
Red Demon City(MC's Birthplace)

The City is populated by approximately 110,000 people, 56% of the population is humans, 44% Non humans.

The city has towering buildings, they had cars that are still like ours but faster. Everything had neon colors at night but at morning the place looks just like the Modern Era. The City is bustling with people every morning and at night the City only has two bustling streets, on one of the streets there were lots of girls walking around and on the other street shops could be seen. There were digital billboards all over the place, from the rooftop of a building to a large wall.

The City is separated into four districts, with the City Hall almost at the middle and Central Park beside it. The four districts are;

Silver District, only the rich people live here. There are usually mansions on this part of the city. Positioned on the west side of the city

Bronze District, the average people live here. The houses are just like the ones on earth, they even seem to be designed that way. Positioned on the east side of the city.

Golden District, this is the district that has everything a being needs. In short this is the entertainment and shopping districts (Factories are positioned somewhere else, farther away from the city). Positioned on the south side of the city.

Platinum District, the district that is filled with schools and academies. Positioned on the north side of the city.