
Northern Wall

Gene Miller marched his thousand strong rebel army towards the northern wall. He halted the march when they were only 500 meters away from the fortification, putting the guards on high alert. With a flag of truce, he walked to the gatehouse together with a few warriors. The suspicious archers on the walls couldn't help but aim their bows at him, prepared to shoot him down, but the commander prevented them from taking any action.

"Aren't you the Miller boy? I heard you stirred some trouble up there." General Edward yelled atop the gatehouse.

"Oldman Edward, there's something I wish to talk about." Gene yelled back in response, waving at the general.

"Truce with the rebels? Nevermind, boy. Go back home!" Edward yelled.

"It's something more serious than that. Don't you want to find out? Come here and talk!" Gene invited the general.