
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 89: Plans ( R-18 )


"What took you so long?" Hades asked.

"Nothing my lord" green poison answered, entering the room and locked the door behind her.

"You know what to do" Hades said losing his pants and dropping it down revealing his long penis. He then sat down on the bed waiting.

Green poison smiled and walked up to him and got down on her knees between his legs. She took his cock in her hands and squeezed it lightly, which earn her a moan from Hades.

"Hmmm, just like that baby."

"You like what I am doing?" Green poison asked with a smile.

"Love it, but I can't wait to have your lips around it." Hades said with a smile.

"So impatient." Green poison said with a smile and slowly lowered her head, wrapping her lips around his Hugh cock.

"Mmmm" she moan as soon as she taste his cock.

"Yes, I can never get use to these!" Hades said feeling the wetness of her mouth enveloped his cock with her tongue moving expertly around his helmet.

"Ahh!" Hades moaned from pleasure.

Green poison smirk hearing Hades moans, and she continued taking his cock as deep as she could, and stopped feeling it touching the end of her throat.

"Ah! Yes" Hades moan loudly and gripped her head with both his hands and started face fucking her.

Green poison remained silent, letting hades use her mouth as much as he could.

"Ah!! Yes!" Hades moan loudly and face fuck her faster and faster, forcing his cock as far as he can go in her throat. He could hear her gag but he didn't slow down and continued abusing her throat.

"Ahh!!! I am Cumming!" He moan loudly as he shot his cum at the back of her throat, he held her face down on his shaft giving her all his cum.

Green poison was a little surprise with his force and how much cum be released, but didn't complain and continued swallowing everything down.

After what looked like a minute he finally let go of her head, and lied down on his bed totally satisfied.

"How was that my lord?" Green poison asked licking the cum that escape her mouth.

"You are always the best!" Hades said sitting up so he could face her.

"Now listen silently, this is what you have to do."

Green poison nodded and listened to Hades plan, the more she listened the more her smirk widened.

"Did you get everything?" Hades asked with a evil smirk.

"Yes my lord" green poison answered with a seductive smile.

"Good, you leave in two days time. Now go and enjoy yourself." Hades said with a smile.

"Thank you my lord" green poison nodded and walked out of the room.


'That bastard! Used my mouth and didn't even satisfy me, now I am horny for a big dick.' Green poison yelled inwardly as she walked down the hallway.

"Why do you look like someone have stolen your man?" Sun asked coming out from a corner.

"Thank goodness it's you, forget about our deal, I need you now." She said quickly.

"Hold on there slut, why didn't you asked him to fuck you?" Sun asked with a raised of his hand.

"Really...?, because I'm saving it for you. You are the only one who know how to get down on me."

"True" Sun nodded.

"Please I need you, I am so horny." She said placing her arms around his neck.

"Ok, but you have to accept my plan"


She nodded and quickly close her lip with his. "Wait girl, let find a room" Sun said as he pulled back.

"You are standing in Front of my room, you know that right?" Green poison said with a seductive smile.

"Come here" Sun picked her up, and she quickly wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed the door opened and walked inside with her in his hand.

"Mmm, umm" she moaned as Sun kissed her and let his tongue invade her mouth which she accepted with her's.


Sun threw her on the bed and started taking off his clothes, green poison quickly sat up and started taking off her's, and in a flash the two of then were naked.

"Beautiful!" Sun said as he stared at her figure.

"Thanks, but let me take care of you" she dropped down the bed and took Sun hard and thick cock in her hands and slowly wrapped her lips around it.

"Yes!" Sun moaned staring at the ceiling, as pleasure ran through his body.

Green poison continued sucking his cock, moving her tongue around his helmet and taking his balls in her hand squeezing them lightly.

"If you continue I might cum" Sun said with a please expression looking down at her.

"I don't want that, I want to feel you in me!" She removed his cock from her mouth and lied on the bed, spreading her legs wide opened, showing him her already wet vagina.

Sun licked his lips and dropped down on her slowly, supporting his weight with his hands.

"So beautiful." He muttered.

"Mmmm, yes!"

Before she could said anything, Sun took one of her breasts in his mouth, sucking it slowly and biting her nipples in the process.

"Ahh! Yes!!" She moaned loudly.

Sun continued his assault on her right breasts making sure not to forget the other. He groped and squeezed her left breasts and made sure to pinched her nipple lightly, making her moan even louder.

"Yes!! So good!" Green poison moaned louder as Sun continued sucking and Pampering her breasts. He stopped the next moment which made her look at him with a confused expression.

Sun smiled seeing her confused look and started kissing her belly slowly, going down to the real thing.

Green poison finally got where he was heading and anticipation got the hold of her, she opened her legs more wider for him giving him full access to her cave.

Sun smirked seeing her action and started kissed her thighs and skin closest to her entrance then stopped and kiss higher again.

"Stop teasing me please" she said with heavy breathe.

"What do you went?" Sun asked with a devilish grin.

"Lick my pussy" she said, her body filled with lust.

"Good girl" Sun said with a smile and dropped his head.

"Ah!! Yes!!!" Green poison moaned loudly, feeling Sun tongue licking her clit.

Sun smirk and increased his speed, he then inserted his index finger inside her cave rubbing every inch inside.

"Fuck yes!! Soooo gooooddd!!!"

Green poison moaned loudly as she pushed his head inside her cave. If the room wasn't sound proof, someone would had surely guessed what was happening inside.

"Yes! Yes!! I'm cumming!!!" She yelled, as if a dam had collapsed, her love juice gushed of her entrance and Sun hungrily swallowed everything.

"Huff, huff, huff."

She breath heavily trying to calm down after her climax but Sun didn't gave her that chance as he prepared his member and entered her, with his helmet touching her womb in one single thrust.

"Ahh!!!! So big!!"


The two moaned in pleasure as Sun cock entered her already wet pussy, Sun smiled feeling her wall around his cock and how wet she was. He didn't need to hold back because these was not their first time or her's. So as soon as he entered he started slamming home.

*Pat* *Pat* *Pat* *Pat*

"Mmmm, yes!"

The sound of both of their pelvis slamming into one another and moans, rung out in the room as the two humans were engulfed with lust and pleasure.

"Yes!! I am Cumming!!" Green poison yelled out, having her second orgasms, as Sun continued ramming himself deep inside her core.

After five more thrust he also reached his climax. "I am about to cum!"

"Do it inside, I want it inside!" Green poison yelled out to him.


Without second thought, he uploaded all his cum deep inside her core with a final thrust.

"Fuck!! Yess!!!!!"

Feeling her inside getting filled up pushed her into her third orgasms in a day.

Sun smiled and lied down on her.

"That was the best!" He said, while she just smiled calmly at him.


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º too flat (Not that good)

º love it

º it's ok

This is the first R-18, more is coming up ahead, I think so🤔.

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OP_Supremecreators' thoughts