
Chapter 03

Black Mansion

A tall, slender, very pale, good-looking woman with blue eyes, long black hair, and blonde locks was sitting on one of the main sofas of Black Manor watching with amusement the reaction of the newcomers.

- "Narcissa, I didn't know you'd be arriving so soon." - Regulus was the first to react.

- "And I thought you missed me" - Narcissa replied sarcastically. - "Hello Adhara..." - Smiling in the girl's direction, greeted her.

- "Hello, Aunt Cissy, it's good to see you." - The redhead returned the greeting.

- "You see, Regulus, you should learn from her manners." - The older witch spoke, drawing laughter from the younger one and an irritated sigh from the older one.

- "This is no time for jokes, Narcissa, I called you because I want to talk to you about something important." - The wizard spoke seriously.

- "All right, what do you need from me?" - Narcissa asked curiously.

- "Adhara, go to your room." - Regulus ordered.

Adhara quickly obeyed and ran to her room.

Once they were alone, Regulus spoke.

- "Dumbledore came two days ago." - Regulus suddenly blurted out.

- "What? Tell me he didn't come into the house, Regulus? After what he did to our family, how dare he come in here like it's nothing!" - Narcissa spoke with anger and resentment.

- "Quiet, Cissy, he didn't come in, Kreacher wouldn't let him in, but... He left me the Hogwarts letter for Adhara..." - He mumbled the last, barely audible.

- "You're not going to send her, are you, because if you do, you'll be leading her into the lion's den, Regulus?" - She spoke worriedly.

- "No, Cissy, she won't go, not until she's ready." - Regulus was sure.

- "Regulus aren't you thinking of....." - Narcissa could not finish the sentence, as Regulus interrupted her.

- "Yes, she will begin her training in the red room..." - The wizard assured her seriously.

- "Regulus, she is still a child... You can't do that to her..." - Narcissa spoke in a weak voice, paler than usual.

Regulus gave a long sigh and spoke. - "I know she's little, she just turned 11, but it's the right thing to do. There is a prophecy Narcissa and you know it, Dumbledore knows it and if we are not careful and if Adhara is not prepared to face her destiny the consequences will be devastating for the magical world" - Regulus concluded, worried.

- "Well, if you think it's the right thing to do, then she should start as soon as possible."

- "I know... I've already told her" - He muttered.

- "What?" - Narcissa was shocked for a few moments until she finally reacted. - "What did she say about it? Does she know how hard the training is?"

- "Of course she does, there's no point in lying to her, and as for the training, she accepted it and most surprisingly said she was willing to do anything to avenge her family and protect her brother."

- "I guess telling her was the best thing to do." - The witch answered thoughtfully. - "I'll contact Andromeda and you contact Sirius" - She said, looking seriously at Regulus.

- "Right. Are you sure you want to do this? Once we start, there's no turning back, Narcissa" - Regulus said, doubting the older woman's words.

- "I'm a Black just like you Andromeda, Sirius, and like you, I will do my best to uphold our legacy." - Regulus only nodded in disbelief. - "Adhara is my family Regulus and family is not to be turned away from, much less if we are talking about our family." - Every word she said only confirmed the fact that the Black's would soon be back and stronger than ever.

- "Good." - Agreed the wizard. - "I've already found out where they're hiding Harry Potter, Dumbledore hid him well, too well I'd say." - He muttered with annoyance.

- "Whether legally or illegally Regulus, the boy is now a Black since Sirius adopted him with a blood spell." - Cissy was worried about the state of the "chosen one".

- "I will, Kreacher will go for him tomorrow. Once everyone is gathered, we will begin the first phase of the plan." - Regulus assured her.

- "Then we start sending letters, dear cousin." - Said the witch, turning around.

- "What am I supposed to write? The Ministry checks correspondence, we can't risk it." - He spoke worriedly.

- "Ohhhh sweet and cute Regulus, I forgot you're new at this." - She muttered in amusement, drawing a growl from the younger boy. - "You just write that the Red Army is active again." - She spoke with a half-smile.

- "Fine." - He said, surprised by the amused look on his cousin's face. - "See you, Cissy, we'll be in touch." - He waved goodbye with a handshake.

- "Bye! Say hello to Adhara for me."

The black-haired man only nodded to see how the blonde disappeared with a "click".

The wizard was left circling the large room as he had heard rumors about what they called the "Red Army" rumors that only the oldest pureblood Houses knew about. It was known that it was a Black heritage, the most surprising thing is that only Black women have had the power to lead such an army.

According to him, the last person to lead the Red Army was his aunt Dorea Black, a cunning and brave witch who later became Potter because she married Charlus Potter.

As his father told him, the Red Army ceased to be active before the onset of the Dark Lord because the Black family, despite following the Dark Lord's cause, did not trust him enough to reveal that event to him. Also, Dorea became pregnant by Fleamont Potter, father of James, and had to leave the army after that there was no one fit to lead such a task and so it became inactive.

Well, I guess it's time for that to change, Regulus thought as he walked up the stairs to his daughter's room and smiled as he watched her read a book on advanced potions. He just smiled and closed the door gently.

Adhara was undoubtedly the right one to carry on her great-grandmother Dorea Potter-Black and do justice to both of her surnames.


Little Whinging.

Kreacher appeared at Number 4 Privet Drive and walked up to a large, square house with front and back gardens. He grimaced at the sight of the Muggles living inside, but there was nothing he could do, his master had ordered him to remove the Potter boy from that filthy house, either peacefully or violently. He grimaced and knocked on the door. He sighed, he was doing this for the happiness of his mistress Adhara.

- "Who is it?" - A blonde woman with bony hands, a horse's face and a very long thin neck, an ugly woman to Kreacher opened the door.

- "My name is Kreacher, I am the house elf of the Black Family and I have come to take Harry Potter." - The elf said as politely as he could.

The older woman seemed to be in shock and denial at what she heard. She looked down again, and she could see the elf looking at her with disgust, and so she reacted. - "Ahhhhhh! VERNON!" - She shouted, to the annoyance of the elf, who with a 'click' appeared inside the house.

- "What's the matter, Petunia?" - A stout, plump man with almost no neck, but a very long mustache walked worriedly towards his wife who was in shock.

- "Good morning, Mr. Dursley, my name is Kreacher, the Black's House elf, and I have come to take Harry Potter." - The elf introduced himself again with little patience.

- "NO HARRY POTTER LIVES HERE! So go back to where you came from, you garden gnome!"

That was the straw that broke Kreacher's patience.

- "LISTEN TO ME, YOU FILTHY, FILTHY MUGGLE! I have orders from my masters to take the Potter boy, and your walking walrus will not stop me from carrying out my orders." - Kreacher spoke, no longer calm or patient.

- "Vernon, get away from that thing" - Petunia murmured in a pleading voice, - "Just hand over the boy, and we'll be free of him" - She blurted out, causing the elf to frown.

- "We can't, Petunia... We promised the old fool he'd be here." - The man muttered, making the elf angrier at the mention of Dumbledore.

They continued to discuss what would be the best option, ignoring the elf who was blowing smoke out of his ears and was about to speak until he remembered something.

"If anyone prevents you from bringing my brother you have my permission to use magic no matter what it costs you must bring Harry to safety" His mistress had told him, the obedient elf thrust his fingers, and 'poof' the muggles fell motionless to the floor.

He smiled satisfied and walked up to the second floor and checked the three rooms of the house however there was no trace of the boy who lived, that worried the elf who went back down to the second floor, he could not return to Black's House empty-handed and began to search every possible place in the house until he came to a small room under the stairs.

He frowned when he heard a noise with a hand movement he opened the door and was shocked by what he saw a boy 9 years old was sitting on a mini mattress playing with a pony the boy turned to look at him and the elf confirmed that it was Harry Potter when he saw the scar on his forehead.

- "Who are you? You look like a gnome from my aunt's garden." - The boy spoke innocently.

- "My name is Kreacher and I have come to take you to your family." - The elf murmured as sweetly as he could.

- "Family?" - Harry's eyes lit up when he heard them, his aunt and uncle had told him that his father and mother were drunks and had died. - "I have a family?"

- "Of course, young Potter, Master Regulus will be pleased, not to mention Mistress Narcissa and Mistress Adhara, they are waiting for you at Black's House."

- "Are they my parents?" - Harry asked, the elf grimaced sadly, but quickly composed himself.

- "I'm not the one who should be talking to you on that subject, young Potter, now take the most important thing and take my hand." - Kreacher spoke.

Harry stood up quickly, he didn't care about anything, he had nothing of value.

In his eyes, he could see joy and hope, the one that now looked like a garden gnome was telling him that his family was waiting for him, for a moment he thought it was a dream, and he approached the elf to verify if he was for real, the elf at the touch frowned and looked at him questioningly, the boy realized that it was not a dream, this was happening, he would leave the Dursley's, and he would have a family that would love him.

- "I don't have anything, Mr. Gnome, we can go." - Spoke a smiling Harry.

- "I'm a house elf, not a gnome." - He mumbled in annoyance.

He sighed when he saw the boy's smiling face. He took his hands and with a 'poof' they disappeared from there, never to return.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).