
Reese X Cal

talonclaw2020 · ย้อนยุค
4 Chs

Sticky the Sick 2/ Math Class

After Reese woke up from a much-needed sleep, she went to school. It was a pretty boring day, same old, same old. Later, the only thing she could remember was having deep fried ravioli for lunch. And, of course, science class.

Mr. Jensen took the students on a walk, as usual. "Nice day today, isn't it?" He said in an Australian accent, a purple marionette puppet in his hand.

Reese rolled her eyes. "Why did you bring that thing outside?"

"Because! Cal needs a walk once in a while."

"Cal?!" Reese thought, her voice echoing through her mind.

"Yes! Cal. He's a real good pal of mine," Mr. Jensen sighed, looking up at the clouds. "Ah, stratocumulus..."

Reese came to the realization that Cal wasn't even at school that day. She wonders where he is. "Eh, whatever. I don't even care. I should just be grateful that I don't have to listen to his annoying voice."

"Ooh, I really want a potato right now," Josh said out of the blue.

"Shut up, Josh. No one cares about your weird cravings," Reese said, even though she wanted one too. 

Mr. Jensen had a brilliant idea. "Let's go to Potato Community, everyone! Come on!" Everyone follows except for Reese. Cal, who seems to have appeard out of thin air, is holding Sticky the Stick with a Cheshire grin painting across his face.

"HAHAHAHAHA", screams Cal. "The power of the Stick is MINE!!!"

Reese starts running away from him but not far behind comes Cal.

"OOOOPPPPSSSS" yells Cal, as he trips on an igneous rock. The stick flys through the air, hitting Reese's bum, and landing at her feet while the rock on the other hand, hits Cal we're it hurts the most, witch causes him to screem in agony.

Reese wakes up, sweating profusely. "That was one of the strangest dreams I have ever had", she thought, sitting up to take a drink of water. "It wasn't like most dreams, though. It felt a little too...real."

*Time Skip to actually school. It's the same day*

When Reese walked into her third hour math class, she felt miserable. It was a block day, which meant that she had to be there for over an hour. It was terrible. That's when she noticed Cole staring at her from the corner of her eye, his head resting on his hand.

"What'cha looking at?" Christian asked, following Cole's gaze. "Her? Really?"

"Hey, calm down, velvet. I just zoned out."

"Yeah, right."

"Okay, class, it's time to begin!" Mr. Chapman said.

Reese sat down in her seat next to Carter, one eye watching Cole.

"Could you scoot over?" Reese rolled her eyes. "I barely have enough workspace."

Carter sighed, his head on the table, ignoring her.


"Did you hear about that one time-" Cole begins, but Christian cuts him off. "At band camp?"

"Oh my God, yes!" Cole replies a little too loudly.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mr. Champan scolds, spitting in their faces.

"Sorry, sir," Christian says, giggling.

"Sorry," Cole says mockingly.

Mr. Chapman walks back to his desk, throwing a glare back at the two troublemakers.

"Five more minutes for the warm-up."

"Psst, Anna!" Cole whispers in an extremely loud voice.


"Can I borrow the answers for the warm-up?"

"Mmhhh, I suppose", Anna says in a low tone as she's letting him copy from her paper.

"Got em" Cole looks over to Cristian, a mischevious grin growing on his face.

"Hehehe," Christian holds back a giggle as he, too, copies down the answers.

"Alright, time's up! Cole, can you tell us how to solve number one?"

Cole grows pale, fear etched upon his face. "Uh, I'm not sure, Chapstick."

Mr. Chapman's face reddens as the class laughs hysterically at the joke. "Cole, I'm going to have to ask you to move to a different table. Across from Reese, perhaps?"

"Fine." Cole takes his books and moves to the other side of the room, so far away from Christian, his only friend.

"Now, who else can tell us how to solve the equation?" Mr. Chapman asks the class.

"So, Reese, how's it going?" Cole asks.

Reese's hand shoots up like a rocket, and Mr. Chapman calls on her. "Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure, why not?"

Reese runs out of the room, far, far away from Cole.

"What's this?" Cole picks up Reese's Zane notebook, her most prized possession. "Minecraft anime?"

"Cole!" Mr. Chapman yells.

"Sorry...Chapstick," Cole whispers, waiting for class to continue. "I wonder what's inside..."

"Cole!" Reese screeches as she returns to the classroom, fury taking hold of her. She walks up behind him and whispers in an unsettling voice.

"Did I give you fucking permission to touch my stuff?"

Cole, very creeped out, sets down the notebook where he found it.

The bell rang and everyone excitedly rushed out of the classroom.