
Redemption's Ascension: From Vengeance to Salvation in the Apocalypse

Takashi001 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Meeting of new people and start of Training

Hello, everyone we're here once again to continue the story. I know I know I'm a bit late to tell because I was busy so let's continue the story of Hiro. We're gonna find out who those people are so let's go.

I woke up "Where the fuck is this place" I said in surprise and anger. It was simple room. Then I heard a girl's voice from outside "Looks like he woke up. Oi Zen go and talk to him and ask who he is"

As she said that I got up to fight them but I suddenly remembered that I was stabbed. It was fully healed like I didn't even get stabbed. I said in shock "What the hell, how am I healed."

The gate opened and I threw a punch without even thinking twice. He dodged easily and pushed me. I flew out of the window. He jumped right at me. I tried to fight him but he was too fast for me.

I saw a dagger on the floor and grabbed. He said "Huh you wanna fight with a dagger now. Let's see how strong you are." He smirked and disappeared. Then I saw him throw a kick from the sky but I dodged.

That kick literally broke the floor of concrete like nothing. He said "I'm not gonna fight you or you'll die so let's stop before she gets angry." With that being a spatula came flying hitting that guy's head.

A girl screamed "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU FIGHTING A WEAK GUY LIKE HIM!!!!" I heard that and got on guard. She said "Huh no need to be on guard, I mean even if you are on guard I can still kill you like an insect."

Then I said "Why did you save me? What do you want from me?" They replied "Information about this planet, we don't know how we got here. We were sleeping and when we opened our eyes, we were here."

There words seemed true because they had a tail and blue skin. I said "I'll give you information but tell me who you are first." She said "Oh my bad, I'm Niko and this guy is Zen. We are from the planet Nobalcave. That was a great planet."

So that's their planet's name. She then said "You should have atleast basic manners and introduce yourself too." I just said "I'm Hiro, I don't want to get killed so let me go."

Then she said in annoyed voice "Huh!? You think we gonna kill you? We're already friends now." I thought when did I say I wanna be friends with them. Then she explained what happened after I fainted.

Hiro is still in the fear of the things that happened that night. The remains of those memories and shadows of his loved ones are appearing on his mind. What will Hiro do now.

Hiro says "So what do you really want from me. As you already saw I was almost dead and you saved me. So there must be a reason for it, right?" As I said that Niko hit my head with the spatula and said "You're a real stupid human, We are not going to kill you"

Just as she finished talking a zombie came towards us. The Zen guy woke up and said "These rats coming up again. Haven't we killed enough of them already Niko" and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When I looked around I saw the zombie's head flying and Zen standing behind him with a sword in his hand. He said "You should just go back to your grave and stopping coming into my territory" with that he came back.

I was already more scared and Niko said "You're too weak right now. We have given you some of our blood because you lost too much blood that night. So you can have almost same potential as us or even more. We will train you hard enough to make sure you become the strongest kind" with a wicked smile.

Then Zen grabbed my shoulder and said "Are you ready? Or you wanna go because if you don't want to do it we can't force you." I said to myself that I should train even if it means doing anything because I want to take revenge for what they did to me.

I said "I will be in your care from now on. Please train me hard enough." Zen nodded after hearing that and said "Let's start with a 1000 Push ups, 1000 squats, 1000 pull ups, 1000 sit ups and 100 km run everyday and train your fighting styles with me and Niko." My mind went black after hearing that.

"I have to do that much exercise. People can't do it in a month and he wants me to do that everyday." I said to myself and then he told me to start now.

The hellish training began the first day I ran 10 kms straight and got a bit tired and Zen kicked my ass so hard I flew almost 2 kms away. That was the most painful kick, but my wounds healed way faster than before.

I finally completed 100kms but I couldn't see any zombie or hostile creature around. Maybe something was making them not come out. But then I saw a big creature around 2 floors tall with almost 10 hands coming towards me. It's almost as if it was half dead already.

It had one arm torn apart and a bit scared of something. Then it started running towards, I prepared to run but then I saw Zen. He walked slowly and screamed "Don't let this piece of shit escape or you will not get dinner tonight.'

Now that's some crazy stuff that Hiro has to do or he will not get dinner. What do you think, Can Hiro stop a creature like that? Even I don't know so let's find out more. This is still the most craziest thing I read and did.

After I heard that I got ready to grab it's foot to make it fall. Then Zen threw his sword at me and said "Grab this cut his feet by infusing your string energy in it!!!"

I didn't know what that energy is just swung the sword and put a small cut on it and heard Zen scream "The fuck are you doing, I told you to make sure it can't run!!!! You really are a pain in the ass." And grabbed a pole on the side of the road and threw at that creature's head and killed him.

He came to me and punched my head said "Why didn't you use string energy to cut him? You're dumb or what?" I asked him "What's string energy and he just looked at me like I'm some weird creature.

So he took me back to Niko and told her about everything and they said "Looks like people of this planet can't use string energy?" I said "I don't even know what that is."

So they started explaining that String energy is like flow of energy strings around the world bc of the astroids and the apocalyptic radiations and you can actually use it to enhance your physical abilities and skills like creating an energy sword and weapons.

And with that we went to sleep not knowing that we were being followed by someone.

A man in black robe with red eyes walks away after sneakingly watching Hiro, Niko and Zen. He goes to a building and says to some people "They're getting stronger everyday, we have to get moving sir."