
Turning 18...marriage?

Episode 1:

My name is Amethyst Crimson Von Heisenberg. I know it's a long name, but what do you expect from a the heir of Castryel and only surviving child of King Tobias Crimson Von Heisenberg.

Before I was born I had an older brother who unfortunately died of tuberculosis, after his death the whole Kingdom relied on the Queen to produce another heir. That lead to me being born.

Sadly as not every story has a happy ending my Mother passed away a few weeks after my birth.

I've always wondered what she was like, would she be the woman my Father, the King, says she is? Or is she completely different and is her hair as fiery red as mine? I guess I shouldn't bother my mind on hopeless thoughts. But what I do need to think about right now is getting ready!

"Your Majesty! Please we must hurry!" Says one of my maids, they are all so concerned about the time, I'm not even late! Well that was a lie I'm 5 minutes late to a meeting with my Father but on 5 minutes!!

I rushed to my fathers meeting room with my cluster of maids behind me.

The doors swung open and as expected I see an audience of people like always.

"What is all the fuss about?" I ask. My Father responds with "Its your 18th birthday soon..", I was confused, did he want to talk to me about my birthday arrangements in front of an audience? "I think it's time we thought about marriage." He said firmly.

"What!!! But I'm not ready for marriage!"