the past, you know," Steff said, caring for me.

"Steff is right, You used to be always sticking and clingy to me when we were-" before I could even finished my sentence Amy just walk faster and cover her ears with her hands while screaming, "Lalalalala! I can't hear you! Lalalala"

"Is that the effect of adulting?" Steff asked in curiosity

I laughed at it, "HAHAAH! Maybe she's usually like that, noh? Ever since we have become high school students, she's been harsh on me. "

"Maybe something happened?" Steff, think about it curiously. We both don't have a clue about what happened as to why she's acting like that.

Ting! Another notification from my phone, I pull my phone on my pocket and see what it was, it's another meme about the zombie apocalypse, it seems like it becomes serious as it's the hot topic now.

I brought up the topic as I thought it's interesting, "Hey, did you two hear about the zombie apocalypse that has been going around the internet?" I asked

Amy said, "Ah, the thing that everyone was saying at the start of the apocalypse? It won't happen so relax, " assuring me as she looks back, "hurry it up already. "

Amy said that but she was wrong that day was the start of the apocalypse, in the social media, when Souta thought was just a meme, it was not, even the news are airing it all over the world, the start of extinction of humanity!

We managed to arrive at the school in time, on the gate: "I'll be going here then, Goodluck you two," I said, smiling at them. They both smiled back and said, "Good luck too!" And we walk separate ways. The two of them are in the same section. However, unlucky I was, I got separated from them.

Hi there! i want to hear your thoughts and opinions to the story. I also like it if you were to point out my mistakes, I'm open to any criticism. thank you

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