
Reese X Cal

talonclaw2020 · ย้อนยุค
4 Chs

Wide Velvet

Trysta walks into her sixth hour English class, realizing it is poetry out loud day. She is nervous, but not panicking since she was prepared. Mrs.Schwartzbaurer alotted them opertunity of picking their own seats, so she sat by Regina. Trysta volunteered to go third because she wanted to get it over with. After Erika and Regina went, Trysta recited her poem to the class. Mrs.Shwartzbaurer handed back her score sheet. She got an A-.

After a few more people went, Christian got up for his turn. You could tell that he didn't really know what he was going to do. Everyone was curious to what he would say.

wide velvet

valve Goodwin below

Habit Davis jacket

Been being oven

when is being bit vain

Pics legit teach

Yeah in Berlin

Issue done

And he's over

What just feel

She knows very both

I've note when

wide velvet be

It was pretty obvious that he made the whole poem up on the spot by the time he was done. Even though it didn't make any sense, it was the most fun the students had in English class in a long time.

Once Christian sits down, Mathias immediately comments.

"You're so fat. Is that why it's called WIDE velvet?"

Mathias always tells Christian that he is fat. She didn't want know why, but this makes Trysta furious. So by this point, it just pushed her over the edge. "You know what Mathias? Calling someone fat doesn't make you any skinnier". She says with rage. "How would you like it if someone said that to you?"

A silence fell over the room, as if they were being held at gunpoint, words failing them. Suddenly, someone obnoxiously farted, disrupting class.

"Who was that?" Mra. Schwartzbauer asks. "That was very innaporopriate!"

"Sorry!" A loud voice came from the corner of the room.

"Caden ?!" Christian giggles so hard that he knocks his head against the desk.

"You alright there?" Caden says.

"Yeah, but it'll leave a bruise."

Then the air conditioner turned off, leaving the room in silence once more.

"Dad?" Caden asks to no one in particular.

"Son?" Isaiah answers.

The class laughs as the bell rings.

"See you tomorrow!" Mrs. Schwartzbauer calls after them.