
Chapter 8: Letter's

Meanwhile, Harry Potter was having a bizarre day. He had been sitting in his room disappointed over the lack of communication with his friends and Sirius. It reminded him far too much of his first summer after his first year at Hogwarts. Only this time he got the letters, they just didn't say anything. He was being left completely in the dark.

While he was moping, Dobby popped in and asked to bond with him. Which he thought was weird. He always thought Dobby wanted to be free. The little guy always seemed so happy. But here he was about twenty minutes later, watching Dobby bounce excitedly around the room fixing things and cleaning.

Aunt Petunia was going to have kittens. He couldn't wait.

"Dobby, are you sure this is what you want?" he asked for the tenth time.

"Dobby is being sure, Harry Potter, sir," the elf answered patiently.

"Okay," Harry said resigned. He just knew Hermione was going to kill him.

A loud pop was heard and Winky appeared. "Dobby," she squeaked, "I is being having a letter for, Harry Potter."

"I'm Harry Potter," the teen said, looking at the female elf, trying to place her. She looked familiar, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Oh, Harry Potter, sir, I is being having a letter from your godfather," she said, holding out the note.

"Thanks, um, Winky" Harry replied, taking a missive and opening it. His face broke out in a radiant smile as he read the words of his godfather. Sirius stated that he had been trying to write all summer and that the people in his house had been taking and destroying his letters. The man explained what he had done that day, and what he planned to do soon. It was all a vague outline, but Harry couldn't wait to see the outcome.

Harry did fume a bit about how Sirius was being treated. He always thought Mrs. Weasley to be a kind woman. A bit bossy, yeah, but motherly. The way Sirius was describing her, she sounded downright mean. A bit like Aunt Petunia, only not as indulging to her children as his aunt was with Dudley.

He knew from talking to the Weasley children that Mrs. Weasley didn't put up with shenanigans. His aunt on the other hand let Dudley get away with murder. Still after reading this, he was unsure of how much the Weasley kids had left out. Maybe, she did more than yell.

He couldn't believe what he was reading. Even he knew that you behaved in other people's houses. The Dursleys were the epitome of manners -when they were in other people's company. Not so much when it was just family, but bringing in outsiders, and they were nothing but poise and grace. Or so they liked to think.

Still, if Mrs. Weasley was being mean to Sirius like that after all the man had suffered, maybe he would have to rethink his opinion of her.

He was also upset that this Order of the Phoenix was taking letters that were meant for him, and if Sirius was right, the Drs. Granger. That was post-tampering, and he was pretty sure it was illegal here in the UK. He did have to wonder if this was also against the law in the wizarding world. Something to look up.

He moved to his desk and started writing a letter back. He made sure to pour all his frustrations out, just like Sirius did. Now that they had house elves to ferry the notes, there was no reason not to keep in touch. He did ponder for a moment on whether or not to write his friends but decided not to, right yet. After all, Sirius wrote that they were following the orders of the Headmaster. He could forgive them, maybe, but for now, he'd let them sweat.

Later that night Dumbledore came to Grimmuald Place. It took him a minute to get through the wards like he was being judged and found wanting, but not outright immoral. He shuddered at the thought that these wards found him less than pure. He had no idea why they would not think of him as Leader of the Light. He did everything he did for the Greater Good of all, even if it toed the line of Grey magic sometimes. How could he be deemed anything but pure? Besides, they were in a house full of dark magic, their judgment was skewed, he was sure.

The old man shrugged it off as something only a Dark family would feel and went into the house. He may not be the Secret Keeper anymore and wasn't that a shocker, but all that had been told the secret still knew where the house was. He did wonder how Sirius had wrestled the charm away from him. He hoped the man was not delving into his family's magic. No good would come of that.