
Reign of Evil: Tales of Villainy

I have no intention of establishing premium contracts for this book, so readers can rest assured! Your satisfaction in reading will not incur any costs!!!! I simply ask that you spread the word to your friends so we can embark on this journey together!!!!!! Embark on an unforgettable journey with Johnny, a brilliant young scientist mysteriously transported to a medieval world filled with intrigue and charm. With his sister Cecilia by his side, Johnny navigates a tumultuous society divided into three classes: aristocracy, devout clergy, and humble peasants. Beneath their humble façade lies a dark secret marked by a mysterious symbol they all share. As Johnny faces the challenges of this new realm, his insatiable curiosity fuels an unrelenting quest for knowledge and discovery. Interwoven with the history of this medieval world, Johnny brings with him memories of a distant past where he was a talented scientist in a technologically advanced world. In this previous world, heroes with incredible abilities, similar to those in comic books, protected society and fought monstrous threats. However, a groundbreaking scientific discovery led him to an experiment that transcended the barriers of space and time, leading him to his current fate. Now, he must balance his thirst for knowledge with his survival in this new world filled with surprises, mysteries, and dangers. As his journey unfolds, Johnny faces difficult choices, often prioritizing the pursuit of truth over ethical concerns. His burning ambition leads him to commit controversial acts, challenging conventional notions of right and wrong. Johnny demonstrates an insatiable thirst for knowledge, willing to sacrifice ethical principles and traditional values in his quest for truth. This dark aspect of his character makes him a profoundly intriguing character, leading him to explore uncharted territories and question morality in the name of science and discovery. The character is cold and calculating, and does everything to achieve his goals. The chapter release frequency will be 3-4 chapters per week! My mother tongue is not English, I think this work will need a proofreader in the future.

Jonas321 · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Just Another Unforgettable Day

The chief rubbed his eyes, incredulous at the sight of that small child. He could hardly believe what he was seeing, muttering, "He's a boy who can't be more than three winters old!"

The boy's posture was remarkably fearless, rivaling that of an experienced warrior. His intense blue eyes shone with a determination that seemed to capture the very essence of the sky, like a force of nature in human form.

The boy's light brown hair danced in the wind, in perfect harmony with the breeze that swept across the fields.

The chief, momentarily captivated by this intriguing sight, couldn't help but wonder about the young one's potential. How could someone so young possess such skill and confidence?

However, this brief admiration was soon replaced by a wave of intense anger. The chief of the bandits realized that this boy, the same one who had put him under so much pressure, was responsible for the death of his brother. Now, he had a target, and nothing would stop him until his brother's blood was avenged.

Johnny, with his tense expression, understood that he had lost his greatest advantage at that moment: the element of surprise. The eyes of his opponent, which had previously displayed surprise and disbelief, now burned with deep and overwhelming hatred. It was as if all the heat of the sun had been concentrated into a look full of resentment and vengeance.

Johnny's heart pounded erratically, and adrenaline coursed through his veins as he faced the fearsome leader of the bandits. Each move of the opponent was like a calculated dance of death, and he knew that the slightest mistake would cost him his life.

As his eyes met those of the furious bandit, Johnny couldn't help but utter a whisper, an intimate reflection mixed with the sound of the echoing strikes around him. He blamed himself for not keeping his talent a secret, aware that impatience had taken over him. Johnny contemplated the existence of numerous individuals with extraordinary talents in this vast world, realizing that his gift was just one among thousands. The desire to explore his potential had brought him face to face with a formidable opponent, with reduced chances of survival.

However, in the midst of self-reflection, Johnny understood that lamenting the past would get him nowhere. He realized that life, even full of risks, needed to be lived to the fullest. He knew there was no turning back and that he was cornered in a life-or-death situation where everything would be decided in a matter of seconds. With a resigned sigh, Johnny whispered to himself, "Now it's all or nothing! I really hate doing this!"

Johnny watched a magical pentagram appear before his eyes. He threw a stone against his own left hand, which rose to intercept the object. He felt the impact and let out a groan of pain. "Argh!" He wasted no time and used his spatial storage talent to make the stone disappear. The palm of his hand bled, but he knew it was the cost of increasing the kinetic energy of the object.

Johnny took a deep breath and prepared for the next attack. The stone reappeared from another pentagram, flying much faster. It hit his hand again, then vanished, opening an even larger wound. He cried out in pain but also in satisfaction.

"I believe I can endure two more times!" Johnny smiled sadistically, despite the throbbing pain in his bloody hand. He was fully aware that with each throw, the kinetic energy of the stone doubled, resulting in a 40% increase in speed compared to the previous throw.

Johnny's precise knowledge of the mechanics of his talent was a vital asset. With fierce determination, he was willing to endure another round of self-inflicted throws, aware that the challenge he had created for himself was becoming even more dangerous. The smile on Johnny's face was a mix of excitement and determination, a constant reminder that he was willing to push his talent to the limit.

While the boy agonized over the blows against himself, the chief of the bandits felt a growing sense of strangeness at this unusual strategy. His curiosity began to awaken, stealing precious seconds needed for Johnny to complete the energy absorption.

"It's your end!" Johnny whispered, with a firm and provocative look. He felt his hand pulsate with pain and blood gush out, exposing tendons and bones from the impact. Johnny's eyes burned with a flame of resolution for what would come next.

The scene unfolding was so peculiar that the chief of the bandits couldn't look away, even though it made him question the logic behind the boy's behavior.

Johnny once again launched a frenetic series of attacks, throwing numerous stones in quick succession at the bandit leader. However, the bandit easily evaded the objects, as if they were harmless toys. His reflexes and agility were impressive, and the stones seemed to pose no threat now, as he had become accustomed to Johnny's pattern and speed of attacks.

That's when the bandit chief, with a mocking and malicious smile, yelled, "Give up, kid! Uncle promises not to hurt you as long as you behave!" His words carried a tone that mixed sarcasm with a veiled threat.

The child pointed to the sky and, with intense concentration, conjured a massive, massive stone, weighing several tons, which began to slowly descend onto the bandit leader.

The eyes of the bandit leader followed the stone's movement, and a smug smile spread across his face. He was convinced the child had no more tricks, especially considering the repetition of the previous attack. With an air of superiority, he proclaimed, "Silly boy! You've used this trick before! Now, it's harmless to me!"

The gigantic stone continued its relentless descent, so Johnny held his breath, waiting for the right moment to reveal his bold move. His heart raced, and he knew he had a single chance of survival.

The bandit chief, wielding his aura sword with mastery, struck the air with devastating force. The magical steel of the blade sliced through the air with a cutting hiss, splitting the massive stone into two massive parts before it could hit him. The fragments fell heavily to the ground, causing a tremendous vibration and raising clouds of dust that obscured the view for a moment.

When the dust cloud finally obstructed the vision of the bandit chief, Johnny saw the opportunity he had been waiting for. With a gleam in his eyes and deep concentration, he activated a small rune that launched a bloodied stone toward his opponent. This stone was at least 3.8 times faster than the previous attacks, cutting through the air in the blink of an eye and leaving a red trail on its path toward the chief.

The bandit chief barely had time to react, surprised by Johnny's sudden change in strategy. He tried to raise his aura sword to block the projectile, but the stone was too fast. It struck the bandit chief's head with devastating force.

"Pow!" A thunderous sound echoed across the battlefield.

The object hit the bandit chief's head with devastating force, exploding into several pieces. It created a rain of brain matter that splattered all around. Some of these brain fragments even hit the chief's henchman, Luiz, who looked horrified as bits of brain matter sprayed over him.

Johnny exclaimed with a triumphant smile on his face, "You didn't lose to me, but to science! Thank you, kinetic energy!" His words reflected admiration for the power of science and the ingenuity that had led him to victory. However, to set his ingenious plan in motion, Johnny had to make a painful sacrifice - his own arm.