
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 87: Unexpected massage

"Wait, what about the others?" Marisa asked, seeing only Nora and Leo.

"I don't know, let ask Leo" Janet said about to walk up to Leo, when the guy beside her stopped her.

"Do you know Leo?"

"God Damn it! How many time do we have to tell you?!!" Marisa yelled at the guy.

"Sorry, but I'm just curious about you two"

"She is Janet and I am Marisa, are you satisfy now!" Marisa yelled dragging Janet away.


She called out, Leo turned stopped and turned around to her. "What is it?" Leo asked coldly, he was still upset about the lost of his fighters.

"Huh?" Hearing Leo cold words Marisa froze on her spot not knowing what to say, Janet looked at her friend then at Leo. "We what to know where the others are?"

"They are coming." Leo answered and walked away.

The two girls were a little confused about Leo's mood so they both turned to Nora.

"Sighed, he is just upset about the death of twenty fighters, that all, he will be ok soon"

The two girls slowly nodded, they understood Leo's mood, and were also sad about the dead fighters. Well... they died protecting them.

"You two should get ready, we'll be heading out in an hour." Nora said walking away.


"We are finally here" Jack said staring at the port ahead.

"Yes and we have time to spare." Ricky added.

"Come on let go!" Mike said and started walking toward the port.


"Come on!!" Sam yelled in frustration as she Turned around. Ten black zombies were rushing toward them with full speed.

"We must hold them back!" Jack said loudly, drawing out his two daggers.

"Cameron, take all the survivors to the base, don't stop for anything." Mike yelled out.

"We are staying with you" Tyson said at the moment, rushing forward with his axe. "Me too" Garrett also proclaimed.

"What are you doing dear?" Mary asked her son, not knowing what have gotten into him.

"Sorry mom, but I have to do this, to protect my two sisters." Garrett said calmly, giving his sisters a reassuring smile.


"Mom, go with the chief, leave these to us, we are already the celestial kings subordinates, what type of subordinate will stand and watch when his leader is in time of need." Garrett said Trying make his mom understand.

"Yes Mrs Johnson, we can handle ourselves." Thiva finally added.

Seeing the three boys agreeing on the same thing, the chief sighed and picked up Garrett oldest sisters and said to her mom. "The kids are right, and these Is not the time to for all these drama, we need to get to the port."

Hearing everyone words Mary finally nodded and picked up her other daughter and said to her son "Don't you dare die!"

"I won't"

"Don't worry ma, he is under my protection" Mike said calmly placing his broadsword on his shoulder.

"Thanks" she thanked him and ran towards the port, following the already running survivors.

"Fifty of you follow them, while the other fifty, assist from a distance." Sam said unsheathing her sword.

"Let get them!" Ricky yelled as flames surround all his figure, as he lunged forward towards the ten black zombies.

"Show off" Jack shook his head and with a Boom. He shot forward like a bullet with his two daggers.

"Save some for me!" Sam yelled at the two rushing figures and also charged.

They had all entered the sky realm, so they have enough confident to defeat a black zombie, if they attack with tactic, while the three guys and celestial fighters opened fire whenever they got an opening.

And so the battle between Leo's subordinates and ten black zombies started.

Mike: "Hahaha, This is fun"

Ricky: "we can finally take our revenge against the last defeat."

Sam: "Yeah!"

"Why are they so... slow?!" Jack asked as he kept dodging a black zombie sword attack with swift and beautiful moves.

"Nice going Jack!" Sam yelled as she saw a opportunity and cut off the weapon hand of one black zombies.

"Hey Mila, you have been quiet from the beginning, is anything the matter?" Sam asked leaping back.

"You should focus on the fight before you get hurt!" Mila said to her.

"Focus on the fight?, talk of the one sitting on a car without planning on joining" Sam yelled back.

"I am working here" Mila defended herself.

"Working? What work are you doing sitting on the car?!" Now it was Jack turned to asked.

"My task is to stop any black zombies that tries to chase after the survivors" Mila answered.


"I didn't think of that"

"Ok, don't move from that spot."

The others nodded and asked her to remain seated on the car, which she easily did.


A black zombie lunged toward her with his right hand forming a mace, he raised it up and planned to smashed it on Mila.

"Why did you leave the battle and attack me?" Mila asked a little annoyed. With A wave of her hand, water wave shot out from the ground and enveloped the black zombie. Then with a snapped of her fingers, the water got frozen instantly with the zombies in it.

"Weak!" With a flick of her hand, a sharp water spear shot forward and destroyed the already iced zombie, scattering it into different pieces of ice block.

Mike: "incredible"

Jack: "lovely"

Ricky: "quick and efficient"

Sam: "Why didn't you say to have that skill?"

"Well I Just discovered it in my water domain, any one that got close to me, even from 20 meters away will be under my control." Mila said.

"Can you use it on Leo?" Sam asked again as she block a attack from a black zombie with her sword.

"It won't work, Leo is to strong!" Mila said.

"You are right" Leo said calmly landing beside her.

"What are you doing here?" Mila asked as she quickly got up.

"I'm here to check up on you guys" Leo said and thought 'and to discover that I can't get EXP anymore, only doom stones.' Leo thought.

"We got everything under control." Sam said loudly.

"I know that, but there is trouble in the base, I don't have time to spend here" Leo said calmly.

"Trouble at the base?"

"What happened?"

"Is everyone safe?"

The five and the fifty celestial fighters instantly because anxious hearing Leo, their family members are all in the base.

"I don't know what happened, but they said it's important, and no one is dead." Leo said calmly.

Everyone sighed in relief and Sam opened her mouth. "Thank goodness. Ok Leo leave these to us"

"I'm sorry I can't do that, a horde is heading our way and your guys haven't killed any of these zombies, I just have to end these fight quickly" Leo stretch out his right hand towards the fighting group as the middle of his palm started glowing red and black, making the faces of his subordinates and celestial fighters change dramatically.


Sorry for the short chapter guys, so busy.

I will make it up to you guys tomorrow.


Sorry again, much love.

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Thank for reading.

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