
Enter- The World

There was nothing... Well not nothing, but definitely a distinct lack of true feeling. Where I would expect of feel warmth or cold there was a numbness that pervaded his very existence. Slowly my eyes opened and light invaded my senses, it was overwhelming. I spent an unknowable amount of time in pure darkness and here was the freedom that I had desired so much. Shielding my eyes with an arm they slowly began to adjust to the light and focused. My arm... "ITZ GREEN?!" I spoke with a deep guttural voice that was alien to me, it sounded as though I'd been smoking three packs of cigarettes a day for the past thirty years. What had I become?

Where a sense of panic should have overtaken me, I felt the twinge of adrenaline but none of the adverse effects that came with it and no accelerated heartbeat... In fact my mind became sharper and my body shivered in ecstasy, it enjoyed the panic. Quickly I smashed this feeling deep down into my emotionless box attempting to regain control of my emotions and body. Thankfully years of practice allowed me to do so, I once more calmed down and decided to examine myself more thoroughly. 

Raising up my arms to my eyes so that I could see them more clearly revealed several things. They were in fact green, I am definitely no longer Human. They were now thick and muscular, covered in green, leathery skin. The sheer size of them was overwhelming, each muscle bulging with raw power. My hands, now massive and clawed, they felt alien yet strangely familiar.

"Wot in da world?" I muttered, flexing my fingers and watching the sinews shift beneath the skin. The strength I felt was intoxicating, but the realization of what I had become hit me like a freight train. The rational part of me screamed that this was impossible, that I was still human somewhere deep inside. But this bodies instincts were strong, urging me to embrace the power, to revel in the chaos.

How the hell am I going to fix this? The questions echoed in my mind, but there were no easy answers. All I knew was that I had to survive, to adapt, and to find a way to turn this curse into a weapon. 

After a few moments of self contemplation I decided that enough was enough and that I should pry myself from my confines. Stretching out an oversized limb I grabbed the edged of the pod and subsequently the ground that surrounded me and hoisted myself upwards. It was exceedingly easy, as numerous muscles rippled and contracted in response. In a matter of moments I had pulled himself up and out of the pod out into the world. Sucking in a cool breath of fresh air I revelled in it all. 

With a few momentary glances around I found myself in some sort of camp... Roughly constructed huts and shacks made from metal sheets, wooden planks, and other debris were scattered haphazardly around me. Each structure was adorned with crude symbols. The noise was overwhelming—gruff voices shouting, laughter, the clanging of metal, and the occasional explosion. It was a cacophony that was entirely alien to me, nothing like the soft sounds of an office.

To my left was a strange building made of scrap metal, inside were hulking green figures tinkering and playing around with strange contraptions, they looked like weapons and even some rudimentary bikes that looked like they would explode at any moment. The figures had no finesse and it seemed like they were simply just banging scrap[ onto the weapons or bikes with no real intent, similar to someone that banged on a TV in hopes that it would start working again. To my right was a circular fence with small red creatures inside, they ran around snarling with a primal intensity snapping at each other and even the green figures that seemed to be trying to corral the beasts. However, directly Infront of me stood a large 'building'.

The structure looked like a chaotic assembly of salvaged materials; rusted metal sheets, wooden planks, and chunks of concrete all haphazardly welded and bolted together. Above the entrance, the words "DA PITZ" are painted in bold, blood-red letters, each one dripping with fresh paint. The letters are large and uneven, scrawled with a crude brushstroke.

Flanking the entrance are two massive totems made from scrap metal and adorned with a symbol reminiscent of the faces of the hulking green figures and what seemed like trophies from past battles; skulls, bones, and bits of humanlike armour. In the centre of it all was an entrance that looked like the maw of one of the green creatures, its jaws made from jagged metal scraps heavily rusted in many parts. This was not a race of artisans it seems.

'I wonder wha--' my thoughts were interrupted by an overbearing clawed hand that grabbed my shoulder. Turning towards the green figure that had done so my vision was filled with a singular enlarged green fist. In a split moment I had been punched with the full force of a brutish creature with muscles bigger than my head in my old life. My neck snapped back as I stumbled back and regained my footing. Raising my hand to my face in pure instinct I braced for searing pain to begin wreaking havoc across my face but yet again I felt nothing but a bit of pressure. 

As I came back to my senses I heard the guffawing laughter of several large green figures, the loudest of which came from one multiple heads taller than me, the one who had just struck me. Rage began to bubble up in my stomach, stronger than I had ever felt before. It was maddening and before I could even form a thought my body lurched forwards as I too threw out a punch directly towards the largest of the aliens. With a THUD my fist collided with the jaw of the beast, his head barely moved which was astounding. Even with all my newfound strength I was unable to even make the brute flinch. What was worse the group had seemed to stop laughing entirely, the largest of the group stared directly into my eyes as if peering into my very soul.

My rational mind began to work overtime, I'd never struck out at anyone in anger before... What in the world was that?! Why had I done that? He's huge! As a million thoughts a minute passed through my mind as the possibilities of his already short life ending right here and now the big one began to laugh even harder than before. As he did so it bellowed "GAHAHAHA DIS'UN HAS GOT SOME FIGHT IN 'EM. I LIKE 'EM." It was loud and offensive to the ears of any who would dare listen. Once he finished the rest of the green beings too began to laugh and echo and chimed in with the likes of "Dis Yoof's got some teef!" and "He'z gunna do well in Da Pitz!". Standing there awkwardly I retreated my fist from the face of the alien letting it sit by my side. All anger dissipated I waited confused. 

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT THAT'S ENUFF!" The big one bellowed. "LETZ GET A GUD LOOK AT YA'." The beast raised an oversized hand to his chin as he began stroking it in thought. After a moment and in a strangely human fashion he slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand as if coming to a revelation. "YOUZ IS A BIT SMALLER THAN NORMAL, I'LL CALL YOU ORKGRUB!" after a moment the rest of the hulking creatures began to chant out the name he was just given. "ORKGRUB! ORKGRUB! ORKGRUB!" As if baptised by the community I'd gotten a name... Not a good one, but it was a start at least. 

After a few moments as I contemplated over the situation the biggest one spoke up again. "I'm Gorblitz, leader of dis 'ere group of Boyz and dis is da Ork Clan DA REDSKULLS!" As Gorblitz spoke the 'Boyz' around him had been worked up into a small frenzy, jumping up and down and slamming their heads into each other. This was a group of hooligans that strangely sounded British... Why did they sound like that? It was detestable, a bunch of brutes without a hint of decorum between them. But Orks? Is that what they call themselves? Like the green creatures from Dukes of The Rings? The ones birthed and bred only for war? Or was it more like those from that Sci-fi tabletop game Battlemace 40m, I never really did take a look into it, it was never my thing. I preferred none-fiction to this rabble, yet it seems as though I was missing out hugely here. Cursing inwardly I looked back up to Gorblitz and his group of merry men.

"Datz Rukkfang." Gorblitz pointed towards one of the larger Orks who had a particularly large pair of canine teeth that protruded from his maw. "Datz Mugruk." his hand moved along the group as he pointed towards one of the smaller ones that had a particularly large scar that was stapled across his entire face. "Datz Zogbash." he pointed towards the widest of the orks, strangely his right arm was orders of magnitude larger than this left, it looked quite odd. "Datz Grimskab" the final ork was almost as small as I was, but upon his head sat a pair of goggles that seemed to have a strange level of magnification through them, something that should be impossible to see through. With a proud nod to himself Gorblitz looked expectantly at me, unsure of what to do I pointed towards myself and spoke out "I'm Orkgrub." With a nod of satisfaction Gorblitz patted me on the shoulder once more.

"For now, youz is just a yoof, you hafta' prove yourself to join us. An' you do that in Da Pitz!" as soon as the words Da Pitz was spoken, the group of hooligans began cheering once more smashing their skulls into each other with fervour. Waiting for the boyz to settle down Glorbitz once more spoke up. "Youz gotz ta fight and ifs you win. You become a Boy! Let's get you there!" without another word Glorbitz grabbed my muscular green shoulder and began hauling me off against my will straight towards the scrap like structure in the middle of the camp. 'What the hell is going on?! What have you threw me into YOU DAMN DEVIL!' those were my last thoughts before I was dragged through the maw like entrance of 'Da Pitz'.

That's the first three chapters done and dusted! If you notice and grammatical errors please do let me know! Also do feel free to give any ideas or advice for how you'd like the story to progress. I've got a plan of what's going to happen, but new ideas and the likes are always welcome :D

Jestationcreators' thoughts