
Chapter 1: A new begining

I was walking towards the store near my apartment. After I went in I looked around trying to find the new game that was resently released. While I was looking for the game I heard sounds of glass breaking. when I heard the noise I turned around and to my horror there stood 3 people holding guns and started shooting evrey where and one of the bullets hit right in the eyes. I felt immense pain and was bleed and started to feel faint. This were my last thoughts before I died. So this how it end well I could have been worse I worked as a construction worker after I was fired from my last job as a softeware engineer. All my life I've worked hard to fulfil my mother last wish of having a fruitful life and a life I enjoyed. I loved my job as a software engineer I mean who wouldn't it was such and amazing job. I loved my life how I wanted but got blamed for something I didn't do that dealt sever Damage to the company's economy. I was fired when it wasn't even me who caused the problem. Anyway after I was fired I applied for many jobs and finally got accepted as a construction worker. My last thoughts were what happens after you die oh and my name Ash, Ash Altier! I was in dark room and I thought the afterlife is different from what I accepted was first thought. I was in that dark room for a long time then I saw light and felt a force pulling me and I didn't resist cause I wanted to get out of here the only reason I didn't go insane was because of the genetal warmth I felt and sound of somebody talking. When I was finally out I Sam and I saw an old lady holding me and passing me to lady who looked like she was in her thirty's and saying word I didn't understand and same a status screen that showed my my status looked like this



Subclass: N/A



Mana:1000 Health:100

Strength:10 Agility:10 Dexterity:10

Intelligence:100 Wisdom:100 Will:10


Attribute points:0

Skills: language Lv1- give the user the ability to learn any language 5 percent faster. Mana sense LvMax can perfectly sense your surrounding and see through wall using walls

Apraisal:Lv1 can show a part of the other party's status

Mana controll: LvMax perfect controll of mana

Unique skill:Archive RecordsLv1-can store information of any kind in store or in mental library and user can access this information with nothing but a thought user dosent give to read or know the information and just has to see it for example I can just flip through a book and Will appears in the records and be read later.

Blessing: Blessing of elements and mana: effect have perfect affinity with all the basic elements earth,water,wind, and fire and there branch elements of meatal,stone,ice,gas, and lightning. Give you the abilit to fuse elements to creat new with ease. Have perfect control of mana and it will do watch you want as long as it is with in your capacity and understanding.

Elemental affinitys:perfect grade water,wind,

earth,fire,metal,stone,ice,lightning, and shadow affinity.

Racial talents: divine strength-passive increase strength by 25 percent, versatility-passive give you 5 percent more Lillie hood of doing any work , metal skin-active Lv1:turns your skin into the color of bronze and increase defense by 20 percent.

Systems identification: a monster of child with immense talent and has an extremely high chance of becoming a hybrid of magical and physical class because of his perfect grade blessing of elements and mana and the rare talent of giants divine strength and metal sling which is a growth type talent.

I was greatly Shope when I saw my status and the and the system thought on me and how broken I was. My mom was holding me like the most precious thing in the world she reminded me of my mother in my last time. Then I saw a gaint of man walking to us with i hissed was my dad cause he looked around 10 feet's and my status dose show that I'm have gaint so it was ent hard to gusse. My dad was laughing and had big smile on his face when he picked me up from my mothers hand I think they were saying why i weren't crying and apparently my father was saying I was born to be a warrior and my grandma,mom, and dad used apraisal on me and the system sent a notification saying-

{three people have been found using appraisal on you do you want to use your blessings hidden effect of blocking apraisal or show false result}

I said false result and creates a status page for when people appraised me and only max apraisal can appraise my true status

They were amazed when they saw that I had three racial talent and that they were all amazing one and the fact that I had perfect metal,earth and shadow affinity and my stats were of a normal childs and were all 10.

The first few weeks were though cause I couldn't walk or even crawl but I never cried unless I needed to and was a good kid when I was finall 6 month old I was able to crawls .

After I right the deffinitation of a skill I will not write it again except when it ranks up and will make axulliary chapter for skills.

Hiwot_Astatkecreators' thoughts