
Red Raptor : Sparks of Fate

DaoistZA3tWH · ไซไฟ
5 Chs


Location: Eulimotolo "Nickname: Tolo236BV"

Dust, Dust everywhere there is dust , it is no surprise on a planet where it is mostly affected by dust storms and have low visibility and don't have proper connection with outside world

A purple human alike person sitting on dust, smoking a cigar made of KODAKA {a tobacco like leaf which is almost like cocaine}. a space ship landed near to him , there are several Qalamas Lower Level Troops climbing down from the ship

One of the troops "No.124K" came to the smuggler {purple human alike person}

Sonovo Smuggler SS678L: Looks like I got tons of leaves for my mates and myself

Troop124K: Where are our metals, we bought the Kodaka, that you want from us

SS678L slowly lifts a cover from ground and shows the 'Falondium' metal plates that he extracted from other planets and smuggled, Falondium is a precious metal used by Qalamas Norb for making metals

T124k : Did G.O.A.T troubled you , do you guys need our help

SS678L: You mean Gonozo Odamio Ario Tadanu , that fucking organization or whatever can't stop us , that is too old to touch us , we smugglers are way too powerful than those dickheads , don't worry about us , you know what on the planet earth ,GOAT is actually poor creature , for me that G.O.A.T is prey , poor organization

T124k: you are an over confident guy

SS678L: There is a storm coming hurry up and go otherwise we may die in this graveyard planet

From a distance of 40 m, a spy from G.O.A.T is recording the conversation of the two ,

Agent CRX907 aka 'Pale'

POV –Pale

Pale: Hello, This is CRX907, I am on tail of a Qalamas ship , there is smuggling movement going on Tolo, I repeat there is a movement on Tolo.

From the G.O.A.T there is response

G.O.A.T Control Room: Roger, There is a dust storm on the Tolo, I repeat Storm on way , keep a bug there and return to the Main Unit.

Pale: Roger ,I am coming back

Cuts the connection

Pale: Ahh , This sucks , this storm

Pale returns to the control room and takes appointment to meet the Strike Operations Head Sigma

Pale: Good Morning Sir , There is something important I need to talk with you

Sigma: Pale, I just received the report you sent me , I read that you kept a video bug there

Pale: It records 60hrs video and audio of 100 m radius .by now we will get the footage from the bug as 60hrs completed.

Pale receives the footage from the bug to his device

Pale sends the footage to analyst team of the unit

Sigma: Pale, are you sure that there is regular smuggling on Tolo. You even mentioned it in the report

Pale: Yes, I am damn sure about that, the signs on the planet is clear there is regular smuggling on the planet, I followed a Qalamas space ship it ended up landing in Tolo to participate in smuggling

Sigma: We have a sub-unit observing Tolo, and a elite hero is head to it , they are constantly giving report that there is no activity on Tolo , except dust and storm , they stated that it is a graveyard and abandoned planet .

Pale: What The.. ,I don't the who the shit is that guy , it is clearly bullshit

Sigma: You know that I am survivor of "BATTLE OF TOLO", one of the mysterious battle

There are almost 5000 members from our side to fight the Qalamas , in the middle of the battle there is a huge dust storm , after that no one knows what happened only 60 members including me was survived , others are still missing , we even don't know that they are alive or dead , there are not even sign of dead bodies of our members and Qalamas. GOAT won many battles and also lost many battles and again won those but this is the most mysterious battle ever had , it is almost 4 years . I have lost my friends and many of my friends lost their body parts and several are wounded . it took almost 1 year for others to recover .

Pale: But, Sir Why are you telling this now

Sigma : It damaged us , physically and mentally 2/5 of the unit is vanished. It is a big scar on the Unit .

Suddenly an analyst rushed to Sigma and Pale

Analyst : Sir , you need to see this

Analyst shows a video clip

In the clip it shows that there is huge dust storm and some of the smugglers accidentally got into the storm, after those getting into the dust there is someone killing the smugglers and the killer vanished with the bodies of smugglers

Sigma clearly observes the clip, as there is dust storm visibility is too low some of the part of video is not even clear a bit

Analyst KP569: Sir, there is someone other than Qalamas and smugglers, they are targeting smugglers and killing them .

Sigma: I know that killing style , I know it , I saw it with my own eyes, Guys keep this information confidential . Pale and KP569 meet me tomorrow

Sigma takes the calling device and connects to Sub Unit 198

Sigma: Hello this is Sigma, please tell RKY118 to meet me urgently in main unit


Sigma observes profile of RKY118

" Code: RKY118

Rank: Elite

Posting: Head ,Sub Unit 198 Tolo

Nickname: REDRAPTOR aka Rocky"

"Here we go Rocky" murmurs Sigma himself

A spaceship lands in Main Unit of G.O.A.T 914

Red Raptor steps out from space ship with his friend Doru aka DK346

Sigma arrives at the landing site a.s.a.p.

Rocky : How are you Sigma , congratulations came to know that you got promotion to SOH

Sigma: How are you Rocky , it has been three years to meet you , how are you , how are your wounds that you survived on Tolo

Rocky: Fine, Glad you recovered very fast than me

Sigma: we should really talk a.s.a.p.

Rocky: I don't know why you called me but I will help you as I can

Sigma takes Rocky to his room

Sigma: What the F have you done

Rocky: What Man Chill , Chill drink some water relax

Sigma: Tell me one thing why are you killing those smugglers , as of rules you should report us if anything happens , you are taking the system in your hand , I know that you killed them

Rocky: yeah , you are correct , I killed them with my own hands , I don't find any mistake , I am killing for information

Sigma: I know that you are still on the Battle of Tolo , but in your revenge drama shit , you are the most illogical comedian , those smugglers are useless , I can bet that banana peel in dustbin gives more information than them ,you became a mad guy

Rocky: You don't know how much I lost

Sigma: Many of us lost many things but no one became a Sussy Baka like you, you are making yourself a dumbass by wasting on those foolish smugglers

Rocky: Don't tell morals to me now, I don't want to lose again others from the G.O.A.T

Sigma: What ass in the world you are , even I broke rules and even you broke rules finally I can say we both broke rules but there some rules that to be followed that makes all of us safe, currently we all are weak compared to smugglers and Qalamas

Rocky: I don't want to give chance to those fools to take our lives

Sigma: Tell me how many smugglers you killed

Rocky: approx. 2000 may be more

Sigma: wtf ! if this information goes outside and reach the smugglers they will attack us immediately . At our present state we will lose everything. As you saved me manytimes and we have good friendship between us . I am leaving you by not taking actions , don't leak this outside tell to your sub-unit not to leak. I will talk to you later . I am transferring you to this main unit

Rocky: What...…

>>>Next Chapter>>>