
James part-01.

Andrew is praising James as he got good marks in maths.Andrew is James maths teacher. James felt very happy.All the students are also praising him. He is still not believing wheather what he is seeing is true or not.

" Yes Yes it's true." said James.

"James come here." said Andrew.

James stood infront of the class.

"Congratulations James" said Andrew.

"Thankyou sir". said James.

"Your mom feels very happy after looking at your marks." said Andrew.

"Yes sir.All this became possible for me only because of you.Thank you very much sir." said James.

"Take this pen a small gift for you.But it is a valuable one." said Andrew.

"Thank you sir" said James.

As it is the first gift that James received he had hided it very safely.As school bell rang everyone left the school.James reached his house.After reaching his house he went near his mom and showed his maths paper.

"Mom,mom ones look at my maths paper". said James.

"Ok what's new in that however you will get 0 out of 20."

"No mom ones look at it,please."said James.

" Wow James very good.You have improved compared to your previous one."

"Yes mom" said James.

"Now I will buy a cycle for you."

"Thankyou mom" said James.

Suddenly some one bet him on his forehead.

"James wake up you idiot" said Sophia.

"It's 8:30 now and your school starts at 9'O clock.Get ready fastly."

"What all this is my dream?" James said himself.

"It will be good if all this becomes true".

Actually James is a troublemaker. He is very naughty at home and at school. He is not well in his studies too.He is the guy who doesn't listens to his parents.He is 13 years old now.He also had one sister.Her name is Lucy.She is studying Intermediate now.We haven't talked about James dad yet.Oliver is James father.His father passed away when he was 6 years old. He was not matured at that time.Oliver is an honest IAS officer.

James is not interested in his studies.He would often go around the city with his friends instead of going to school.One day his school principal Quddus complained about James's attendence to his mom.His mom is very angry about that.James reached home after that.

"James where are you coming from?" said Sophia angrily.

"From school. Why mom?" replied James.

"Where you are roaming daily?"

"No where mom." said James.

"Acha look at this ones."

"What is this mom?"

"This is your attendance report" said Sophia.

"Mom I...I..." stammered James.