
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 4

3 days later

I had finished my ceremony with my beautiful new wife, who was called Ru Huo, now Li Huo of course.

She had long red hair and striking red eyes. Her face was very beautiful. And just like Li RongRong, it was more of a sexy kind of beauty.

And her body was quite average, in size, of course, not texture, which was amazing.

I kissed her cherry lips, knead her breasts, and hold her ass. The entire night, she was barred by my long hot c*ck.

[After doing it with Li Huo, the host shall receive +5 for fire root talent, and +3 for Alchemy talent]

[After doing it with Li Huo...]

[After doing it with Li Huo...]

[After doing it with Li Huo...]

And what surprised her when she felt his hot sperm enter her p*ssy, she felt that her golden core was actually slowly healing. and after the entire night, her cultivation rose to the first stage of Qi Refining despite having done nothing.

She looked at her new very handsome husband and suddenly felt that he wasn't as normal as he appeared. She kissed him when she was sleeping and pushed his head into her bosom. He was her savior.

5 months later

Year 199, and month 10 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

The business was blooming, and my current position in Slow Sword City was one of the highest. Standing among people like Manager Wang who was a 9th Qi Refining Stage, or the Mayor who was an 11th stage Qi Refining Stage.

I had hired several employees, 2 to draw talismans and formations while a few others to sell things. I was even thinking of opening another shop in a different town.

And I and my wives still remained drawing talismans and formations ourselves, because those sold best.

We were also very well-liked among cultivators and mortals because sometimes I donated several hundreds of Golden Tales, wanting to have a good reputation.

And well, Golden Tales were nothing to me.

All in all, Slow Sword City had grown a lot and was still rapidly growing.

Li RongRong had also birthed her child, which was of course a girl. We named her Li Mei. Li Ming was developing well, almost a year old.

And so were my stats.

[Peak-Rank Fire Root: 546=>3360/5000 Peak-Rank Wood Root: 174=>983/5000

Peak-Rank Wind Root: 184=>993/5000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 208=>1017/5000

Peak-Rank Metal Root: 500=>981/1000=>5000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Peak Formation Talent: 918=>1953/5000 Medium Alchemy Talent: 120=>823/500=>1000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Peak Talisman Talent: 455=>1847/5000 Medium Divine Sense Talent: 367/500 No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

My stats had become insane after all this, especially my fire root. I was so happy I had met Li Huo. I also received 3 notifications.

The first 2 regarding Li Huo and Li Liu reaching 100 affection.

Secondly, this was also very interesting, was regarding the +5 I received from Li Huo because she had a fire-specialized physique/constitution. Meaning If I found someone else with a constitution, like a water one, they would also give me +5 water root.

What was also very interesting was that Li Huo had already reached the 11th Qi Refining Stage. It seemed that my sperm was healing her broken Golden core. And it was even making her physique, which was the Thousand Flowered Hell Consitition.

She had also asked for this, so I explained to all my women that I had a special constitution.

Also, Li Liu was already pregnant for 3 months and Li Huo for 2. And my current status seemed like this.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 16

Realm: 7th Qi Refining Stage

Women: 3

Descendants: 2

Family Fortune: 18

System upgrade: 6/10 clan members, 4/5 clan cultivators

Talent: [Click To Extend]]

It also seemed Li Ming was quite smart, already talking a bit and walking.

She was truly very cute and with the amount of money I was making I could spoil her rotten.

I was making a bank, and I would make in an average month at least 1000 spirit stones, which was something a Foundation Building cultivator would desire.

But fortunately, I had a Peak Formation around my house protecting me, even if a Formation Building cultivator came, I was safe.

And besides, in this town, I was very well-liked and famous, who would dare to kill me?

"Mr.Li, Major Feng wanted to see you, please follow me". A soldier entered my office, making me look up at him.

"Did he say about what it was"? I asked. It wasn't that I didn't trust him, I was just curious.

"No, he only said it's important for the future of Slow Sword City". The soldier answered. Which gave me enough information.

I, Manager Wang, Mayor Feng, and Daitist Lin had created some sort of secret society.

Its objective was to further the evolution of Slow Sword City. While keeping us four at the foremost of it.

We created it a few months ago, and it was already showing good results. We had split the economic market like this, giving me Formations and Talismans, Manager Wang Artifacts and Construction, Daotist Lin Pills and food, and Mayor Feng Cultivation techniques real taverns/inns and other such real estate things like restaurants.

We had a hold over 70% of the Slow Sword City's economy.

We not only gave each other discounts on the things we sold or bought but also helped each other keep the monopoly we had.

But most important, Manager Wang, I, and Daitist Lin donated money to the city, which was used to upgrade infrastructure and make the city bigger in exchange, we received information about the future of the city plans and were also put at the center of the city's evolution.

And like this, Slow Sword City had evolved much faster than it was supposed to, which gave the city even more funding.

I followed the soldier to a tavern/restaurant which was owned by Mayor Feng. We used it to have a full secret. So I needed to hide myself when entering.

I went to the top floor, where I found everyone there already.

"The reason why I called you all here is because of some alarming news I received from my father". Mayor Feng said in a serious tone.

Mayor Feng came from a large family in the QingFeng Prefecture and his father was the governor of Blossoming Sword County. And therefore automatically is also the ruler of Blossoming Sword City, which is the capital of Blossoming Sword County. Which is a first-grade city.

His grandfather is even set to be a good friend of the prefecture lord.

(prefectures are inherited, meaning the son or daughter will inherit it and so one. the family is appointed by the king or queen, who can give the prefecture to another family as punishment or reward.

A prefecture is a region ruled by a prefecture lord. They live in the capital of said prefecture and split their land up into several counties. The prefecture lord himself doesn't directly govern a city or county, but all of them. Meaning even the city he lives in has a governor and mayor. A Prefecture lord has the power to appoint governors.

Counties are split up mostly Second and Third Grade cities and villages. But also at the very least one First Grade city. Governors rule counties and live in the capital of said County. Just like the prefecture lords, they don't actually directly rule any city or land. But all cities and towns under them. Governors have the power to appoint mayors.

Mayors are the only ones who directly rule a city or town. They are split up into the mayor, which rules a town/village, Senior Mayor, who rules a Third Grade city, the Chief mayor who rules Second-grade cities and the Executive mayor who rules First-grade cities.

A mayor will be rewarded 100 spirit stones when he becomes a Senior Mayor, and also a raise. And then when becoming a Chief Mayor, the benefits become even better)

"He said that there is evidence that there is evidence of a Demonic Wave starting". Mayor Feng said, his tone deadly serious.

A very powerful Demonic Wave could fully destroy a kingdom, so even a weaker one wasn't something to be trifled with.

"My family and prefecture lord Hulan (family name) have said they would send support in the form of 2 golden core cultivators, 8 Foundation Building Cultivators, and 30 late to peak Qi Refining Stage cultivators".

Hearing this, we were all surprised. I, the lowest among us, had a cultivation level of 7th Qi Refining Stage cultivator.

The Came Daoist Lin, who had a 9th Qi Refining Stage.

Manager Wang had an 11th Qi Refining Stage while Mayor Feng had reached the Foundation Building. (Early Foundation Building Realm) Qi refining is split up into 12 realms.)

So already a few Foundation Building cultivators would be enough to destroy the city, but 8 plus 2 Golden Core cultivators. It was a lot. Truly a young master was not to be trifled with.

"Although this may sound very strong, the reason is of course because so is the Demonic Beast. Which is to be suspected to maybe even be a Tier 3 one". This shocked us all. Tier 3 Demonic waves had at least 1 Golden Core Demonic beast and several Foundation Building ones.

A Tier 1 had only Qi Refining beasts and a Tier 2 had at least 1 foundation Building plus some Qi refining beasts.

A Tier 2 was already something that we would have a hard time dealing with, but a Tier 3 was something impossible for the current us.

"So I hope the 4 of us could all pool together a large sum of Spirit stones which will go to the strengthening of our wall, buying mercenary cultivators and such things. Besides this, of course, if everyone could create a lot more extra stuff in what they focus on and sell them to the city for a discount". He started explaining his plan.

If we contributed about 8K spirit stones, which would make 36K spirit stones plus the one the city already had. We could use about 5K spirit stones to exponentially strengthen our wall which would at the very least keep out the Foundation Building and Qi Strengthening Beasts outside the city to minimize the damage.

Then we would use 4K to buy materials and 1K to hire me to create a Peak formation protecting the city even further. Although we could use more to buy a Mortal Grade Formation, which came after Peak. It would leave us in debt. The 1K was already a very generous deal that was heavily discounted. I would also receive the monopoly of the entertainment market for the city, which was something I already wished for for a while.

Then we would use about 10K to hire 2 extra Golden Core Cultivators. And while 5K may seem like not that much. It was an incredible amount, especially when thinking that they only needed to work a few days for it.

But well, Golden Core cultivators were rare, and only a few would risk their lives.

This would leave us with 20K left. 15K would go towards buying pills, artifacts, talismans, and formations that would go towards the army. Which was the one the city already had and the ones QingFeng Prefecture sent.

And while the artifacts would only be hired, if they broke they would be needed to be paid for, and the pills, talisman, and formations would also all be fully paid for. Of course, fully paid for was with a discount of 50%.

In all fairness, we were all making a loss on selling it at such a high discount, but we would receive a lot back.

First of all, 50% of all spoils of war would go to us four. While the rest would be used to repair the city and recuperate some of the cost. Demonic Waves were dangerous, but also a very good place to make money.

And then because of the discount I, Manager Wang, and Daotist Lin were offering, we would receive a Third Grade Heroic medal, which was very hard to get when only a Qi Refining cultivator.

This medal also functioned as a High-Grade Protection artifact.

We would receive a 10-year tax reduction.

A token called a Family Benefit. Which could be given by prefecture lords and governors to reward soldiers. This would give one of their descendants an immediate position as a 9th-grade official working 3 years for the prefecture lord or governor that gave this.

They didn't need to have passed the National Exam to become a 9th-grade official. But only after they did their 3 years, would they be tested by a 7th grade official or higher if they were qualified. They could then be either ranked Disqualified or need to give up their position. They could be Qualified, meaning they could keep their position and have it so that they officially 'passed' the national exam. Or even Overly Qualified, meaning they would be promoted to an 8th-grade official.

There were also some things said in place if you didn't have a descendant or someone you wished to use it for in your family. Or if the governor or Prefecture lord wasn't there anymore when used, but that is not very important.

And last but not least, we would receive a chance to visit the Biggest library owned by the Blossomoing Sword County in the Blossoming Sword City.

Which was something I really wanted. While I had enough to buy Peak Grade cultivation technique. Meditating ones, defensive and attacking ones.

But the problem was that they weren't easy to buy, especially since even though Mayor Feng was using one. It was the one created by his family, and he couldn't sell it.

And you might be thinking, what about Li Huo? Wasn't she a core disciple of a large sect? When they broke her cultivation, they also made sure she couldn't use the techniques of the sect anymore or remember.

It is actually quite easy to do this, you just need to place a curse on someone, so they will forget it. And since she was a mortal, it was even easier.

And when she had repaired her talent, the curse would dissolve, it would still take some time before that so getting some other high-level techniques before that was very nice.

And besides this, there would also be some under the table thanking. So all in all, it was a very good deal for them.


Hello, it is Author-Chan. I need your help. Yes, You. I m finding it already currently, chapter 6, that maybe doing the talent section with points isn't the best. Now everytime I show the stats, I need to take my phone and start calculating.

So, I am here to ask if you maybe have a better idea. If you do, please comment here, it would tremendously help. It doesn't need to be a big chance, even just something small that would make it less number but still easy to show clear progress depending on the amount of time that passed.

Thank you for your attention.