
Red Hot Moon

It is said that whenever the red moon appears, one can summon a person who is said to be Pelastaja in that world from a different world. However, every time the red moon appears it will always be a disaster for the world. Many monsters appeared and became aggressive, killed many humans of various races, and made several lands into chaos. Ryuki Kotaro, a criminal man about to be executed and a 21-year-old ex-soldier, is summoned to another world by a cat-eared girl to save that world. Don't know what happened to force him to get involved with all of this, he couldn't help but have to help the girl and find his new purpose in life.

Bolcurut · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

A Request from a Little Girl

"Listen, especially you, Leonard!"

"Okay, My Lord."

While enjoying the beauty of this world by smoking a cigarette, I will tell them the rules that I had thought of yesterday. I've thought about this, and have to give them the rules.


Of course, since Leonard's origin is not clear, and because I also have to take responsibility for him being a member of my family, then I made a rule not to attack anyone without my permission. Therefore, this rule would prevent his actions as well as his power from attacking random people.


Hiyori is a girl, so her life is more meaningful to save first when in a dangerous situation. So, neither I nor Leonard would put Hiyori's safety first if something dangerous were to happen to us. In other words, Leonard and I protected her as a girl, as well as my Kutsuja.

From these two rules, it is clear that I prioritize their condition first then other regulations.


We are adventures, therefore, we must be able to share the results of what we have achieved. Even though I am their leader, I will still give equal results. Therefore, if the quest that we have received is completed by us and given a gift from the person who gave the quest, then the reward from the quest will be divided equally.

But in this case, I prefer to give the gift to Hiyori, to be my financial manager. As for Leonard, maybe he will hold his own money, to support himself.

Therefore, as a reward for the results of the quests that we have completed, I will give my gifts to Hiyori, to manage my finances. This way, my prize, and her prize will be stored together, thus making me a lot of money.

"Hey… your face looks sly, Ryuki. I don't mind if you want to keep your finances with me, but you're not planning anything, are you?"


"Hey, don't ignore me!"

The world is wide, I don't know what will happen in this journey. I don't know how dangerous this world is compared to my previous world. I'm not sure whether the people or the monsters in this world are much stronger than me or not. I'm not sure of that. That's why I made this rule for them.

This fourth rule is based on my experience, on what happened in my previous world, namely the hypocrisy of humans for their positions. This fourth rule is for them to know how much more dangerous humans are than the monsters in this world. I told them that, explaining what makes humans forget who they are.

This fourth rule, of course, prevents them from behaving hypocritically and greedily over this world. That way, they realize that they are the same, the only living being that lives in this world. They will know the importance of their work, not their greed.

They taught me how to be humble, even though my face looks like a hypocrite man with a cold attitude.

"That's wonderful, My Lord. I, Leonard Valkoinen, promise to always be faithful to you. I will not change, I will always serve you, My Lord."

"Yeah, sometimes that kind of thought often comes to my mind. It is true, position, wealth, and Throne are very good for this world, but it has fallen into greed, then something bad. It seems that in your world there are a lot of people like that, Ryuki."


"Hey, don't ignore me anymore! Even though I already feel sorry for what happened to you in your world, but you are… Ah."

Okay, she's holding her head, it's visible in front of my eyes. Even so, I continued to give them the rules I had thought of yesterday.

The fifth rule is very simple, that is, they must take care of the client, who will give us quest and reward. If the client asks for something difficult and unreasonable, and they find they can't fulfill the client's request, they should accept it and politely decline.

Of course, I made this fifth rule because I didn't know if the client was from the same degree as me or not. Therefore, I told them to remain polite to the clients.

Even though I equate that humans are the same as me, both humans, only different degrees; he is poor and I rich, or vice versa; I'm still professional in this job—no, I'm still professional as an adventurer who accepts any request from anyone.

"But, what if later the client is even rude to you, Ryuki?"

"Just accept it. After all, I live in a world that is very patient with what I've been through, so I can endure that. They are my clients, who gave me missions, so you have to be patient when they are rude to me. Unless they are rude to you two, then I will throw them out."

"Oh, why? Why don't you throw them out when they are rude? Why only me and Leonard?"

"Isn't it obvious? You two are my subordinates."

After I said that, I felt a breath behind me. And as it turned out, it was Leonard's exhalation who was leaning his head on my shoulder.

"My Lord… you are very noble. I, Leonard Valkoinen, will always be loyal to you."

"Yes, yes, you have said that many times. You just focus on driving!"

"Do it, My Lord."

"But, Ryuki..."

Hiyori looked worried, and it was obvious on her face.

"Why? Do you mind that?"


She was hiding something from her worried face. I knew that, but since I didn't want to force her to tell me that, I didn't ask.

"Well then, the five rules have been officially made."

With these rules, even though they still have freedom, but at least, they know what they are not allowed to do later. That way, their freedom will go in the right direction.

A few moments after the promulgation of the five regulations, Leonard suddenly disappeared from the wheel of this horse-drawn carriage.

"Disappear? Where is that person?"

Hiyori quickly jumped this table, passed me, and drove this horse carriage.

It only took 3 seconds after Hiyori grabbed the reins of this horse carriage, Leonard reappeared.

"Sorry for my behavior that suddenly went away, My Lord."

He appeared and stood on the horse, my horse, with something in his hand—no, a human in his hand who kept on fighting to be released.

"Let go of me! Oi, let me go!"

"I found this person. She's been watching this carriage from a distance ever since we left the city. Since you're relaying the rules to me, so I'm not telling this. Sorry for my carelessness, My Lord."

Wow, he turned out to be very polite, didn't want to criticize my words. It's like I have subordinates who are like servants of a noble family only.

"Let me go! Oi, Aniki, let me go!"

While Leonard was holding the little girl who was constantly rebelling, I burned my cigarette.

"So, who is that little girl?"

"Hah? Who am I? Who are you, Uncle?"

Uncle? I seem to have aged now. Yare, Yare...