
Red grave

His hands tightened around the steering wheel as he saw the bold words right in front of him ‘Anson Mental institute’. A gulp formed in his throat. With determination, he left the car and walked to the entrance of the building. It was quiet cool inside the building even in the middle of summers. “Olivia” he greets the woman at the reception and she nods. “I want to check myself in” he says. Fletcher Anson’s life changes when he turns 18, he starts seeing ghosts. Years go by and his mental sanity has been going down the drain. Each ghost came with a horrific job for him. He couldn’t take it more and decided to turn himself into his father’s owned mental institution. But will he ever know about the accident that happened in this institute? Will he ever get to know how his mother vanished all of a sudden one month ago? This mental institute has all of his answers but with a price he may not be able to pay.

Bee_Tb · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

My child

Fletcher groaned as his arm started twisting. "I told you I did it" he shrieked as the pain got too much to handle.

A furniture came flying towards him and all the things in his tiny apartment started shaking.

"Please trust me" he cried as the invisible shouted in anger. This spirit's voice was unlike any he has ever seen. This spirit's voice was hard to understand because it was like a million glass shattering.

He felt cold fingers pressed against his neck and he lost all of his breath. His body was thrown against the wall and pulled up by his neck. It was hard to breathe.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see his wife entering the room nonchalantly, from next to their wedding pictures hung on the wall.

The spirit was pulled back. He could see his wife talking to the invisible spirit. His wife, Cecilia, seemed agitated. The whole floor boomed as Cecilia shouted. The spirit left in no time.

She looked over at him with a sad expression and he sulked down to his knees. This is the last thing he wanted.

Cecilia died because of one aggressive spirit which attacked them a few months ago but she couldn't leave the mortal world. That is because she was always coming back to help him.

Her face showed a painful expression and she vanished before his eyes. He wanted to hold her and talk to her.

He knew enough from the spirits about leaving the mortal world and the longer she takes to leave, the harder it becomes. Along with time, her spirit will attract negativity and then she might need to be destructed, which is the last thing he wants.

He was constantly getting into trouble which is why she was coming back. His life on the other hand has also become a mess.

Taking a deep breath, he took out his car and went to his office.

Since the day he turned 18, he could talk to spirits and see them, well not all of them because the longer a spirit stays in this world, the more they lose their visibility, even to him.

This is exactly the reason people can feel their dead ones till 2-3 days after their passing.

Usually is a spirit is violently killed by mortal reasons, that is except something supernatural happening, the spirit stays fixated to that place.

But if, someone gets killed by supernatural causes, natural death or the person themselves had something supernatural about them, they can freely go anywhere they want.

He opened the main door of his company and nodded at the receptionist.

This company belonged to his father like many other. Because he couldn't form a career after he turned 18, due to the spirits, he happily accepted work there.

However due to his outbursts which have continuously increased in the past months, he was starting to doubt his sanity. He even considered killing himself at one point and even now, he's not far from it.

He opened the glass door to his room with CEO written in bold.

Anxiety was crippling him as he paced back and forth. He needs to get work done. He picked up a file from the drawers and walked to his table.

He couldn't do this! Even if he tried.

His mind was all over the place. A knock on the door startled him as his secretary, Stacey came in.

"Good morning Mr Anson" she greeted.

"Good morning Stacey." He replied. "What is it?" He questioned because he knew that if she comes to him room without calling him, it's a difficult situation.

"Mr Anson quiet a few meetings have been delayed. A lot of projects have been under hold because of not getting your signatures" she told him. "So Mr Richard Anson suggested Mr Milo Thomas to take your position" he said with a nervous voice.

His hands shook with anger, Milo was his cousin whom his father loved more than him at moments.

"When does Milo plan on coming?" He asked with an angry voice, trying not to take it out on the poor secretary.

"He joins today evening Mr Anson" she finished.

His hands shook, this means his father has planned this in advance because Milo lives in Italy with his parents, Fletcher's aunt and uncle.

"But I am completely capable of taking care of myself and this company" he said with shaking hands and voice. Even he knew that this is not true.

"Mr Anson I" she spoke but Fletcher couldn't hear a words because right behind her, he could see a spirit walking towards him.

The spirit has her head down and he could feel the negativity coming from her. He instantly grabbed Stacey's hands and pushed her to the other side of the room.

"Mr Anson" she protested unable to understand the reason of his actions. But he completed ignore her and jumped to his bag. The spirit has walked in now, her body leaving watery patches on the floor, showing she had drowned and died.

His hands found the cross just in time and he held it tightly.

He turned to look at the spirit and she was not there.

Shit, he muttered under his breath. He looked around the room and to his horror, the spirit was dangerously close to Stacey. He ran to reach her but it was too late.

Stacey was already possessed.

Not all the spirits can speak so when they need to convey a message, they possess a person to speak to him.

"Leave her alone" he said through gritted teeth. The cross still in his pocket, held tightly.

"My child" the spirit said, a voice coming from possessed Stacey's chest.

"Leave this girl alone then we can talk" he said, trying to keep Stacey out of this.

The spirit shouted at him and started choking Stacey as she held her neck.

Fletcher immediately pulled out his cross and the spirit looked at him wide eyed. The spirit stopped choking Stacey and started walking away from him.

"Don't" the spirit shouted but Fletcher was already close to her.

The spirit ran into the hall with Stacey and Fletcher cursed. This cannot end well he thought.

But without wasting any other minute, he ran behind her.

She was now running wildly in between aisles and people were looking at her stopping everything they were doing.

"Leave her alone" Fletcher shouted as he jumped on Stacey. Both of them fell to the ground with Fletcher on top of her.

He pulled out the cross and kept it at her forehead, Stacey wriggles under his hold and started screaming and shouting. Instead of listening to her, he continued.

A crowd has formed around him whispering and finally Stacey lay there unconscious. The spirit had left her.

As Fletcher took a breath of relief, a hand touched his shoulder.

He turned around to see Milo looking at him with a concerned face.
