

Brittney and Cody were still seen as a couple at the graduation ceremony until she told everyone they weren't "sorry we're not so leave me alone" she stormed off and went to the room "stupid people" she finished packing "its okay, we just have to explain that you're not with him anymore" Damon jumped on her suitcase "your so stupid Damon, now since your sitting on that zip it up" "yes my future queen" he got up and bowed laughing "ok stop with that shit just call me Britt or Brittney man, because depending on where you live I'm inviting you over" she slapped his back and walked out with her bags "hey I'm gonna miss ya bitch" he put a piece of paper in her hand "ill miss you too, you lonely bastard" she pulled him into a bro hug and got into the limo. Brittney was getting her hair done imagining her whole future "I'm going to get married, have kids, and never give up the throne. Just like my father", she started tearing up looking into the mirror "miss, your gonna mess up your makeup" the makeup artist dabbed her eyes "I'm fine don't worry" she dried her face. They started going through the process of getting the corset on her when her mom walked in "none of that please, she doesn't like them" her mom picked out a four-piece gown "bloody hell I can breath again" she huffed covering up "ok I know you hate dresses but this is your coronation, you have to look special" "I know, and if I must be uncomfortable it better be important" she smiled as her mom helped her get into some of the pieces "I look ridiculous like what is this" she poked the dress cage "don't worry about it gives the dress more shape, and the colors will look just wonderful with your crown. Now give me one last look like my little princess" she turned around and her mom moved pieces of hair out of her face "Ms. Brittney the ceremonies about to begin" "ok how bad does it look" "perfection now your fathers waiting and my crown will be yours" she walked with Brittney to the front door. Amy was crying looking at her while listening to her father outside "I lucifer Lucio, resign from my position as king after millions of years. I'm handing of the position to my daughter that most of you know as pride" her mom walked out with her "okay here's your speech take it away" she went up to podium with her parents behind her "I Brittney tia Lucio honorably take my fathers place because am the only sister to step up to the plate" "as your former king I proudly crown my youngest as your queen, please welcome queen Brittney" he gently placed it on her "ill always love you daddy" she hugged him crying" , she began her duties as soon as the crown was put on her head "welcome young lady lets take a look at your record" she went down the list and found nothing under the name "miss shouldn't I be meeting with Satan" "darling the change ceremony just happened and I haven't had a chance to change, but its seems like the man upstairs made a mistake so I'm gonna have to make a call please go sit in that room there" she finished off with everyone else in the line "hey god, you sent me a young woman with no sins on her" "well my gate angel must of made a mistake what's the name and ill check" "Gloria, 23" "she don't belong in heaven nor hell" "alright well ill sent her to the purgatory chamber thank you god" she lead the girl to the room that transformed her back to earth as a ghost, she stopped when she saw a tiny one in the line "excuse me little girl did you wonder in here" "miss I don't know where my mommy is and last thing I remember is a white wall and an uncomfortable bed" "she wiped the little girls tears ignoring her own "can I have your name" "Bridgette Perry" "go sit on that bean bag and have all the fun in the world in that toy room" she got off her knees and looked at the list "her mum wont be too far away" she feed and watched the girl while watching the hallway and her watch "miss do you have goldfish their my favoritist and why am I here" "your in fairy tale land angel and I'm sure I have snacks" she smiled and looked out back outside. The little girl spent a few days in the castle with Brittney caring for her until her mom arrived "not many young ones come here" she went on with her duties "name" "lacy Perry" "pretty impressive wrap sheet, hold up did you lose you daughter maybe 6 or 7" "yes I assume she went to god" "you'd think so but god must have a very twisted mind and your luckily your last in line" she took her to the playroom "why is she here she was a good child" "I told her it was fairy tale land for her not to worry, breaks my heart to see a child come down here" she watched her hug the baby "what happens now" "I give you an apartment and your first job down here, and I take care off your first rent payment" she took them to the building and smiled watching them, she went back home and meet her arranged partner. Brittney was nonchalant about the whole marriage thing too focused on her duties "whatever dad, if it will further the ruling" she was ruling hell for 2 years before she was married, she ordered that her uncle is banished and forced to live in jail "yo sweet pea you got a visitor" Brittney came in and talked to him "I'm sure you heard my ruling uncle Kevin" "oh now mommy ain't protecting you" "I always had power over you, your not shit your pansy-ass took several young girls because they couldn't fight back once you got out after my mom" she slammed the phone on the wall and left. Every time she got sick her husband was nowhere to be found but the staff helped her with everything from her job to tending to her along with her friends "I got her Alice, take a break" he dabbed the rag on her forehead "I think I overworked again, sometimes I forget that happens" she smiled holding Damon's arm "are you still not talking Cody, we were all good friends" "I don't even know where he lives now" "don't worry ill scout him out, you need him" he pulled the bucket close to the bed noticing her face "and who are you to tell my staff to take a break" "I'm sorry should I not have" he wiped her mouth "please they need it, there always helping in this kind of situation. I mean I have an assist out there doing new arrivals for me" he keep by her side caring for her. He stayed with her ignoring her husband coming across the bed "oh a simple headache from me no doubt" "don't flatter yourself, I haven't touched you since we got married" she slapped his hand off her head and looked over to Damon passed out on the edge off the bed "your the best chap someone could ask for" she wrote him and the staff a note before falling asleep, she started getting angrier and more arguments over the months "I gotta get out" she went and took a walk to clear her head.

Brittney was a year in her marriage as queen "ok, tell me why you even agreed to this stupid arranged marriage" "fine the title" "I have to be getting somewhere" she put on her hoodie and left "what are you gonna do sleep with another man" "I just might Ryan, hit me if you want to when I get home" she shouted and slammed the foyer door leaving. She knocked on the door in tears "hey Britt, you okay" "I would think so, but Ryan's blasting my last nerve" "come on in and talk" he let her in and gave her a cup of tea "I cant believe we ever broke up, what happened" "I don't remember one of us must have said something or I must of hit you" "nothing on you, but you were always to gentle and protective to hit me. I don't know maybe we had a big fight" he sipped from his cup "tell me something, what in your right mind made you want to go back to Ryan" "funny story, my father arranged our marriage not knowing what used to do" "so its your dads fault" "partially mine, because I never told him" she huffed "you look miserable" "I should we've been fighting since the wedding night" "calm down, can I give something a shot" "sure" she almost smiled when speaking "I've never stopped really loving you" he kissed her "I don't know what broke us but it must have been real stupid" the glimor in her eyes returned with a big smile "I forgot how beautiful your smile was, I haven't seen it in years" he held her face "I haven't felt that smile in forever, I'm just always so caught up in the fighting, welcoming the new sinners, and trying follow the rules" "I know it seems hard, can I be with you one more time" "id welcome that, id finally feel some kind of love" their clothes were on the floor and Cody was holding her close on his couch "oh shit, I've been here for hours" she jumped up and got dressed "yeah it would be best for you" "love you, next time were doing a movie" she kissed him and zipped up her jacket "ill let you pick the movie" "no your house your choice" she rushed out of the house hiding her face "halt whos there" "me bitch" "I'm sorry queen Brittney" the guards opened the gate "thank you" she took off her hood and into the foyer "its awful quiet in here" she went to hang her jacket up finding Ryan in bed with another woman "you smell like you sleep with him" "and you smell like a cheap whore, how much did you pay for her 5 cents" he jumped up and slapped "its called getting even bitch" "oh big man hitting a woman, show the prostitute something new about you, and you know I don't like seeing you naked its repulsive" she spit in his face and walked out. She had just gotten from the train station dropping off the new sinners off "look who dropped by honey" Ryan put on a face smile in front of Cody "how are you doing Cody" "I'm doing fine Britt" he smiled at her and Ryan started connecting the dots "what's the problem Ryan, caught something from one of your whores" she gave him a smile "my Lady, your parents have arrived" "yay here for my monthly check up" "young lady!" she turned around hearing the stern voice scared "yes sir" "do we give you too many check ups" "not at all daddy" "we would like to talk to you and Ryan privately" Brittney's dad took her "the staff has been giving us calls about you two always fighting" "I don't know what he's telling mom but yes we do and he hits me it doesn't phase me anymore" he loomed in his daughter's eyes "what else has he done to you" "well that's a list. The second man to rape me, um he marked me but I burned off his mark, and he's been slapping me around every since he took advance of me in the girl's bathroom in my first year at that school" "and you couldn't tell me that before I arranged you with him" she got up and turned to the wall "I knew you wouldn't listen because I saw you with mom talking about uncle Kevin" "Brittney my sweet demon girl, it took your mum 6 years to open my eyes to Kevin. He hurt you baby girl and I regret every day I let him get off scot-free" they meet back up and compared notes. Her parents came back into the throne room and neither of them looked pleased "Brittney what the hell did you tell him" "the truth about you, now get out of that throne" she kicked him in the leg looking at her family "mister Ryan could you come down here for a hot second" she watched them talk to him "well I know he told her about Cody, so prepare for a talking to" they called her down "alright get out of my face I don't like how you lied to me and what you did to her" "oh shit" "let me ask you something, do you love Cody because I don't like that motherfucker up there neither does your father" "mom I don't even remember why me and Cody broke up, I'm not sure if I love him but he knows how to make me feel something" "like what baby girl" "he makes me smile, I can laugh with him" "that's how feel about your hardass father, you've seen it he has a soft spot for his family" "for now if you think you can try to make this work" "I can try dad ill do that at least" she walked up a made it clear to him she's boss. After another explosive fight he throw his gun down and left in the car "good for ya" she called her dad and told him what just happened before inviting over Cody "we started going on about god knows fucking what, then the fucker pulls a gun on me and leaves in my car" she had on tea talking about everything "Britt, I love to talk but am I just a booty call" "at this point you are, but your also my friend" "so your dads coming" "yep" her parents practically busted the door down and franticly checked her "I'm fine mom please, I just want my car returned and Ryan out of my life" "I believe we can banish him or something like that" her parents stayed at the palace until Ryan left everything alone "Mrs. Brittney god has arrived" "oh this fucking guy. Oh, I'm god, big and bad I make all the rules" he mocked pointed his finger "dad stop before he hears you" "haha it's fine I hear it every year with him, nice to meet you for the second time Mrs. Lucio" "just peachy seeing you again" "Brittney I know you don't why I'm mad at him but please" "lucifer don't tell her that story" "no I'm going to, I've been here since before the A.B times because I betrayed god, my father. The legend said god had 2 sons but only one would take his place, I betray father so what did that scum do" "lucifer stop it, cant you she's scared" "she needs to know why were banished to this place, Trent" "I rebuke you to" "you think that's gonna save this, Brittney god banished his own son for breaking the smallish little rule at age of 14 with no knowledge of how to rule anything because Trent was going to rule from the very beginning so leaves the question why not just throw me down here when I was born" "that's enough lucifer, I will not stand here and watch you bash father like that" "you're just too blond to the truth" "well then, queen Brittney I'm afraid we must reschedule our meeting because one of us have to be the bigger man" he fixed his jacket and left "damn it lucifer there could have been important" "dad, she's right sometimes you have to put the past behind you. You could have put us in a lot of jeopardies" she put her hand on her mom's shoulder and left them alone angry "and dad I knew he was your brother" she sat and gave Trent a call.

She got busier and keep her mind on her job over the next few years "Britt" "yeah Damon" "you okay" "yeah just going through paperwork" she looked over files of old students "well this was dropped off for you, it was checked for the position or anything harmful" "that you officer Damon, just put it on the desk and have my assistant greet the newcomers" "yes my queen" he bowed "shut up Damon and get out of here" she pulled him up and pushed him. Brittney opened the bag and smiled reading the note 'just wanted to tell you I miss you and I'm sorry about what did in school, love Cody' she folded it up "oh that's right he did do that, it's in the past anyway" she picked up the stuffed animal and box "so you got my gift" Cody stood at the doorway "Cody you bastard" she smiled turning around "I wanted to ask you when you have a free time if you'd like to go out on a formal date, and I see you hired asshole Damon as a guard" "hes my personal body guard actually, and id love to go on a proper date" she gave him a smug smile and tugged his shirt "(French) I love you so much Brittney" her looked into her eyes with a sneaky like smile "get out of here" "yeah lily should be getting home from school soon" "yeah you go do that" she finished her paperwork before she knew it night had fallen and she put the stuffed animal on the bed "I almost wish I didn't have to sleep alone anymore" she cozied up to the large pillow and fell asleep. Cody went over as she was greeting newcomers and just watched her "yep based on your earth job lets see uh janitor, and get cleaned up too you start tomorrow" she shooed him away and finished her line up "miss please I think I'm lost" "sweetie, God made a mistake please wait in the playroom for a parent with the other 2 children. Why the hell do children get sent here" she directed the parents to the playroom and finished explaining what happens next, Brittney came out in nice dress "what were ya thinking for dinner, Cody" "Indian food, do you still like that" "duh, demon spicy food" he took her to the fanciest Indian place and they laughed cuddled with her in his bed "Cody I'm tired, can you tuck me in" "hey Britt, ill be right back" "please she's family don't worry about it" she sat up and smiled. They stayed and cuddled all night asking about what's been going on since they broke up smiling "how bad was the past for you" "well after I let it slip I thought for sure you'd kill me, so I hide it" "oh fuck it, what's the use people were gonna find out soon enough" she hit his chest and laughed "do you really love me, because your the best thing that ever happened to me" "yep besides daddy your the best bloke I've ever had the chance to meet" "well I'm glad, give me a kiss" he pulled up her head and let her fall asleep, she woke up the poking on her side "hello, why are you in my brothers house" she rolled over and screamed jumping off the bed "its just lily, hi remember me" she smiled looking up at her" "no, who are you" "uh um Brittney" she nervously laughed rubbing her head getting off the floor "oh the pretty lady who let me play with her toys" "yeah that one haha" she got back on the bed still nervous. Cody insisted she stay for breakfast with him and lily "so the little scares me now" he giggled "every since what happened to our parents she's been different about anyone in my room" "what happened to your parents, they were so nice" "my father was that killer on the loose so they caught him, mom went crazy after that and couldn't take care of lily anymore so she's in the asylum" "ouch" "so I took in lily because my brothers live to far away and I don't want to move her around to much" "that's sweet of you, you were always good with her" "don't you talk like you know my brother" she held a spike to her "put the weapon down please" she was pushing the spike down "lily, put the weapon away and sit down" "yes big brother" she dropped it to the floor and got in a chair smiling "she scares me Cody" "she's an 8 year old demon, she just being protective" "sure, I'm sure I'm needed at the palace" she rubbed the back of her neck and grabbed her bag, she came into the throne room "Brittney how was your night" "don't get any ideas we didn't do anything, so what's on my day plan" "I can handle most of your things but there are some files in your office that require your attention" "thank you Evelin" she went to the office and stationed herself in "come on, Britt tell me what really happened" "nothing I swear but now his sister is a protective and terrifying 8 year old" "ok so judging by the fact you stayed over your either lying to best friend or he cuddled you to sleep like a gentleman" she smiled and pushed his arm "the second one with a little groping" "that's sounds like Cody" he left her alone to her work.

Damon came in the office and waited for her to look up from her final papers "Damon just tell her now" "no she's busy" "fine ill do it, queen Brittney god is here for your meeting" "thank you, Evelin, have him wait while I file these. he has nothing to do in heaven but annoy his scientist" she put the folder away and waved for Damon to follow "yes my queen" god stood up with his scientist after waiting for her "Ello uncle Trent" "you keep me waiting, why" "I was busy with files you could have waited, at least that's what you do all the time in the sky" "well your not lying" he laughed being ushered into the conference room. She was invited to Damon's place for dinner after the meeting "you decorate nicely Damon" "not me, blame it on these shithead" he ruined his partners hair "well my oh my you can keep a secret, should have told you more of those in school. Ello mate" she held her hand out "its an honor to have you in our home queen Brittney" "please treat me like any other civilian, I mean I always forget am wearing this blimey thing" she put the crown in her bag and shook his hand "oh uh" "please I'm wearing nothing of royalty relax, call me Brittney" she smiled warmly at him and had nice conversation, she answered the text from Cody in her carriage home "miss I believe we ran into trouble" she keep all her valuables inside and searched outside "hello little bitch" her mouth was covered and being dragged into the darkness "let me go" she tried prying the hands off her "oh you didn't want me to let you go that night in school" "why you low down dirty bastard" she managed to break free pinning him down by her foot "queen Brittney, thank lucifer I found you" "look don't use my fathers name against me and did you bring your bloody handcuffs" "yeah where is the perp" she pressed her foot harder on the mans back letting a scream out "yeah now hurry up I cant hold him forever" she stayed behind them watching the man closely "you know this man because he seems to know you" "no, id prefer not to acknowledge him" she got back into the carriage watching him on the horses back "were gonna have a little detour before we get you home" "fine by me, just wake me up when we get there" she stumbled to her bed once they got to the palace. She worked as normal even passing out on the large desk drolling on the pages "Brittney, are in here" Damon came through the double doors and looked around "5 more minutes dad" she mumbled then turned her head "come on Brittney get to bed" "no, go away" Damon picked her up over his shoulder carrying her to the bed "good night queen Lucio" he tucked her in and left the room, she woke up mentally exhausted "hey jane how bad would it be if I just took a personal day" "not to good but we can try to keep your workload as light as possible" "no it'll be fine" she smiled and got dressed. Brittney looked at her line with a contorted face "my a lot of souls today" she finished up and went to the office frustrated "excuse me" "yes ma'am how may I help you" she was staring at a file sitting on top of the desk "I'm sorry you shouldn't be sitting there like that" "my office my way, name and issue" "Barbra and I shouldn't be here" Brittney didn't even look up and checked the file "ah your that Barbra commonly known around your hometown as the queen Karen and yes you do belong here look at your list" she handed over the folder and continued sending the email to the pleaser demon "none of this is true" she tried to rip the folder "sorry dear you cant destroy that" Brittney flashed the file into her hand and put it away with the woman getting more angry "this is bullshit" "so you didn't kill and/or kick out your gay children" Brittney looked in her direction with an eyebrow cocked "yes that couldn't be wrong" "honey both heaven and hell are joins by our gay rights, their treated like any other demon or angel. Look down there angles and demons joined together for pride day so your right you don't belong here" "really cool" "you belong in the 10th circle of hell where we banish homophobes and others have fun" she snapped and transported her the tenth circle with a smile, she managed to stay awake till it was time for bed. Brittney had just tiredly stumbled into the room "my lady here for 5 hours" she cuddled next to the person "I honestly didn't think you be so lonely" "hush I don't pay you talk, I pay you to cuddle me to sleep" Cody climbed into the room from the window "so that's why these hookers come into the castle overnight" she leaned up in rush "Cody how did you get in here" "the guards were napping by the back entrance, since I'm here why don't I cuddle you to sleep and i wont require payment" "well since you came all this way why not, you moneys on the nightstand get out", he held her close "I say we elope Cody" "I could do that but you have hell to run" "great there you go bringing my duties into this" she leaned her head on his chest "hey all I'm trying to say is your pretty busy, honey" she turned to the side and covered up. After maybe 2 more years Brittney and Cody married moving lily in the castle with them, Brittney was laying in her bunk when her reading was interrupted "hello sweet ass" "fuck off" she kicked him to the floor angry "oh look the suns still out and its just us in here" he jerked her off the bed frustrated "what the hell are you doing Ryan" "you aren't allowed to speak" he pressed her face onto the bed and ripped her skirt down. She stumbled to the bathroom crying and looked in the mirror "fuck why the hell did that come up" she jerked up from Cody's arm in a panic "what is it Britt" "its nothing Cody, just an old terrifying memory, got back to sleep I'm fine" she got up huffing to the kitchen "hey are you up so late madam" "I just need some calming tea, bad dream" the maid handing her a cup and went onto the maids quarters. She relaxed the more she drank "good evening Brittney" "get out before I call the guards Ryan" he pulled up a gun "one fucking sound and your brains will be the next thing they clean off these walls" "please what do you want" "you, stupid bitch" he pressed the metal to her forehead "please ill give you anything" "you know its funny Britt, when someone was a weapon pressed against you suddenly their saying anything you want" he gestured for her to get down on her knees "just don't kill me" she got down with tears "what ever happened to the fuck you girl, not that I'm complaining this ones obedient" "please just don't kill me" she cried noticing the button under the table "oh now you beg, explain something to me Brittney. Why did get banished" she scooted over to the table while he was talking to himself and pressed the button "answer me bitch" he jolted to her putting the weapon to her "iii.." "what's the use, I should kill you right now" "NO" she saw the shadows of the guard's gathering around the door way "why not" he got to her level and carressed her face "put the gun down sir" Ryan jerked Brittney up by her beck holding her hostage looking at the group. She tried getting out of his arms on her own "move again and your dead" he tighter his clutch around her throat "ok what is your demands" "pussies" Brittney mumbled under her breath "put your guns down and let me leave with her, and empty your pockets" he dragged Brittney giving the guards the look, they got Brittney away from him and tackled Ryan to the floor making Cody come into the kitchen "what happened and whys he here" Cody sharply looked at the floor "don't worry about it just get back to bed before your sister wakes up" she fixed his shirt and kissed his cheek sending him back to bed while the guards cuffed Ryan "your going to pay for this" "no you are. If I have it correct you brought the weapon intending harm to the queen and possibly much more correct me if I'm wrong" she smiled at him. Ryan growled being taken away while one of the guards checked on her "are you okay queen Brittney" "don't touch me, could have been worse. I could have died if you were any louder" she took his hand off her shoulder and went to the room "well I'm wide awake" she slammed on the bed rolling her eyes "come on somethings clearly wrong" he laid next to her pressing his cheek again hers "Cody you bastard" she laughed and kissed him "I know something to make up tired again" he winked pulling her in "now aren't you tired" "nope since high school I haven't sleep well" "well make it quick" she shuffled to her spot "why" "lily, I thought about making her head of the guards" "I mean then she'd be able to focus that energy" he nuzzled her shoulder with a goofy smile "I love you too Cody" she kissed his forehead and closed her eyes almost snoring.