
Red Blossom System (BL)

Completed. “Flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on, and so will I.”  For over a millennium, Cillian had shouldered the role of a guardian, or as he would jest, a glorified gardener. In his recollection, he'd emerged in an endless expanse known as Blossom Central, his memory a mere fragment with only his name. He was bound to the Red Blossom system Bloom, where an annoying flying entity named Bliss, the personification of Bloom, materialized as his assistant. Cillian's duty centered on nurturing the Red Blossom trees and safeguarding the cherries from falling. Each Red Blossom tree represented a distinct world, relying on his care to prosper. One day, Bliss mustered the courage to disrupt Cillian's nap despite knowing it could be risky. But he had a compelling reason – numerous Red Blossom trees had lost their cherries, a situation that had never occurred before. The fallen cherries meant that the worlds connected to those trees were in danger of collapsing. It was all because a mortal's destiny had been altered. To prevent the impending calamity, they needed to restore that mortal's fate to its rightful course. --------------------------- Cillian, desperation etched across his face, pushed the man atop him, pleading, "Please, enough, I can't take it anymore." The man swiftly reclaimed his position, his lips trailing along Cillian's Adam's apple. He whispered sensually, "We're just getting started; I'm not finished playing with you." Internally, Cillian urgently reached out to Bliss: *Bliss, get your ass over here!* *Yes, Master?* *Who the hell is this man, and why does he persistently follow me from world to world?* Bliss responded with feigned innocence, *I truly have no idea, Master.* Cillian issued a dire threat, *Tell me what you're keeping from me.* Before Bliss could utter a word, the man's lips descended upon his own with a hunger. Their tongues intertwined, and he emphasized dominantly, "I've told you, darling, don't address me as anything other than Gege." Cillian was on the verge of tears. Stuck in Blossom Central, he'd always harbored disdain for his circumstances, but now he was relentlessly pursued by this shameless, tofu-eating stranger who insisted on being called Gege. Like a fool, he thought he would get to play with Alterers, but he's the one getting played with over and over again... Arc 01: Abo (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 02: Vampire (20 Chapters)✔ Arc 03: Celebrity (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 04: Mafia (21 Chapters)✔ Arc 05: Piano Virtuoso (18 Chapters)✔ Arc 06: Ancient Era (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 07: Future Era, Final Arc (39 Chapters)✔

TheEmpressNing · LGBT+
150 Chs

5.7 Something wrong

When everyone finished eating, they all headed to the living room. Cillian felt bored to no end. Now that he's seen how those dinners go, it's a good thing they never brought him along before.

He'll just leave. He was about to stand up and give an excuse to leave now, but Levi asked:

"Do you want to see your Michealson's piano twin?"

Cillian smiled and nodded with a bright smile. Lilith said with a sweet smile as she reminisced:

"Eli and I bought the pianos together. He said that he wanted to surprise you for your birthday so he hid it here until that day."

Cillian smiled, his father in this world was truly sweet and caring. Unfortunately, it was used against him not only by the West but by Lilith too. She clearly never cared for him so she can stop trying to bond with him.