
Refinement of Dual Cultivator Master Evolution

Warning: R18 Update: Daily The master of the Scarlet Island region accidentally expanded his elixir field which caused his power and energy to deplete! Now, his enhanced elixir field requires him to absorb tremendous power through the highest nirvana stage of dual cultivation! In his journey of finding a worthy cultivation partner, he reached the region of Boundless Shoreline. He heard several rumors that piqued his curiosity and he also witnessed a scene that greatly aroused his interest. ~~~ "We really strike a good fortune! This lady Zhou is a dual cultivator. The foundation of her elixir field is formidable. We can remove it and sell it to the big sects at a high price!" "Hehehe... Xuan Sect will pay us millions of gold for sure! And we don't need to kill her. With her alluring beauty, she can be our maid and serve us!" Surrounded by thousands of opponents, Lady Zhou Qiaolian had no means to escape... or so they thought? Despite the threats she heard, her countenance did not change a bit. "I will naturally cooperate. B-But, only to someone who can protect me and take me out here." Bewitched by her words, the thousands of opponents started fighting and killing their companions. In the midst of a chaotic battle, this cunning lady just scoffed and escaped! "Hmmph! Want to steal my elixir field? I'd rather destroy it and die with dignity! However, those opponents are not too smart and easily fell on my trick! Hehe... How foolish!" ... "Lady Zhou is indeed capable!" "Who is there---" Before Qiaolian could finish her words, a finger tapped the side of her neck, completely restricting her movements. "My... my... the rumors about you are too modest. Your beauty is ethereal!" When the person appeared in front of Qiaolian, her eyes constricted. "Scarlet Island Master Huan Xue! What are you doing here in the Boundless Shoreline? W-Wait... I c-can't sense your elixir field! What---" "That's right! My dear lady, I'm here to steal yours! Hehehe..." Actually, when their eyes met, he had already taken something far beyond his imagination. They have not just realized it yet. This is Master Huan Xue and Lady Zhou Qiaolian's life entangled adventures from local cultivation and immortal practitioners to beings with cosmic bloodlines and battles of schemes and superiority.

Au_Learns_To_Write · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs


"Ahh... this master is clueless. What does my lady want to beg from me?" said Huan Xue in a low tone but with a childish grin on his lips.

Qiaolian's head was still propped on the base of his neck, moving below his ears... her lips softly nibbling the side of his skin in the process. Huan Xue closed his eyes for a few seconds, feeling the hot breath sensation on his neck. He gently wrapped his arms around her slim waist and pulled her closer to him in an embrace, adjusting their bodies so she could rest on his chest.

With their position, there was no way she could probably see him smiling like he had won an extremely valuable treasure, right? He did felt like he had successfully made his point clear to Qiaolian. And the feeling was extremely satisfying.

"Ohh... Since it's Master Huan who wants to hear Qiaolian. Hmm... What do you want me to speak?"

Upon hearing her voice, it was pealing like an almost hypnotic tune to his mind. Huan Xue's shoulder slightly vibrated from the muffled laughter that threatened to escape his mouth.

He had just realized that he may have made his point but he seemed to struggle to outwit Qiaolian when it comes to playing tricks!

His left hand on her waist moved slowly upwards to her hair and he used his fingers to comb a few silky strands, gathering the smooth hair in his palm, and forming them into a ponytail.

A comfortable silence momentarily engulfed the room. A blissful atmosphere of tranquility as if the time had stood still just for them to savor.

Hearing his silence, Qiaolian subsequently raised her head and saw the most tender expression she had ever seen. Seeing such an expression made her more flustered. It was manly and too attractive for her.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about what I want to hear..." Huan Xue murmured, several thoughts playing in his head.

While his hand was still holding the strands of her hair, his face moved to her ear and whispered something only she could hear... "My lady, Huan Xue's life is at your disposal. Whatever you'll speak, I will obey it."

Qiaolian tilted her face and listened. A bright smile flushed on her lips, revealing her perfect rows of pearly white teeth.

Whatever she says and he will obey her?! This was indeed the highest form of flattery Qiaolian had ever heard!

Ahhh... But, what struck most to Qiaolian's mind was in fact, Huan Xue's first sentence. How could this master speak so easily about his life? Could it be that he had extremely confident with his power that he was certain that no one could really affect his life?

Huan Xue watched the mixed emotions flickered in Qiaolian's expression. His eyes greedily took in her reaction and a satisfied look crossed his face.

Unexpectedly, Qiaolian did the same movement as him and whispered something to his ear that only he could hear... "If Master Huan wants Qiaolian to take charge of his life... Hmmmn, whatever you ask, I will willingly offer."

She casually murmured in his ears and Huan Xue's eyes seemed to have reacted as its green orbs turned darker. Another part of his body turned harder.

Whatever he asks, she will willingly offer!

These two dual cultivators may have reached a tacit understanding and a great middle ground between them for after teasing each other, their movements finally turned serious and continued dual cultivation.

However, beyond the emotions that they openly displayed was a hidden scheme.

In fact, when Huan Xue assumed that Qiaolian's elixir field was destroyed, he felt completely anxious. To a cultivator, losing an elixir field was equivalent to losing the purpose of their existence. When the path is gone, the direction would eventually be barred. Such adversity was something not easy to accept and managed.

And with Qiaolian's too calm and composed reaction to such a serious matter, he could not help but wonder if his assumptions were wrong... Was there a trick that he failed to see?

His suspicions were reasonable.

They really don't need to dual cultivate for the essence and energy that they had absorbed last night were extremely sufficient to refine their inner core. With the exchange of their primal yin and primal yang, they could even skip dual cultivation for a week and just focus on enhancing the aura in their elixir field.

But, he wanted to reexamine Qiaolian's elixir field in the most intimate and effective way he knew. Connect their bodies.

Or maybe, he was just making some excuses in his head out of the actions they shared?

Ahhh... whatever his initial purpose was, he does not care anymore. When they've reached the final stage of dual cultivation, the sense of fulfillment spread throughout his entire being.

'Her inner core is formidable but, I can't really sense a trace of elixir field within her. Perhaps, she is fine to be a Void Practitioner and focus on her inner force,' Huan Xue pondered while they fixed their garments. They were wearing the same brown cheap clothing that the usual outfit an ordinary fisherman used.

In Qiaolian's neck were several visible red marks from Huan Xue's persistent indulgence. She purposely covered those marks with her hair to conceal the evidence of his gentleness.

On the other hand, the pale skin on the back of Huan Xue's neck was also full of red scratch marks from Qiaolian's fingers. Good thing, her nails were not long. Otherwise, she would have left wounds on his skin.

When she neatly tied his hair, she could see her markings up to the shoulders. Qiaolian only giggled at the sight and did not speak a word.

"Ahh... Qiaolian will finally leave this region. I don't know if I will feel sad or not. The people here were fun to play with. That Feng Sect would probably go crazy once they knew that I am no longer within their reach. What a pity!"

Huan Xue only shook his head after hearing Qiaolian's words. He gave her a final glance before he removed the formation barrier that he placed in the room.

"Huh... I sensed a strong aura," Huan Xue instinctively looked at the hallway and scanned the entire place.

Qiaolian pretended not to sense anything and simply stood next to him. But her mind was actually filled with excitement.

She had recognized the aura before Huan Xue even announced it. 'There's an excellent spiritual weapon master outside!'