
RED | An LGBTQ+ Werewolf Story

Avalon Reed is as far from a normal teenage girl as it gets. Not only is she trans, and lesbian but it also turns out that she's a werewolf just like her father, the ferocious Big Bad Wolf. Hurray for her! With prom coming up, and a full moon just around the corner, can Avalon survive the tail end of her senior year, or will she suffer the same fate as her father?

Ramtriarch1517 · LGBT+
2 Chs


Rose gold satin now stained red litters the ballroom floor. The white tiles become pink as a pool of blood makes its way to the girl's feet. She takes a step away from the scene before her but instead her white heels find themselves in another puddle of blood, making them resemble her favorite kind of cake. Red velvet. Her gaze trails across the ballroom and suddenly catches on a pair of glowing red orbs.

The creature they belong to- despite the distance between them- still towers over her. Scarlet fur litters the ground below it, mixing with the satin. The remnants of the rose gold dress rests on the creature's body, though it looks as if it's threatening to come off. The girl's legs are screaming at her to run, but she knows that if she listens and actually takes off the beast will only follow. Instead she continues to slowly back away, keeping her eyes glued to the hulking beast across the room as it watches her carefully.

She can't tell if it wants to follow her or not. Hell, she's not even sure if it can actually see her to begin with. Regardless, she wants to be careful. She has to be careful, otherwise she'll end up like the boy across the floor from her. A hunk of bleeding flesh. By the time her back brushes against the door of the ballroom she knows that she's only free. Just a couple more steps and she'll be able to run away from here. She can get help.

She reaches a hand behind her, sliding it along the door and resting it on the handle. She pushes it open, sending the deafening sound of metal squeaking across the ballroom and directly into the beast's ears. She hesitates to react as the beast lunges forward, bounding towards her with vigor. She pushes herself back into the door, pushing it open to run away before it's too late. A clawed hand wraps around her leg mid-step, and the girl immediately knows her fate.