Reincarnated in the world of Naruto with the ability to perfectly master any ability seen, sigh the only side effect is a bad sense of direction
Sora stood behind glass windows with the sage of six paths and his bother while looking at the planet monsters within. they had sharp teeth and their roots were growing everywhere, trying to find a source of energy
"thats alpha planet, I will leave the research into its capabilities and other stuff to you guys. also, try and see if love can tame it or something." Sora said with a smile as he took off his gloves,
"I only worry I might destroy it if i'm not careful." The sage of six paths said softly, Sora smiled slightly as he used the flying thunder god and disappeared, leaving the moon and appearing back on earth in his room. He went on to go take a bath while thinking about his next move
it has been two days since Sora and Kushina left the hidden leaf with Minato and Mikio. after all that, Sora spent most of his time studying plants
Sora left and went to find Orochimaru who was currently about to give himself the Hashirama bloodline, Sora haven't seen Orochimaru for some time so Orochimaru was stunned seeing him
"before you do that, let me give you an offer," Sora said calmly as he grabbed a seat and calmly looked at Orochimaru.
"What are your goals in the hidden leaf?" Sora asked calmly,
"i'm aiming to become hokage so I can further work on my studies." He said calmly, Sora smiled slightly
"I will offer you a chance to become something similar to my disciple. I want you to father my research, after all, two hands are better than one. I might overlook something you might see, so what about it? if you can't become hokage, leave this place and go find another place to further improve your studies." Sora asked calmly, Orochimaru was stunned as he looked at Sora.
"I accept," Orochimaru said without a second thought as he fell to one knew. Sora was filled with knowledge and was an amazing teacher he of course wanted to learn under Sora. Sora smiled slightly as he stood up
"then you will be from here on my second disciple. because of this, you shall not use my knowledge in any way shape, or form to help the hidden leaf. although you could use the one you had before I taught you. this goes for the lab experiments, they are not be shown to the outside world" Sora said calmly, Orochimaru was stunned but nodded in understand
"Good, now let me start teaching you how to use chakra alone to edit a bloodline," Sora said calmly, stunning Orochimaru whose eyes almost turned into stars at what he heard.
but Sora didn't teach him personly, he made a clone to do that when he returned to work at the ramen shop.
Teuchi, Kushina, and Aika had already opened, and Sora was a few minutes late. Upon arriving, he went on to get to work as the norm.
but that day, Sora got a visitor, Tsunade entered the ramen shop and headed towards Sora.
"i'm willing to pay ahead of time for the books, I will even double." She said seriously, as she slapped the table in front of Sora
"naw, how about this. you become somewhat of a disciple to me." Sora said with a smile, Tsunade was stunned by the counter offer. she quickly remembered that time Sora just told her what to do, she saved thousands of lives thanks to Sora. She wanted to ask Sora to teach her, if only tips like those made her this skilled, what about a whole lesson?
She didn't think twice as she appeared, Sora smiled slightly as he gave her the same condition he gave Orochimaru.
"I don't interfere with this world, and if I take you in the same thing must be reflected on you. your chakra control is almost perfect, to do something new and not make a mistake shows how skilled you are." Sora said calmly, Tsunade bite her lips slightly as she looked at Sora
She couldn't just abandon her village like that, of course when she was traumatized she was going to leave this whole war altogether, but now. she didn't think she could,
"what if I have a disciple of my own i'm teaching?" She asked softly, Sora shrugged
"i'm not teaching her, so she could do as she wishes. as long as you yourself don't pick a village and go on to start helping out. I don't care." Sora said calmly, Tsunade bit her lips before nodding. She had trust in her disciple that she could use this knowledge to help out, she will personly drill th knowledge into her. that way, we still learn while also helping out the best she could
"Also, no take disciples in just to use this loophole are else I will take away all that I have taught you. I have my ways to do so. meet me at my place with some kind of animal like a fish or something for your first lesson." Sora said calmly as returned to work, Tsunade nodded slightly as she first ordered something to eat before going to report what happened to the hokage
although the hokage was disappointed in losing someone as skilled as Tsunade what they gained in return was the chance to make an army of Tsunade. With the knowledge of the Sage of Six paths on their hands, what could they warrior about?
anyways, that day Sora returned home and found Tsunade waiting for him. Kushina also tagged along as she wanted to watch, she would be lying if she said she was not worried about a beautiful woman like Tsunade being alone with Sora. She is just protecting what belongs to her.
I don't want my house to smell, so let's do it outside. I will teach you how to regrow body parts." Sora said calmly as he held his hands out, a table along with a chair suddenly appeared out of nowhere shocking the two.
"I will leave I clone with the two of you, I have to go do something," Sora said calmly as he made a clone before flying off, The clone calmly sat down and began the lesson,
meanwhile, Sora flew off while shooting beams forward so he knew he was going straight. after some time, he appeared on the other side of the planet, where the sage of six paths told him to go visit.
Sora calmly landed on the ground while looking around, the natural energy on this side of the planet was far above the shinobi lands. walking around, Sora saw that almost every animal he saw was a sage.
A Sage is someone who is able to utilize senjutsu and has mastered the art of Sage Mode. It is also a title given to someone because of their renowned power, wisdom, or holy standing. the sage of six paths was also a sage, but he used something called Six Paths Senjutsu, which is using it along with six paths chakra.
Sora of course had all of this, and he was stronger than there. around 10 times stronger in fact. Sora walked around while capturing some insects, when he returned he wanted to study these insects' bloodlines.
using the flying thunder god, he sent them to the moon where someone took them and stored them for him. Sora soon saw a deer, but it was no normal deer. a sage deer.
"who does there?" The Deer asked in horror as it sensed Sora's chakra it looked towards Sora, and Sora calmly stepped out of the forest with a smile. the sage beast took a step backward as its legs went weak. to it, Sora was an endless amount of energy. it almost went mad, but lucky for it Sora suppressed his energy, or else the world will be effect by his energy.
"The name is Sora, i'm here to study the life forms of this land. so, if you would be nice, mind pointing out the best of the best sage beast around here?" Sora asked with a smile, the deer nodded slightly. although Sora suppressed his chakra, even more, he still was not confinable around Sora
this sage beast was known for its control over nature, it took control of planets and used them for battle. it turned out all sage beasts had a special ability like this.
Sora didn't know it, but back on the shinobi land, there was 3 sage beast. a Tode Sage, Slug Sage, and Snake Sage.
The Tode sage natural energy used by the practitioner to create senjutsu chakra also surrounds the user in an aura of that same natural energy. This aura can act as an extension of their body and cannot be seen by anyone other than those who have trained in senjutsu.
Slug Sage used Natural energy to almost make one immortal, bring froth a high recovery speed, injures to organs and other stuff will heal at shocking speed. even body parts could be learned, but this of course used up a lot of Natural energy and limited how long one could stay within it.
The Snake Sage can infuse natural energy into inanimate objects, giving them life have them do whatever he so wishes.
the deer did something similar to the Sage Sage, but it affects the nature around it. not every beast had different abilities, but there were a few unique Sage Beast that rained as the strongest among all others.
the 4 divine beasts, the divine azura dragon which could enslave the air. the white tiger which could turn into living lightning, the black tortoise which could breathe life into inanimate objects, and the phoenix which had a body of flames. which had eternal flames, flames which will burn forever. it also made it almost unkillable as it almost instantly heal from all attacks.
The deer Sora had all the information Sora wanted while Sora ride on its back while it took Sora to where Sora wanted, Sora also took its hair and sent it to the mood. along the way, there were many kinds of sage beasts, snakes, underground-type animals and so many more. Sora of course took more than enough of each sage beast's DNA to closely study later.
Sora soon arrived far away from the forest, looking deep he saw a huge white tiger which was sleeping in a cave. Sora hopped off the deer and set it free while he jumped toward that tiger. in a signle lip, he reached the cave which awaken the tiger
"... a human dare...." The white tiger instantly began shaking like a scared little cat upon seeing Sora's energy,
"you will from now on be my pet, refuse and I will take you by force," Sora said calmly as he jumped onto its head, before having it take him to the next target. the tiger didn't dare to refuse and took Sora to see the phoenix which was not too fear,
hours later, Sora had collected 4 four powerhouses on this part of the planet and went on to collect the other races. races like tree spirits, which were trees that gained a mind of their own. fairies, which were fairies, and so many more others.
a lizard man tribe was also here, he also had to go deep into the ocean, collect a sage starfish, a sage jellyfish, wheels, and so many other stage animals of the sea he could find. Sora of course didn't forget about the water bear, although he couldn't find a sage water bear, he will make one.
Sora will not stop there, he had to fuse all of these life forms into one. just the thought made a strange smile which scared the 4 beasts with him to shake in horror.
with a thought, Sora and all 4 of them appeared on the moon, Sora had someone watch this beast while he went to check up on the sage of six paths.
"you tamed it?" Sora asked slightly surprised, the sage nodded with a smile
"I simply had to give it some chakra and it grew a liking to him. but it's growing at a fast speed, I fear within a few years, my chakra will not be enough to keep it happy," he said softly, Sora streched his head slightly he looked at the room filled with veins.
this planet went on genin to chunin level within the time he was gone, its growth was fast which could be troublesome.
"I tried giving it a mind, but it's using my chakra to grow a soul of its own. I say in a few months, it will be capable of human speech." He said calmly
"not bad, once its capable of human speech it will be much better to communicate with it. also, watch out not to say anything harmful around it, I don't want it growing angrily and hating us. I don't want my own creation to be the thing which kills me." Sora said with a smile, the sage of six paths smiled slightly as Sora left.
"Sir Sora." a young female of the Otsutsuki clan said with a slight bow. the members living on the moon were all considered of the Otsutsuki clan. Sora had them all change and become a scientist which worked for him. of course he had to teach them all on the base and slowly help them out, but they were all smart and had sharp minds, so they quickly learned stuff
"The research in turning the sun's energy into a weapon has made some progress. we can now force it to metal through solid steel in a few seconds." She said softly
"thats good, how is the research into stuff like electronic going?" Sora asked calmly, he of course wanted to make some robots. why teach when you can just program an A.I with the knowledge
"going smoothly, we are currently studying the electronics found on earth to better improve our current understanding. in a few weeks, we will completely suppress the earth level of technology, we will start putting your dreams into action." She said softly, Sora smiled slightly as he nodded. everything was going perfectly,
"Should we start working on reviving Kaguya?" She said but Sora shook his head
"someone had awakened the rinnegan, and I do sense a pair of them walking out. I want to see what this world will move towards, it will not be soon that I believe someone will try and revive her. so, ignore the earth I will do it on my own." Sora said with a smile, she nodded slightly as she went on to tell Sora a few more stuff before Sora left and appeared within Orochiarua's lab.
Sweat covered Orochimaru's forehead as he held his palm over a fish. his hands let off a soft green glow, slowly the DNA of the fish began changing, and the fish suddenly began changing as its body began to disinform.
Sora of course copied this and instantly mastered DNA editing. Orochimaru just stepped into the Expert tier of DNA editing, at this stage one only needed just their chakra or another form of energy to affect the DNA of a person. reaching the peak of this stage will mean having the power to completely rewrite a person's DNA however they may wish.
Sora on the other hand just became a master, this meant evolution was in the palm of his hands. Sora could send chakra into life forms and have them evolve within seconds, adapting to many weaknesses and allowing them to gain new abilities.
if he were to use this on a fish, that fish will become a sea monster, having sharp teeth and the ability to even move on land like a snake and survive for some time. of course, the stronger the being he wished to evolve, the harder and more energy it will use.
Sora smiled as he flashed disappearing before Orochimaru could see him and appeared before Tsunade who was currently working hard to try and regrow the tail on the fish. the trail grew out slightly, but suddenly began rooting away and disappearing
She just reached Expert level, meanwhile, Sora reached masterly. his level of healing meant So long as Someone had a breath in them, Sora could bring them back to life. Sora could heal someone and return them to the peak of youth, making them young once more. this was shocking, as it meant anyone was pretty much immortal if Sora was around.