
Red Moon [赤い月]

Moonsam Lich is the last of his family line of murderous members of the army of the Vollmond Kingdom, a kingdom famous for being part of a war of more than 3000, in the year 5203 the war had a break of 5 years due to lack of information from the whereabouts of the other surviving kingdoms, during these years Moonsam has dedicated himself to training his skills to join the army and continue the legacy of his deceased family. From there he will be involved in a cruel and bloody war that could last generations, but Moonsam does not have time for that, because of a curse that he has carried since he was a child, he is condemned to die at the age of 20, having the 18 knows that he only has 2 years to end the war with his own will. Despite the Thousands of risks and deaths he will continue until the red moon makes him die [RED MOON]

Enrique_Kudo · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1_The Boy in Chains

Vollmond Kingdom/year 5200/Milktown/16:30pm

In the east of the small town of Milktown on top of a hill was the house of the Lich family, known for their contributions to the country's army. Every new generation that grows up means that there will be a next army soldier in the assassin faction.

Each man of that family at the age of 15 was already enlisting in the army to begin his initial training, the Lich have been acclaimed by the high command of the government and the army, becoming the only ones in charge of reconnaissance missions. They had a lot of information about attack zones and enemy strategies that they used to their advantage.

For years this has been the case until a single man managed to end the entire lineage.

On March 18 of that year at sunset, a mercenary known as Blizz arrived in town with his army of more than 300 men, he managed to kill 3 of the 5 members of the family.

"Lucas Lich" / 34 years old / voluntary suicide / time of death 17:00 pm.

"Arthur Lich"/89 years old/dismembered with katanas/time of death 13:00pm.

"Lisa Lich" / 33 years old / impaled with an ax / time of death 16:31 pm.

"Flint Lich" / age 12 / fled town as soon as he learned of his grandfather Arthur's death / current whereabouts unknown.

An entire family killed in just one day, except for the sole survivor of the massacre.

Moonsam Lich

In the basement of his house he remained hidden with both hands with special chains, designed so that you cannot free yourself from them no matter if you cut your arms, with a weight of 100 kilos in each hand, and also strong enough to withstand a bullet from Canyon.

The boy had not eaten for more than 1 week locked up in that place, hungry and dehydrated, he only spent the day longing for the company and care of his mother.

-I'm going to die here...-

he said through tears as he looked at the ceiling of the basement closing his eyes slowly, from a corner of the wall a small dirty and thin rat peeks out which approaches the boy's dying body, carefully tries to wake them up with a bite on his arm.

The boy was surprised and looked up at the rat.

-What's wrong, are you hungry too, little one?-he looked at the dream and saw a piece of bread dirty and covered in Mo.

The rat approaches him with the osico offering the boy food, he accepts without hesitation as soon as he chews the hard bread he can't help but feel moved, it was the first time in all that time that someone helped him.

"It's... delicious," Moonsam said through tears as he thanked the rat.

More rats came out of the shadows slowly approaching the skinny boy with offerings for his, water served in a leaf, cheese, vegetables from their neighbors' harvest and other things.

At that moment Moonsam remembers the reason for the kindness of the animals, he remembered that in the past in his house there was a plague of rats in his house, Moonsam's father ordered him to watch the basement to kill them as soon as he saw them, but this He took pity on you disobeying your father. He did everything possible to keep them alive, he removed the traps at night he fed them and even hid them from his father, during all that time he helped them and they continued to live in his basement hidden from his family .

Moonsam realized why they help him, they were returning the favor after everything he did for them. This moves the boy and he begins to cry as he thanks and eats without stopping.

That night he managed to have more hope than all the previous ones.

Blizz soldiers were gathered on the main floor of the house, all of whom had winter jackets, swords and rifles near them at all times and all had a scarf that covered their mouths, showing only their scarred eyes.

soldier 1-Hey did you hear that the boss left Lucas Lich's son alive-

Soldier 2-You're wrong, Lucas's son fled the town, we looked for him in the forest and neighboring towns and we still haven't found anything-

Soldier 1-That non-idiot, the youngest son who has white hair, has been in the basement for weeks and there are rumors that I was still alive-

Soldier 2-If we have him locked up, it must be for something, otherwise they would have already ordered us to kill him, by the way, do you know why the boy is the only one in his family with white hair? Everyone else has black hair-

The two of them sit at the kitchen table tidying up the mess on the table and start playing chess as they chat.

Soldier 1-They say that the boy is cursed from the day of his birth today that he was born during the blood moon 10 years ago-

Soldier 2-Blood Moon?...That means he will die young, but that doesn't explain why his hair is that color- he moves his pieces intelligently and manages to take the two horses from the.

Soldier 1-This is just a rumor but they say that if father was unfaithful to his wife-he makes his pawns advance marking defense.

Soldier 2-Unfaithful with whom? If a woman was quite attractive, she had a voluptuous body even dead she did not lose her charm-

Soldier 1- They say that his father slept with a demon, on one of his trips there are rumors that he had sex with a creature of the night, after doing it with her he killed her but somehow the baby returned to his arms, he says the baby didn't die because it was meant to avenge its mother- move your queen to attack.

Soldier 2-A story of a half human and half demon boy is something very typical, I think you're making it all up-

Soldier 1-Well that's what they say about him, there isn't much information the boy doesn't have acquaintances in the town besides he studies at home-he checks him.

As the talk progressed the game became more challenging both soldiers were focused until they felt a presence behind them, they both got up from their chairs and unsheathed their katanas.

-....Go watch the back door, an elite assassin is on his way-

Said Blizz the leader of him with a carefree and emotionless face a lost and dead look that only pointed towards the eyes of those two soldiers.

-Yes sir immediately-

They both quickly left the kitchen towards the entrance of the house to watch, Blizz sits on the chair for a second and looks at the king piece on the chessboard. This puts his finger on him and makes the piece fall to the ground, he immediately gets up and walks to the basement.

-Shit!-said Moonsam shooing away the rats-someone is going to get down here!-

Moonsam hides the cheese and throws the water towards a corner of the wall, listening as little by little the footsteps are heard getting closer, feeling how his heart stops for fractions of seconds when he hears the door open. The footsteps are stronger since he was in the same room, a person was slowly descending the stairs, his steps were slow and lifeless, almost artificial.

Moonsam sees a man go down with scars on his eyes, messy and dirty black hair, his eyes sharp as a sword, his mouth and nose were covered by thick tights that barely allowed him to breathe, he was wearing an old purple coat although for the wear you could see what had turned gray, his hands were full of scars but you couldn't see through his gloves. Finally, what stood out the most about him were his two katanas, one was covered by bandages and the other could be seen on his waist, it had a handle with strange writings and a particularly strange tip, both held by his belt. .

-It's him, his katanas give him away-Moonsam thought as he stared at him standing still.


Blizz after saying this got closer to the boy lying on the floor.

Moonsam froze when he heard his voice, it was so weak but at the same time threatening, it was such a common voice to the point of feeling as if it wasn't his own voice.

-Who are you?

Blizz was silent while he saw it, he crouched down and sat on the floor being closer to him, after that silence the sentence came out of his mouth.

-I am the offspring of two wolves with a thirst for blood, I am the one who has submerged in the cold of hell, and the one who has in his hands the blood of your family.

Moonsam is silent upon hearing this, suddenly he draws the katana in front of him, but for some reason the boy didn't even react, he just watched in silence.

Blizz cuts her own little finger in front of his, with his hand stopping the bleeding leaving the little finger on the floor.

-For us to meet again in the future, a part of me must consume, your mind and soul I will steal when you are asleep.

Blizz after saying this strange speech pushes Moonsam against the ground forcing him to eat his freshly cut little finger, as soon as he sees that Moonsam swallows it out of fear he decides to release it, Moonsam feels disgust for having swallowed that but he also feels afraid to think that Blizz will kill him right now

"Are you going to kill me?" says the boy with an expression of hatred in his eyes.

"You've already killed everyone, mom, dad, Flint, and grandpa, because only I'm still alive?"

Blizz gets up and walks towards the stairs and answers him without meeting his eyes.

-You are the only one I can use as a puppet, your father preferred to commit suicide before collaborating with me.

Blizz throws him a necklace in the shape of a crescent, the necklace was made of beach and had something written behind it in a non-existent language.

-That thing belonged to your father before he died, maybe it will be more useful to you than to me- Blizz walks towards the stairs but before starting to climb she turns her eyes and throws a small knife towards several of the hidden rats , the knife manages to kill them all.

Seeing this, Moonsam screams with rage and tries to get up from the ground and attack Blizz, but since his chains are so heavy, he can't move even an inch.

-You're not Human .... NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO I SWEAR THAT ONE DAY I WILL KILL YOU!- Moonsam yells with tears in his eyes as he looks at Blizz with hatred

Blizz doesn't say anything and continues up the stairs as he mutters something as he goes up, though Moonsam can't hear what he's saying.

As soon as he closes the door Moonsam falls into tears for the loss of the only creatures that showed him kindness for the first time since he was locked up, lying on the floor he manages to notice how one of the rats was alive, it was one of the smallest babies that He was hurt and with a cut leg. It was because she was behind everyone else that she didn't die.

-We are alone.....Together the two of us...Alone.

A month passed since the incident, the soldiers had already left the village, no one knew about the death of any of the family members, no one knew about the disappearance of the two Lich brothers, nothing was heard from Blizz that One day he disappeared without a trace, took everyone's bodies with him and didn't return to Milktown after that.

Instead Moonsam could not get out of the basement, day after day he was weaker and the chains seemed to weigh more, so he stayed there without any of the villagers knowing.


-This is Lucas's house, follow me-a man along with 4 armed men forced their way into the Lich's house.

Upon entering they found a mess, the tables, chairs and other things were broken and thrown on the floor, there were a lot of bottles of wine on the floor, the place smelled like dead animals and vomit, the walls were full of marks from bullets and swords , and there was no light at all.

"What happened here?" said one of the soldiers who accompanied the man who was leading everything.

-It doesn't matter, look for traces of a fight, try to find survivors-all desperate began to divide by each room of the house.

The mysterious man who was leading the other soldiers began to smell something strange coming from the basement, he slowly opened the door and a very strong smell of putrefaction came out of it.

"Damn," says the man, covering his mouth because of the strong smell, it goes down slowly, lighting it with an old oil lantern.

When he comes down the stairs he is amazed by what he is seeing, on one of the walls a boy is leaning with his clothes full of dried blood with a malnourished body and almost no fat, long and messy hair with blood on it. his hands and mouth. The boy was looking the man in the eye with a peculiar look, as if he was telling him not to come near.

Are you the son of Lucas?

The boy shakes his head slowly affirming that he is.

-How long have you been here?.....

The boy doesn't respond and lowers his eyes to the ground. The man notices that there are rat skeletons on the floor and notices that the boy has a bloody knife nearby.

-You killed all these rats?....

The boy shakes his head and makes the "one" sign with his finger.

-Which of all these is the rat you killed?...- asks the man with concern on his face

The boy responds by pointing to his stomach, immediately the man understands that he ate it out of hunger.

-Because the knife is full of blood?.....-the man approaches him to see it more closely.

The room goes through a silence of a few seconds, the man realizes the chains on his hands and when he sees his hands he realizes that he has cuts on his hands.

-I see.....you tried to cut off your hands to free yourself, didn't you?

The boy slowly raises his eyes to the man's face and from his lips comes a weak and dry voice due to his dehydration.

-No....- the boy looks the man in the eyes while he says this.

-Then... why do you have cuts on your hands? the worried man asks as he looks at the boy at the hands.

I was trying to kill myself...

Silence ran through the room because of the impact the boy's statement had on the man. The man helps lift the boy off the ground, carries him in his arms out of the basement.

"Where are we going?" The boy asks tiredly as he speaks.

-We're going away from here...

When leaving the basement, the appearance of the man is seen, he is a tall man with a long scarf that covers his entire neck, he wears a sweater with a strange sign on his chest similar to a flame, his hair is orange and pointed pointing up, he had two large knives on his belt with him.

-Who are you?...- asks Moonsam before falling unconscious

My name is Rick...

After a month of being locked up, Moonsam finally managed to get out of there, falling unconscious from exhaustion while Rilk carried him in his arms.

it's hard to live without a purpose

Enrique_Kudocreators' thoughts