
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 90: Surprise

"So what is your plan?" Green poison asked while lying on the bed.

"You already knew my plan" Sun replied putting on his clothes.

Green poison stood up from the bed and walked toward him naked, "I mean, when will your plan come into play?"

Sun looked at her for a moment then said "when you return from your mission, we can then kick off with the plan"


"Yeah" sun answered buttoning up his T-shirt.

Green poison ran her index finger around his face and said with a smile "You know if Hades find out about your plan, he will have your head."

Sun grabbed her finger and looked at her in the eyes "and who is going to tell him? You?!"

"When did I say something like that? And second I am with you in these plan, Telling him is like serving him my head on a silver platter, And I am not ready to serve anyone my head."

Sun stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Good, now get ready."

"What will you do?"

"I still need to organize my supporters." Sun said checking himself.


"We will talk later." Sun added and walked out of the room.

"Hmm, these men are always after power, while I am after pleasure" she said with a devilish smile.

"The more pleasure they give me the more stronger I become." Green poison said with a smirk.

No one know who is playing who.



Celestial ship finally docked at celestial island as all the survivors rushed outside to see the safest place they had all heard about.

Celestial base occupied half-north of the island so the ship easily docked in the base, they don't have to enter a car or walked for a long distance to get to the base, they could simply see the base wall after walking only 30m.

Everyone was happy to be back except one particular person.

'What the hell potentate?! Two days and I can't Marge the two skills. What am I doing wrong?' Leo was so frustrated about all the 'wrong tries' he had gotten from potentate in these two days.

[ Screaming in my ear won't help you, you know that right?]

'Then what am I suppose to do?' Leo asked exiting the ship.

[ simple, First: try to fully absorb the red karma fire.]

'What? Why didn't you tell me that two days ago?!' Leo yelled at her.

[ You didn't ask ]


Leo was speechless hearing potentate heartless words.

[ Ok don't look so down, Come in here so I can help you.]


[ What is surprising?] Potentate asked confused.

'You asking me to come inside my core for the first time.'

[ Idiot, you can't absorb the red karma fire in your base, one signal mistake and all your base will be burnt to ruins.]

'Whoa! That powerful?!'

[ Each primordial had his or her's special skill, when you receive their blessing, you also receive their skill.]

'Oh yes, and potentate you didn't tell me anything about the primordials.'

[ because you aren't strong enough to know.]

'Ok I till have a day to Marge my two skills and complete the task you gave me.'

[ I didn't gave you the task.]

'Then who did?' Leo asked surprise.

[ My lord, all your test will be coming from him. I will just be assisting you in them.]

Leo nodded calmly and walked inside the back gate of the base which faced the sea. 'I really need to know this your lord.'

He stopped seeing that everyone had frozen in Front of him.

"What is going on?" Leo asked Sam who was beside him.

"It looked like we have trouble."


Leo don't like the word trouble around his base, without a second thought he shot into the air and flew toward the command building, where his four commanders are.

"Where is he going? The only trouble here are these people who have frozen in shock!" Sam said out loud.

Leo landed outside the building and walked in calmly, hearing the commander arguing about something.

"What is going on?" Leo asked as soon as he entered the hall.

"My lord?" The four were a little surprise seeing Leo and quickly stood up.

"Calm down you four, now tell Me what is wrong?" Leo said taking his sit.

The four looked at each other before iron fist opened his mouth. "My lord we discovered a cave at the east of the island, not far from our base check point."

Leo's face turned serious hearing iron fist words and looked at the rest "so how did you four planned to take care of these matter?"

He want to know what decision they will make, because he'll be leaving the base to them and his subordinates to handle before he head on his journey.

The four looked at each other and after a while Luna turned to Leo "We were planning to explore the cave and see what is inside."

"And I refused, because we don't know what is inside and sending our men to a place we know nothing about is like sending them to their deaths." Levi said calmly, while Leo nodded.

"Levi is right. And I also go with Luna idea, and about you two?" Leo direct his question to iron fist and Rick.

"I am with Levi" Rick said.

"I go with Luna plan" iron fist muttered.

"Ok we got a tie here" Leo said with a smile and relaxed on his sit closing his eyes.

The commanders looked at each other in confusion.

"My lord, what should we do?" Levi asked.

"Nothing, let wait for the others" Leo said calmly, while the four nodded.

Their kings aren't present.



"What is going on here? Why do you four look worried and why Is Leo sleeping?" Nora asked as she walked inside the hall followed by the other five.

After getting Leo's telepathy massage, they quickly rushed to the base, well I won't say quickly because it took them five whole minutes but well...

The kings took their seats and all dazes was turned to the sleeping Leo.

"Should we wake him up?" Mila asked in mild confusion.

"I don't know" Jack said.


Sam was not going to sit still and wait for him to wake up, so she yelled at him.

"Tell them what you discovered and your ideas." Leo said calmly not opening his eyes.

"Yes" the four commanders nodded and recounted everything to the six kings.

The kings looked at each other then turned to Leo.

"I want to know you guys plan, and how to face this new trouble." Leo said, his eyes still closed.

Mike: "I go with Luna plan"

Sam: "Me too"

Ricky: "I think Levi plan is better."

Jack: "Yeah, Ricky is right"

Mila and Nora: "....."

Leo opened his eyes and looked at the two, waiting for their answer.

"Well, I will go with Levi, we need to know our enemy before we can attack, we can't just attack blindly." Mila said.

Leo nodded and turned to his sister.

"You know what is in that cave right?" Nora asked him instead of answering.

Leo nodded calmly surprising everyone.

"Then, I say we should send a detour in the cave and wait for a day, if nothing happened it means the cave is save to explore, but if something happened to the detour it means something is inside the cave." Nora gave her idea surprising everyone.

Leo Smiled and sat up. 'That is my sister' He thought but still asked.

"And what are you planning on sending? These your detour I mean"

"Well, I heard there are mutated rats in the town, If we capture one or five, and send them all in the cave all attached with the longest rope we could find we could know what is going on inside. If the rope stopped moving it means something had happened to the rats or They have simple find a dead end." She gave her idea.

"Wow, that is a good idea Nora" Mike praised with a smile.

"The problem is how to capture the rats, mutated rats are as big as domestic house cat and extremely deadly." Luna said calmly.

"I know, but we can't let something as simple as that stop us, we don't know what is in that cave or when they will come out, so we need to work fast." Nora said and everyone nodded.






Everyone stared at Leo, now totally confused to why he was clapping.

"Hahaha, Good, I like that" he said with a smile.

"Huh?" The ten people present were getting more confused.

"Don't worry I will tell you why I am happy, now let see how your plan turns out."

"Can't you tell us what is inside the cave?" Nora asked.

"Not yet, as I said, I also want to see how your plan turns out." Leo said and stood up.

"Now all of you come with me to the training simulator and bring all our fighters, I have good new to share." With that said he walked out of the room.

The ten people stared at his back for a while and quickly stood up and followed him.

"Let see the surprise he have for us." Sam said calmly.


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