Reincarnated in the world of Naruto with the ability to perfectly master any ability seen, sigh the only side effect is a bad sense of direction
"Tsunade, it's been a while." Sora who was shining books said with a smile as he saw Tsunade entering the book store he was in, along with Jiraiya.
"Your SSJ Ramen GOD?" Jiraiya asked in shock, the person he looked up two and was currently his greatest motivation to right books was this annoying brat.
"yes, it's nice to always meet a fan. who should I sign this name to?" Sora asked with a smile, veins popped on Jiraiya's head.
"it's Jiraiya." He said as he forced himself to calm down, this was the like the 4th time he had to tell Sora his name, he just returned to the village for the book signing many fans of the One Piece sirs were coming over for this book signing.
The book has been going on for about 4 years now, the 4th book ended at the end of the Skypiea Arc on a huge cliffhanger.
Sora always ended a book on a huge cliffhanger, sometimes he goes years before even writing the next book, someone people were worried that they might not live long enough to see the end of this.
"... can I get one of the originals?" Tsunade asked with a smile, she only had 2 of the 4 originals made personally by Sora. she had reread them so many times, who didn't want to collect the originals for each volume?
She was lucky enough to kill a ninja who had 2 of such books and kept them as her most treasured items. as soon as these books hit the market, the rich would kill to take them. the price for these books was once just a million, but Sora had the prince raise it to 10 million.
He even made only 15 now and watched as people struggled to come up with that money to get these books. Sora's net worth at the moment was only 1.5 billion Ryo. it would be higher if it was not for this damn war,
"Sorry, I can't don't that," Sora said with a smile, Tsunade leaned over slightly, showing off her chest. Sora couldn't help but swallow his saliva as he looked at this, but he looked away while shaking his head.
Tsunade's eyes narrowed slightly, she would have to find a way to get Sora into giving these books up. they soon left, leaving Sora to do his thing before the time came for him to return home.
Upon returning home Teuchi told Sora about his plan to marry Aika. Sora was of course happy for them and offered to be the wedding planner. he never planned a wedding before, so this would be interesting.
Aika's birthday was right around the corner, he planned to take her out on a special getaway where he would ask her to marry her.
Sora began planning as soon as the two left, Kushina offered to help, to which Sora agreed and the two began coming up with ideas and plan for the wedding. the war has calmed down recently, which is why people like Tsunade and Jiraiya could pop up in the hidden leaf, Kushina was free for some time until she was called away.
it took them a few hours to come up with a few plans they knew Teuchi and Aika could like. next, it was for the guest. Teuchi is friends with many citizens within the hidden leaf, so they will be many people who would be coming.
"what about you? what will you be wearing? you're not going with that same haircut." Kushina said as she looked at Sora.'
"I can't change my hair color," Sora said angrily, Kushina rolled her eyes.
"don't think we all didn't notice how the Zoro guy from one piece looks oddly like you and has the same bad sense of direction. to think you put yourself into that story," She said with a shake of her head, Sora was speechless, he never noticed.
"let me do your hair," Kushina said with a smile, but seeing the weird look Sora had, she promised she will not mess up his hair. Sora hesitated but agreed.
the next day, Kushina did his hair. Sora of course went on to teach her how to do it better. and a haircut could make one go from a 0 to a solid 7.
by the end of the day, Sora stood before a mirror while looking at his shoulder-length hair, with some hair covering the left side of his face,
"How was your hair able to grow out as I cut it?" Kushina asked in shock and confusion as she admired her work,
"it's called game logic... with the hair cutting technique. the chair you used to speed up the hair growth." Sora said calmly, the haircut was not bad, it gave him a mysterious aura to him, and also made him look badass with his left eye always closed.
he was not considered a pretty boy or anything like that, but more like a handsome, and with a body build that was perfect and refined. he made him look more manly
"... why is your voice getting deeper?" Kushina asked in confusion, as soon as Sora looked at himself in the mirror his voice began deepening.
"what do you mean, I always sound like this," Sora said calmly, Kushina just looked at him. Sora sighed as his voice returned to normal, he had to slowly deepen his voice from this childish one he had, and make one that best gets him
Maybe his voice should be as deep ainz ooal gown from the Overlord anime, but he would have to make himself taller and slowly build a body built for that. Sora can set his voice, he was like a video game character, he can simply set any voice he wished.
As he had perfected working out, he could also set what body build his body could have. hell, he could have 12 packs of abs if he wanted, but he set for only a 10 pack.
"Alright, my turn. do my hair." Kushina said after cleaning up Sora's hair on the ground. Sora shrugged and got to work,
"There is not much to do... it's nice." Sora said softly, Kushina blushed slightly, but she wanted Sora to give his personal touch to it. like how she did his.
Her hair was long, reaching all the way to down to her legs, unlike a few years ago when Sora met her. Her hair was not as red as before. Sora easily found it this was due to stress, mostly the war.
a moment later, Kushina looked at her hair. not many changes happened to her, but there was one thick hair hanging down the middle of her face, her hair was much smoother, and redder than before, making it look like flames dancing on her head when the wind blew.
"red is a nice look on you," Sora said with a smile as Kushina looked at her hair. She smiled slightly, she looked beautiful, plus this better fit her hotheaded personality, she could be soft as a small flame, but suddenly explode into a flaming tornado.
after cleaning up Kushina left, although she wanted to ask Sora out on a real date for the first time, she planned to wait until the wedding. then she will ask him,
time went by, and soon Teuchi returned with Aika in his hands. she had of course said yes, and we were stunned to find out Sora and Kushina had planned everything out.
of course, since Sora had more than one plan, there were some they didn't like, but in the end, they came to a few that they liked greatly.
the wedding happened a month later, and many people showed up with gifts. Sora was of course the best man, after the wedding, Teuchi went on to move into his new house, leaving Sora to live alone.
The next day, Sora opened the ramen shop with Kushina, as the two got to work. Kushina took a deep breath as she got ready to ask Sora a huge question
"hey, Kushina. you wanna go out with me?" Sora asked softly, Kushina who was about to speak froze with her mouth open to say what she was going to say.
"with Teuchi asking Aika out, I realized I should act upon my feelings. So, i'm asking you out." Sora said softly, as he looked deeply into Kushina's eyes.
Kushina opened and closed her mouth, she was not expecting this, she forgot how to speak.
"I was going to ask you out," Kushina said with a slight smile, stunning Sora.
"really?" Sora said in shock and joy, as he walked up to Kushina and held her hands
"So this means we're dating?" Sora asked, to which Kushina nodded happily. but they then stood there... what now? do they kiss? wouldn't that be a bit too fast?
"by time." someone said as they entered the ramen shop and saw them holding hands, Sora and Kushina instantly let go of each other as they tried to act normal
"what do you mean?" Sora asked with a hand behind his back,
"The whole village sees you two as a coup since 4 years ago. sigh, now I owe my wife 30,000 Ryo." He said slightly annoyed, Sora and Kushina froze.
"sigh, I bet they would go at it for 5 years, it's only been 4 years, I was so close." another man who was watching in on them said slightly depressed. Sora and Kushina's faces slowly darkened
"haha, I bet less than 5 years. that 90,000 Ryo." an old woman with a walking stick seemed to regain her youth as she happily danced around
"damn, 5 months' pay gone just like that." Sora and Kushina's faces darken as they spent hearing more and more people speaking up, Sora kicked everyone out and closed the shop, and went to go see the gambling house.
even they were in on the betting, Sora almost coughed blood seeing the type of bet. even the 3rd had placed his own small bit, everyone knew but them. this was just embarrassing.
Sora was depressed seeing all of this, maybe he should start listening to people's thoughts more often. or outright see their thoughts feel their thoughts, smell their thoughts, or eat them.
thats right, Sora could eat thoughts... well it was more like eating memories. since he had mastered eating, he pretty much become something like a dragon slayer from the anime Fairy tail.
Dragon Slayer can eat elements, such as wind, lightning, or fire to return their energy, recover, or grow stronger. Sora could do that, but he simply didn't eat just elements, anything he can fit in his mouth can be eaten, and his body would of course absorb it all. this meant even without his left eye, Sora to some limited degree could steal people's powers.
Sora was annoyed slightly, he and Kushina went on to hang out. Kushina hugged Sora's arm happily, for a long she had a crush she was of course happy for everything to be out in the open. Sora on the other hand was just too embarrassed walking in public like this,
"where should we go?" Kushina asked sweetly, Sora stretched his head, there was no place for a date.
"I guess my place, I will cook up something nice," Sora said softly, Kushina was stunned slightly but nodded.
upon arriving at his house, Sora began cooking. Kushina's eyes twitched madly upon seeing the changes Sora caused to the house. Sora didn't even wait a day and had changed the whole house to his liking.
what should have taken years only took Sora hours, there was a difference between people house who just moved in compared to those who had lived there all their lives. Sora's house gave off that feeling, everything was where it was perfect for them. the house was clean and beautiful, filled with art. something soon caught her nose, heading to the kitchen, she saw Sora cooking.
"y-you need help?" Kushina asked softly as she didn't confutable just watching Sora cooking.
"what? you want to learn to cook?" Sora asked with a smile, Kushina hesitated slightly before nodding. So, Sora began teaching her to cook. but cooking was much harder than she expected, she was built fighting, not being a housewife.
"See, that wasn't hard." Sora who had his hands wrapped around Kushina's hands which were holding a frying pan said with a smile. Kushina nodded happily as he flipped the rice while using her chakra to better cook the rice.
"and that should do it," Sora said as she helped her put the rice into a bowl before they eat, although the good was nothing compared to even Teuchi, the two enjoyed it more than anything else.
after a while, Sora wild Kushina home under the stary sky.
"This is my house..." Kushina said softly, as she turned to look at Sora. Sora nodded slightly, this was not the first time he came over, Kushina gardens were always inventing Sora over.
"Yup... I should be heading home." Sora said softly, Kushina nodded slightly but none of them turned to leave.
taking a step closer, the two slowly kissed. Sora had copied kissing long ago from Teuchi kissing Aika.
As soon as the two kissed, Kushina felt like she was hit by lightning, although Sora had held back in this kiss, it was perfect. a perfect way to end a perfect day. if the two could pull each other off each other that is,
"be careful or else you might eat each other." an old woman within a window, breaking the kiss as the two looked over in shock. Kushina was instantly embarrassed as she into the house with a bright red face.
Sora quickly said goodbye to this old woman and disappeared, she was one of Kushina's watchers. the old woman smiled slightly seeing Soa running off, these two loved birds finally got together. now she could worry when Kushina stays out too late.