

Come with me, to a world even I don't know that well. Maybe we can unravel some mysteries or...we can just try to stay alive. No one said that this was going to be easy.

MerAki · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Doing Something...

When Rei opened his eyes, he noticed slight little flickers of light under the door back to the room from the bathroom. He loosened his grip on the black box in his arms, his hand started paining more, and his feet began stinging intensely. It seemed as though the adrenaline of yesterday had worn off. Rei mustered up all the energy he had in his body to get up and then slowly limped towards the exit with the black box in his hand. Once he re-entered the room, it had become apparent to him that his makeshift curtain had fallen. The sun shined brightly in his eyes.

Rei put his hand wrapped in his bloody hospital gown above his head to block the sun and take a look outside. Most of the creatures he had seen yesterday had disappeared, but he could still hear things screaming and screeching out somewhere in the distance. Rei then turned his attention towards the mysterious black box. Food..., Food please, he thought as he slid the cap off of the black box. Inside he saw nothing but a small booklet with the title:


English Final Project

Book of Myself

By: Rei Hykua


Rei pulled out the thin booklet. It looked cheap. Really? An English Project? You've got to be kidding me. How the hell is this even helpful? He thought as he rolled it up and put it in the back pocket of his jeans before dropping the box on the floor. "If I want to live, I ought to do something," he said to himself as he turned his head towards the window. "I know it might be scary, but honestly, how am I going to poop my pants if I have nothing in my belly to poop," he said in a sarcastic tone and a grin as he limped across the creature he had killed to avoid the broken glass. He reached the edge of the window and looked down. Luckily he was on the first story. He jumped out of the window.

He felt the bottom of his bare cut-up feet touch the warm cement as he tightened the hospital gown around his hand and looked at the abandoned city. Plants were growing out of the concrete road. Some of the buildings were broken and knocked over, and others seemed reduced to rubble. Cars piled up on top of each other. Some were even flipped upside down and lettered across the street. What the hell? Rei thought. He did not know where the creatures he had seen the previous night had gone, but this was quite convenient for him. He did not waste any time he started walking. Rei didn't exactly know where he was going, but he knew he was hungry.

He passed many places. Some places seemed familiar to him, but his head was a puzzle, and whenever he tried to put the pieces together, his head started to hurt, and everything seemed to crumble. He passed buildings and parking lots covered in vines. He would constantly look at the ground, for there was rubble everywhere, and he did not have any footwear. He could hear some strange banging and racketing sounds inside some of the buildings. Almost as if something was rummaging through the clutter, but he could not tell for sure.

After seemingly limping around aimlessly, Rei had arrived at what looked like an abandoned grocery store. All the windows were, broken and the doors were swung open. He didn't know how he got here, but he didn't care. He limped his way inside. Once he entered inside, he noticed most of the shelves were empty with nothing but dust and ripped plastic food wrappers spread across the store. He went through aisle after aisle, but he never found anything edible. Damn..., he thought as he ran his fingers across the dusty, empty shelves. His legs were shaking. He felt like falling and giving up. Just when it had seemed defeat had gotten the better of him, he got an idea, or maybe it was a last desperate attempt.

Rei knew that if he didn't get something to eat today, he would surely die. If he didn't die of starvation, he would become someone else's meal. Maybe it was fear that kept his feet firm and made his move through all the deserted aisles again to the back of the store. He kept walking until he saw a door with an employee's only sign on it. And then he managed to limp his way inside. He was now in the storage area of the store. He looked around the dusty room. Knocked-over boxes were littered everywhere, but there were still some boxes that had items.

As he looked around, he saw a box knocked on its side which seemed to have water bottles. Rei limped over as fast as he could and dropped to his knees. He quickly grabbed a water bottle and twisted the cap open before chugging it entirely so fast that water began leaking down his face. Following that, he moved to another box which was full of chips. He grabbed a bag of barbeque chips and started stuffing his mouth. After he had demolished the bag of chips, he noticed a small box full of chocolates. Hmmm, dark chocolate or milk chocolate? He thought as he rummaged through the case. "Milk it is," he mumbled to himself as he unwrapped the delicious sweet and bit into the bar. Right, when he started licking his fingers, he heard a bang from the entrance of the store followed by a clattering of aisles as if something was knocking them over. Something was coming in his direction, and it was coming fast. Rei gulped as he thought, well..., at least now I can poop my pants.

"If I want to live, I ought to do something."

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Thank you for reading, have a great day!

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