
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 97: One Week Later

Leo grumbled, and lunged towards Cerberus.

"Fire of suffering!!!" The middle head of Cerberus roared.

Rain of fireballs rained down on Leo, causing his face to change slightly. "Fuck"

Leo moved dodging from one spot to another, trying his best to dodge all the raining fireballs. "I will kill you!!!" He roared as he dodged the last fireball.

"You are weak, human!!" The middle head declared.

"Show us what you can do!" The right head added.

"Time to end this battle!" the left head roared.

Cerberus leaped into the air, creating a colossal shadow above Leo, it stood calmly on midair as it looked down at Leo.

"You are right, time to end this battle." Leo nodded and lunged forward, meeting Cerberus head on.

"You can't win human!" The middle head roared as it opened its mouth. Red flames dance inside and shot towards Leo.

Leo dodged while in midair, still shooting towards Cerberus.

"Useless!!!" Cerberus opened all its mouths, as it released waves of flames, towards Leo.

"This attack is useless against me!" Leo roared, as he shot towards the flames with his two swords.


"Come to your death!"


The three heads of Cerberus muttered, as Leo charged towards their attacks and collided with it.

"You talk too much!!" Leo burst out from the flames, arriving in front of Cerberus.

"What?!!" Cerberus eyes widened in shock, and reacted almost immediately. 'Almost' didn't count in the battlefield.


Leo roared, as his swords glowed brightly, he released a powerful slash on Cerberus with both swords.



Cerberus let out a loud roar and fell from the sky, hitting the ground with a THUD!!!.

Leo landed and shot back up, staring at the three-headed hound.

"Did he just defeat my strongest pet?" Vulcan asked, in mild surprise.

"Yes! Good job Leo!!" Potentate was ecstatic, seeing Leo defeat the monster.

"How did he know that was Cerberus weak point?" Vulcan asked turning to potentate. "Or did you reveal it to him?"

"Why would I do that? As you said, it's a test. So why would I give him a cheat?" Potentate asked, with a frown on her face.

Vulcan didn't say anything but stood up, and clapped his hands to draw Lee's attention.

"Good job Mr Leo, what a marvelous show" Vulcan said with a smile. "But I want to ask, how did you know that was Cerberus weak point?"

'What is wrong with this guy?' Potentate stared at Vulcan back with a deep frown.

Leo stared at Vulcan for a while before speaking "when all its fire artifacts Marge with its body, the chest had the more defense, which shows it was protecting that part, so I just need to concentrate all my attacks on it"

"What a good insight. I would say, my pet was the one who made the mistake"

"Yes, it talks too much" Leo stated. Vulcan didn't pay him heed, but continued. "Good, congratulation Leo, I now Grant you the right to use my skill. Use it wisely."

"I will have to test this skill, and know why I have to pass through all these, just to gain it" Leo muttered under his breath.

"You can leave now, when you pass through the realm of man, I will reward you with my pet" Vulcan added, surprising Leo.

He didn't say anything, but just bow down at the God. "Now go" Vulcan waved his hand and flames enveloped Leo, and he vanished from the arena.

"The whole universe lies on your shoulders" he muttered. While potentate nodded.

"Why are you still here?" Vulcan asked, staring at her over his shoulder.

"I am going, thanks again" potentate said with an eye roll, and vanished from the arena.


Vulcan looked up with a frown, seeing a young man shrouded in pure darkness, descending slowly from the sky.

"What are you doing here primordial of darkness?" Vulcan asked, sitting back on his throne.

"Nothing, just checking up on my little brother" the man said, even though Vulcan couldn't see his face, he knew his brother was grinning at him.

"You have seen me, now leave"

"That is not how to talk to your elder, especially when they check up on you" the man said and added:

"Why didn't you give him your full blessing?"

Vulcan snuffed, and turned to his brother "he is too weak, he can't absorb my soul."

"Then, when are you planning on giving him?"

"When we are all ready" Vulcan replied and stood up, "father visited"

"I know, I was present, it looked like he is still mad at us" the man said with in a solemn tone.

"Why won't he? We are useless, we stood still and watched that fool get stronger, that he alone could rival the seven of us. I am so mad at myself!"

"We were just too arrogant, thinking we are the primordial, and nothing can touch us. But that evil showed us as naive we were" the man said and stared at Vulcan:

"Don't worry, what happened millennia ago won't repeat itself, unless that human dies. And we won't let that happened."

Vulcan frowned, "but, that half angle is already with him, if we try to interfere. Won't father get angry"

The voice was silent for a while before nodding slowly. "You are right, then... we can just wait for him to get stronger, then transfer our souls to him."

Vulcan nodded with his brother advice. "What about the others"

"They are all resting, ok brother, time to go." The man said and the darkness around him got thicker, and he vanished from the arena.

"Sighed" Vulcan sighed as he sent a fireball at Cerberus, waking it up.

"You did a good job."

"We are honored to be of service" the three heads said. Vulcan nodded and Cerberus walked inside its gate, which then sank into the arena.


Leo appeared inside his sea of consciousness, and was stunned. "How did...?"

"This is the blessing you received from heaven and earth, it gave your core the ability to create life." Potentate said, as she appeared before him.

"Ability to create life?"

"Yes" she confirmed.

"Does that mean, I could create a human or animal in my sea of consciousness?"

"Animals... yes, humans... not so sure" potentate answered after some thought.

Leo nodded and stretched out his hand, the next moment a purple flame appeared on his Palm, floating calmly.

"Is this the 10 yang karma fire?" Leo asked staring at the purple flames.

"Yes, it has the power to burn anything, it can only be resisted by an opponent five realms stronger than you"

"That powerful...?" Leo was surprised, hearing potentate.

"You should go back, your subordinates are worried about you" potentate muttered calmly.

"Really, why would they be worried about me?" The purple flame disappeared from his palm as he stared at potentate with a frown.

"You have been gone for a whole week now."

"A WHOLE WHAT...?!!!"


Much love.

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I end the fight quickly.

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