
Reborn with my smartphone

Well first of all please read the auxiliary chapter it will give you some insight to the story I'm trying to produce. Now to the synopsis: A young man gets killed and sees God. God planned for him to be isekai'd with some wishes to spice things up. Wishes granted he will start a new life in the same world? God screwed up... Big time... Apparently he pressed the wrong button and sent him back to his original world. Now with our protagonist back on earth what will he do with his newly gained powers.

2am_no_sleep · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Nothing bad will happen in the hospital right?

(An: wow another authors note what a surprise anyways from what I've gathered from people I know first person kinda worked so I'm experimenting once again (yea yea I'll give you a cookie after the experiment) anyways I'll be trying to mix third person povs in there as well)


(Nurse pov)

A new patient arrived today to the emergency ward, I didn't know what happened to the patient only that a couple of doctors were rushing to his side. Maybe he was someone famous?

I had a quick glimpse at his face and he was kinda cute, not particularly handsome or anything so I don't think he's an actor or a famous celebrity. Maybe he's one of those so called youtubers or social media influencers. I strayed away from social media these past few years so I didn't know a lot.

Other than his face, I saw blood seeping through his clothes on his left arm and it looked twisted? I couldn't see properly due to the doctors rushing him to the emergency room. Even if it was I'm sure he would be fine, after all he had people on him. Nothing will go wrong right?


(Doctor pov)

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital I has shocked at the state of the victim. His arm was twisted unnaturally and bent in ways it shouldn't. It was a bloody mess although there were no signs of open wounds. How was this possible? It shouldn't be, the amount of blood that seeped out of his skin was unnatural. What happened to this young man?

Upon a closer inspection while rushing him to the emergency room, I had noticed other injuries as well some as unnatural as the bleeding. His arm muscles were seemingly forcibly torn from the bones but his skin was still intact, his bones had been no doubt broken into pieces with no open fractures or wounds and most concerning of all is how his skin is allowing blood to flow out like that? This is something beyond what I had experienced before.

Following procedures we had the boy go through an x-ray to see what kind of damage the bone had sustained. But the all the rooms were full and there was no way for us to enter one even with such a patient in our hands. While waiting for the x-ray the nurse after changing his blood bag came up to me and said "Sir we've got some bad news we've run out of type B- bloo-"

"Then go get some more or replace it with O- blood" I commanded as I interrupted her "We've got a patient in our hands right now who is in critical condition surely you can tell he's going to die if he doesn't get it"

"T-T-That's the problem sir we've used up all the B- blood already and we only have a bag or two of O- blood due to how rare it is sir" replied the Nurse

"Then what about the blood bank? Have they sent over the blood yet?" I asked

"We were able to contact them earlier when the patient arrived but a tree fell down on their route to the hospital" She replied "I don't think they'll be able to make it with the blood before the patient runs out of it"

Dammit things were already looking down on our patient and things just had to get worse. Argh this is giving me a headache. While I was lost in my thoughts the x-ray room had opened and we rushed our patient onto the machine. We laid him on the machine careful of his arm and proceeded with a full upper body scan.

The results of the x-ray were worse than I had expected. Like what I had originally thought he had broken the bones into pieces but the amounts and size it was broken into shocked me. Not only were his arms destroyed, 3 of his left ribs were fractured as well along with minor injury to the lower back of the spine.

This young man's not going to make it, even if we immediately went for the operation on his arm, he would die of blood loss in the middle of it considering the amount he's bleeding out along with how much we have right now. The only good thing about this is that due to the constant bleeding through the skin, it prevents him from developing blood clots from internal bleeding.

F*ck it, it's either all or nothing. I had two nurses do some tasks for me, one was asked to get a orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible and the other to go to the intercoms and see if she could get someone with either O- or B- type blood. As the nurses scurried off I hurried out of the x-ray room along with the patient making my way to the emergency surgery room with an intern.

When we reached I started to sanitize and prep the patient for the operation. I started by blocking the blood flow to his left arm off trying to conserve as much blood as I can while the intern was injecting the anesthesia into the patient. Afterwards I cleaned the patient's arm and started drawing down where the incisions would go. Just as I was about to finish marking the incisions, the orthopedic surgeon came in ready for the operation.

45 minutes into the operation we've left with two bags of O- blood left, a donor had just been found just now and willingly gave us his blood. We've realigned the bones fragments in the arm and are now reattaching his ligaments back onto his bones. Another hour has passed since then and we're down to our last packet of blood left, the ligament attaching process took longer than we had expected but fortunately thanks to the extra blood pack we've somehow managed to keep this patient alive. Now all we have to do is to sew up the incision, put on the casts on his arm and chest and pray that he doesn't bleed out of his skin.

Leaving for the break room, I've been completely mentally exhausted. I guess I might turn in early today.

Wtf did I just write.... idfk anymore I had wanted to write about things going wrong in the hospital but instead wrote a whole god damn chapter about surgery and other medical things. Although I didn't get to experiment with everything I wanted to do here, I can't even give you a cookie. sad

2am_no_sleepcreators' thoughts