
Recreate The Villains Story

— 2024, Yoo Suyeon, the young girl from Korea just expelled from the University, enter the novel she write when she 15 years old. In worst case, she become the Villain named ‘Morgan Laurengher’in her cringe novel. Steal the male lead? Nope. Curse the female lead? Nope. Save the world? Nope. Who care about that? Money is important. Survival is number one priority!! But the problem is she can't use magic until age 13. Morgan was fated to be final boss in the novel and powerful mage in the world. Unfortunately, right now, she can't use any magic. Age 10 years old, Morgan was send into Lundeberg territory under Emperor order. Until the accident happen. Morgan fall into abyss world where monster living. Survive without magic in demon territory, she meet the Grand Duke in Abyss world. The Grand Duke who is one of main villain in her novel. “For god sake, what the heck grand duke doing in demon territory, especially Abyss World?”— Morgan Laurengher. “You better watch your mouth, kid. Before I kick you into the mouth of dragon.”— Grand Duke Claude Lundeberg. Trapping in Abyss World together, Morgan and Grand Duke decide to survive together. “You have two choice, reveal yourself or die.”— Nicholas Von Pendragon. “Can I have third choice?" “Hmph. No fucking way.” Nicholas, one of main villain, the evil second prince who try steal female lead, decided to make Morgan as enemy. With this sword, both of them will dance in battle together. “I'm sorry.... for curse you... I just.... Young mortal, Will you replace me? Will you consume me? Will you volunteer to be the next Ocean?" — Nimue “First of all, who the fuck are you?” “The Ocean.” “The heck?” Accidentally, Morgan just meet water spirit or water dragon in Abyss World. Don't know how but since she lose in rock-paper-scissors in random, she get cursed by Nimue. “As the Emperor of Avalon Empire, Morgan Laurengher!!! You will be punished via the death sentence!!!”— Emperor of Avalon Empire. Not enough mistake as villain, Morgan was accused for murder her family. As the criminals, how can she survive in this world? “I heard about you.... HOW DARE YOU BULLY RACHEL!!!!”— Male Lead of novel ‘All down for lover’, Carsian Von Pendragon. “You will fated as monster... as the demon king... the one who bring destruction to empire... Lady Morgan....” — Female Lead of novel ‘All down for love’, Saintess Rachel. Be accused as Demon and other bad things, Morgan have to facing many obstacles. How can she do that? How can she avoid the death? How can she change the story in her own novel? “Everyone!! Listen!! Fuck You, Fuck you and fuck you too!! I will show this world that I don't give fuck about anything!!!” Embrace her own journey. Morgan or Yoo Suyeon will face her own fate. Genre : Fantasy, Female Protagonist, magic, royalty, action, conflict, romance, comedy. Warning : Swearing, cursing (Too much bad word) Note : This is my first story. English is not my first language, please forgive my poor grammar.

SyuAme_1 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Abyss World (I)

[Abyss World]

The place full with monster. Take appearance like dungeon, this place underground, the place that almost human don't dare enter.

"Ughhh....." Morgan slowly open her eyes. Her head feel so fucking hurt. Her body sore everywhere. As she wake up, she found herself in dark room or you can say, more like dungeon.

Where are i am?--- Wait, did i just survive from cliff? Damn, I don't know if this is miracle or luck but right now, I know this is not safe place.

Morgan slowly get up and walk around. The first things in her mind is she have to get out from this place. This place probably home of monsters. As Morgan walk around, she feel something watch her from behind.

Slowly, she made her walk more faster. Faster, faster, and then.... She started run as fast as she can. Something chase her from behind. It's not human. Definitely not human.

Tap!! Tap!! Tap!!

Morgan just run. Her brain don't work. She don't know where she go right now but right now, she know, she have to run. The things slowly let out some sound like hissing and growled.


Shit. That definitely a monster!!!!!

When Morgan turn, her face turned pale when she see giant freaking centipede behind here!!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!!?" She scream as she run for her life with fear.


Suddenly, Someone just shoot an arrow into the giant centipede eyes. The giant centipede scream with pain as it's search the enemy who attack it's eyes.


With angry, the giant centipede run into the giant tree, search for the target. Morgan in other side, hide behind other tree as she watch giant centipede chase someone on the tree.

Morgan saw black things jump tree into another tree. As the black things run away from the giant centipede, she saw gray hair on that black things.

Human? Wait.... The only one who have gray hair in this world is.... No, no, no, there's so much possibility that that human is another person.... There's no way.....

Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!

Several arrow hit the giant centipede. The monster scream painful as it's become more angry and destroy the tree over there. This destruction send powerful blow of wind near area.

Shit! If this continue....

Morgan watch the fight between the human with gray hair and the giant freaking centipede. Her mind become mess as she don't know what to do. Should her save the human? But the problem is she just hopeless child.


Morgan feel a cold steel beside her hands. It's dagger. A copper dagger. In bad condition. She take the dagger and stare it as she think, Can I help them with this poor dagger?

Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!

Another several arrow hit on the giant centipede body but that fucking monster still alive and don't have any damage.

"Tch!" That the first sounds that human with gray hair make. They continue shoot another arrow but sooner or late, the stock of arrow will run out.

Ahhhh!!!! Fuck this!!!!


The eyes of giant centipede turn around. It's stare on Morgan, who just throw stupid rock on that f*cking monster. Well, of course it's going angry.


Morgan's face turned into pale. Her body shaking with fear. That's definitely stupid idea she have made.

The giant centipede stopped the madness and chase Morgan. That girl run for her life, full with fear. She think she can distract the monster but she know she just useless girl but she can't let that fucking monster kill her saviour!!!


(I mean. Who don't get scared when they saw fucking giant centipede chasing them with disgusting saliva and thousands fangs?)


The human try to distract the giant centipede with the last arrow his have. The giant centipede attention turn into the human with gray hair back.


The human jump off from the tree and match his speed with Morgan. He immediately grab Morgan, carry her like teddy bear. Both of them try escape from the giant centipede.

"Hey, Hey, Hey!! Sir!! Lady!!? Mister!!?" Morgan want say something to her saviour but the problem is she don't know if they're female or male. Their face was cover with black bandanas. So, she just call them with any honorific she know.


"Do you have bomb or something can explode!!?"

"I'm save you and that first things you ask!!?"

"Thank you but do you have something can explode!!? If you don't have, do you have arrow or something sharp!!?"

"No fucking way!!! My arrow already run out!!"

Morgan started think something. She look at the tree around her. It's giant dead tree. No sunlight or water, even there's no leaves. It's long and big tree that suitable with monster over here.

Then, Morgan get idea. "Umm! Sir or whatever!? Get on tree now!! You okay bring me!!?"

"You just light like paper!! But for what!!?"

"Search a good branch, the one who suitable for be arrow. Take this dagger and make one arrow. And then, shoot on other side of that monster eyes. You already attack one of that monster eyes. So, definitely you can do for another one right?"

The human with grey hair remain silent as he take time to consider Morgan's suggestions.

"You know to make arrow, I need Blade on the tips." Reply the guy.


That guy almost shocked when he hear a CHILD cursed, swearing in front him. Ignore that, that guy immediately climb the tree with easy like Ninja! Morgan's weight like fucking appear, so it's not problem.

As they stopped on one of big branches, That guy immediately put Morgan and open his bag. Take the dagger and cut one of tiny branch, he immediately make arrow fast as he can.

Meanwhile, the centipede already wrapped around the tree with it long body. Morgan watch the arrow making process but it's too fucking slow!!

"Can't you do faster!!?" Yelled Morgan with fear.

"Shut up!! You think making arrow it's easy!!?" The guy continue sharping the branch with his own dagger.

Morgan gripped the copper dagger Ron her hand. She look under the tree and saw that giant centipede slowly walk into up of the tree, become near to them.

"Hey, do you know centipede weakness is on their tail?" Asked Morgan.

"What? How the heck — You know that monster type?"

"I read somewhere in book. Wyndham Centipede, tall, 80 ft, weight, unknown..... Advantage, fangs and poison..... Disadvantage.... Tail and eyes."

Morgan immediately stand on the giant branch with the copper dagger on her hands.

"Did your arrow ready?"

That guy show the tree branch that already sharp, perfect for attack the eyes.

"What you going do, kid?" That guy stand beside Morgan, stare at the giant centipede com near to them.

"Don't tell me you can help me attack that monster with that poor dagger? Based from your dress, you definitely aristocrat." Said the guy as he pull the strings of his bow with the arrow.

"If you think I'm useless, you shouldn't save me that time." Reply Morgan that make that guy stunned. She gripped her copper dagger as she ready to jump of from the giant branch.

"Hey. Shoot on the eyes. I really trust you right now."

That guy look at Morgan, "Why? — Wait! Don't tell me...."

Morgan give crazy grin. She definitely have crazy idea in her mind.

"Your target is eyes and my target is...."

Without warning, Morgan jump off from the tree branch. Leaving that guy speechless, He immediately recover his conscious and aim the monster eyes while Morgan fall not far away from the monster.

"You little shit!!! How can you trust into the stranger!!!"

With angry, That guy shoot the arrow into the centipede eyes and it's — HIT!!! 1 POINT!!


The giant centipede scream with pain when it's lost their sight. Now, the centipede is blind, it's body wrapped on tree and still not let go. Morgan take this chance.

The possibility to attack the giant centipede tail that have red colour is 0.01% (not really number) but the Wyndham Centipede tail is shot and very tiny.

Luckily, Morgan have sharp eyes and she already found the weakness when she on the top of tree branch. She stab the tail that wrapped on the tree, making the giant centipede scream more painful.


The giant centipede stopped moving immediately. The tail let out blue blood and it's splashing on Morgan's face. Morgan immediately pulled the dagger and landed on ground safely meanwhile the guy jump one by one other tree branches and run into Morgan.

"That's insane." After the whole fight, that's the first sentence come from that guy mouth. "Kill the Wyndham Centipede by attack the tail? You have guts, kid."

"Tails is important weakness on Wyndham Centipede since it's different from other centipede monster. Not many people know since it's not record in many book." Explain Morgan as she wiped the blue blood on her face, without fearless.

Of course I know it because I'm the one write this fucking monster Rin my cringe novel, especially when the male lead try lead the army against the giant centipede.

"Damn kid. You look not freak out when blood splash on your face."

"It's blue. Not red. But it's still blood."

The guy immediately take his dagger and cut the centre of giant centipede. He's pull the skin, cut the meat and reach the deepest inside giant centipede. The blue liquid splash anywhere.

Morgan look at that guy with confused, " What are you doing?"

"Wyndham Centipede also know for good heart mana. You know, if you the heart of Wyndham Centipede, you increase your mana. Not only that, the skin also thick and good for shield." Answer the guy as he continue ripping the skin.

"EW." — Morgan, unknown time, Abyss world.

She immediately turn around and let that guy have fun pull and cut the giant centipede body.

[Several minutes later]

"Oi, kid."

Morgan turn around and look at that guy who already organized several skin, piece of meat, heart and bone of giant centipede on ground.

"Hey, why a kid like you in this place?" Asked that guy.

"I don't know. I was send by my father into some noble territory and then, several monster attack my carriage. Later, I wake up in this place." Reply Morgan with calm.

"Woah, you really different than any other kid. You look calm. How old you?"


"The heck? Are you must be kidding me? I thought you is 7."


"No wonder you light as paper. I thought all noble kid is fat like cow."

"Is that insult? Or are you just try to distract me before you use dagger to stab me?"

The guy startled but he immediately give wicked grin. He throw the dagger that he hide behind on his back into ground.

"Woah? So you know I have two dagger? Impressive, kid." The guy give compliment that definitely not praise.

"I know I'm just child here but try kill the kid? You really crazy." Said Morgan with smug and sarcasm tone.

"I just keep my guard, kid. Who know that you maybe.... A copycat monster or maybe... Illusion or... A luring monster? There's so much possibility in this place."

Morgan stare at that guy. That guy have 182cm, tall, man, definitely have good body, good in fight and have traits like hunter.

"Are you Hunter?" Ask Morgan.

"No way. None dare enter this place. I'm just like you, another victim in this place."

"What the heck with this place? Why there Wyndham Centipede, who only live in labyrinth near Dnikse Mountain?"

"Oh? So you know about Wyndham Centipede habitat? I believe you have some good intelligent, kid." That guy put his arm on his waist.

"This is Abyss World."

Morgan's golden eyes widened open as she shocked with this fact.

"The nightmare of the world. The world where all monster living, the hell for human, the heaven from monster. The core and the main spawn for all Monster. You know, this place is crazy world." Explain The guy.

"You say.... This is Abyss world?" Morgan's body filled with fear. She feel too much scared as her body can't stopped shaking. "H-How the heck I get into this place!!?"

The guy stare at the girl who shaking like crazy. Of course the kid like her going scared if she know about Wyndham Centipede, the one of monster who live in Dnikse Mountain and Abyss World.

"Who know? I also don't know how the heck I get here but... First, let's go to safe place."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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