
Regal Rendezvous

Luna Percival is the second rebellious daughter of Count Percival, who is doted on by her loving father. Her world turns around when her father becomes Duke and they have to relocate from Percival county to Percival duchy. To make things worst she also has to switch school and leave her friends behind. Luna is very unhappy about the turn of events. But before they move, her father is away so her mother decided to pay a visit to her best friend who turns out to be the Queen of their country. There she unexpectedly meets Prince Sterling who mistook her for a maid. Their first meeting is unpleasant and memorable. They realized that they will get to see each other more often than they want will this blossom to a lovely romance or a tale of rivals find out in Regal Rendezvous...

Writerintheattic2 · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Chapter One: Unexpected News

"But mom, I don't want to leave. This has been my home for years now. Plus all my friends are here", Luna said as she sat at the dining table.

"Where are your manners Luna. We are at the table so no talking while eating ", Countess Rachel reprimanded her daughter.

"But I haven't started eating mom", said Luna frowning.

"Dear mother, nothing ever sticks to that thick skull of hers", said her elder sister Meribel.

"What thick skull? May I remind you that I'm the best in my advanced class while you're not even in one", Luna scowled at her sister.

"Enough! No more talking from the both of you", said Rachel sternly.

Luna got up and left the dining room. She went upstairs to her room and jumped on the bed. She threw one of the pillow off the bed in anger.

"Why doesn't she ever listen to a word I say? It's so infuriating!"

She used her sheets to cover herself. After a while, a knock is heard on her door.

"Who is it?", She asked.

"It's me, your favourite person in the world", the person answered.

"Dad?", She asked.

"Nope. It's me, little goose"

"What do you want Benny?Open the door at least"

Luna got up from the bed and opened the door for her elder brother, Benjamin.

He came in with a tray in his hands and he dropped it on her table. He then took a sit on the chair by the table in her room.

"When did you get home from college?", She asked as she opened the covered food on the tray.

"A moment ago. I heard about what happened from the maids", he replied.

"Why doesn't mom ever listen to what i say?"

"Hmmm, maybe because you don't listen to what she says also. I think you both are similar than you think. You are both strong headed"But I don't really want to move. All my friends are here. This is where I've lived all of my life. I've become attached to this county, this house and the people in this house. ", She said looking around.

"Father has been given the dukedom title and you know that's what grandfather wanted. Plus father has done a lot of good things for the people of this country. He definitely deserves the title. Besides, mother is still going to retain the workers of this house. It's just that she may sell the house"

"Maybe, you are right. I'm being kinda selfish, I should be happy for dad"

"For someone really smart you can be kind of dumb sometimes. Well I'm off little goose", Benjamin stood up from the chair and turned to leave.

"Bye Benny", she bid him goodbye.

"Don't call me that little goose",

"Then don't call me little goose"

"Fair enough", he finally left.

Luna got up from her bed and brought out her phone from the cupboard close to her bed. She switched it on and went to her text messages. She had like twenty messages and fifty missed calls from her best friends. Ten from Eva and five from Harper and Lily each.

From Eva:

"Girl, congrats to ur dad🥳🥳🥳🥳"

"Wait does that mean y'all moving🤔"

"Hold up hope u ain't changing schools🤨"

"I'll ask Harper🧐"

"Can you believe Harper girl she said y'all gonna move😤"

"Wait I think she's right😱 "

"Girl what are we gonna do🥺"

"Who's gonna help me with my maths😥"

"Can u believe Lily she said I should get a tutor😡"

"But I'm gonna really miss you Luna😭😭😭😭"

From Harper:

"Congratulations to your father!"

"So are you moving Luna?"

"I guess you will move, because your father is no longer a count but a duke. You're now the beloved daughter of a duke. There's more responsibility for you"

"Can you believe Eva, she thinks you are not going to move. Excuse her, your mother wouldn't allow it. You are definitely moving"

"I'll surely miss you bff"

From Lily:


"Harper said you are moving "


"I'll miss you sooo sooo much Luna "

"Pls don't go🥺🥺🥺🥺"

Luna decide to do a video call with them instead. Soon they were all connected.

"Hi guys", Luna waved at them.

"Girl are you really moving?", asked Eva.

"Of course she is", replied Harper.

"Really?", said Lily as tears welled up her eyes.

"Oh shut up Harper", said Eva.

"Why? I'm just stating facts. We all know its true. Don't you remember Elena, after her father became a duke she left Valorshire and Valorshire high and started attening Avaloria academy. A school where the royal family and nobels go to" said Harper as she rolled her eyes.

"You think you're really smart Harper. Don't forget, Luna's smarter than you. Maybe that's why you're happy so that you can become president of the mathlettes", said Eva.

Harper and Eva started bickering.

Luna screamed "Enough is this how you girls are gonna behave when I'm no longer with you?"

"We're sorry Luna", Eva and Harper said simultaneously.

"Thanks, to clear your doubts. Yes, I'm moving. My family amd I are leaving Valorshire. I may also change schools", said Luna.

"I don't want you to leave Luna", Lily said in tears.

"Me too", said Eva and Harper.

"I don't wanna leave too

but it's out of my hands. I'm really gonna miss you girls",

"Why don't we have a sleepover at your house", Eva suggested.

"That's... actually a good idea Eva", said Harper.

"Of course it is", she said as flipped her hair with her hand proudly.

" I'll tell my mom tomorrow morning ", Luna said grinning.

They talked about for hours before, she finally hang up the video call. She prepared for bed and wore her pyjamas before she finally went to sleep.

The curtains were opened sharply, waking Luna up. She said her maids dragging two of her suitcases out her room.

"Emm Emrald what's going on?", She asked one of the maids.

"The countess said we should move your things to the car", replied Emrald.

"Why? I thought we weren't moving until next month", she asked perplexed.

"The Countess said you guys are going for a trip to Capital city, Harrington valleys to visit her best friend. Plus you all are going to be there for a month and you will move to Delaware duchy from there", replied Emrald.

She continued what she was doing and Luna dashed to her mother's study room.

"Mom!", She screamed interrupting her mother's discussion with one of her friends.

"Mrs Silverspoon could you be a dear and please excuse my daughter's misbehaviour", said Countess Rachel embarrassed.

Mrs Silverspoon laughed awkwardly and said "They say the most intelligent ones are the ones with behaviours lamemen like us don't understand"

Mrs Silverspoon was accompanied by a maid, who was waiting by the side, out of the study.

"And what madness is this Luna? It's too early for you to behave so uncouth", she said frowning.

"Mom! Yeah it's too early what's she even doing at our house. It's seven in the morning and I'm behaving uncouth?", Luna said looking at the wall clock.

"Is that why you ran in your ducky pyjamas to my study?", Rachel asked scrutinizing her.

"I just woke up, that's why I'm still in my pyjamas",

"Meribel is already up practicing the violin while you are just waking up Luna. Nevermind, pray tell why are you in my study, this early and in your pyjamas ", she rubbed her eyesbrows slowly out of frustration.

"Well, Emerald just told me that we are going to capital city and you didn't bother to tell me"

"I told Meribel to tell you. Oh, I guess it slipped her mind. Anyways get ready we'll be on our way by eight "

"What? It's already seven thirty ",

"Then chop chop be fast about it"

Luna ran out of the study to her room. She quickly took her bath and brushed her teeth. She ran to the dining room wearing a red hoodie, a pair of blue ripped jeans and white sneakers. Meribel, Benjamin and Rachel was at the table already having breakfast. Luna took her sit next to Benjamin and helped herself to some pancakes. She poured maple syrup on them and poured a glass of milk for herself.

After breakfast, Amelia left the dining room for her study.

"Benny are you going with us to mom's friend's house?" Luna asked.

"Nothing really as you know I'm busy with school. I'm not on holidays like you girls", replied Benjamin.

"How are you the smartest in your advanced class when you don't have common sense", Meribel asked mocking Luna.

"Wow, even someone without common sense is smarter than you. Then how dumb can you be?", She said covering her mouth with her hands.

"You are mad", Meribel scowled at Luna.

"Enough, both of you. Is this how you are going to argue and call each other names in the palace?" Benjamin said.

"Palace?", they both said at the same time.

"Yes. Didn't mother tell you her best friend is the queen?"

"Nope", said Luna.

"Then I can finally meet the princes yay!", Meribel said excitedly.

" Who cares. The palace means more restrictions for me. How am I going to live for one month in the palace. Plus it's going to be super boring. I wanted to spend the last month in this house with my friends. This is so unfair. Benny canyou talk to mom to let me stay"

"Only you can't live in this mansion alone. You are just sixteen"

"But they are workers around"

"The workers are busy with the move"

"Or i can stay with one of my friends "

"Mother would never agree", Meribel cut in.

"She's right Luna. Just listen to mother. Take care", Benjamin said as he patted her head and left.

Meribel grinned from ear to ear and stuk out her tongue at Luna before leaving after Benjamin.

"Brother", she called out as she walked after him.

"This is so unfair", she said moping.