
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs


Leo stared at the 3 knights statues without batting an eye and asked the system.

'Is there a way for me to acquire what's in the coffin without alerting these statues?'

[Host there are two methods to achieve your goal, The first methods… You are not strong enough host. The second method, host will pay the system 5,000 Doom stones. Which will Grant the Host 75% success rate to win, if host choose the second method.]

'What about the first method?.. What is my success rate?'

[Host success rate is -0.00001%]

There was a moment of silent, After that.


'-0.00001%, what realms are these statues on, that I can't even have 1% success rate?'

[Host, the three statues have the strength of a Core formation fighters, and don't forget host, You are till a normal human, if you survive against one is already abnormal.]

'Ok, what is the second method.'

[The system will release a sonic wave that will destroy two out of the three statues]

'What about the last one?'

[Host will have to face it]


'There is another problem, I don't have the amount of doom stones required.'

[Don't worry host, the system will loan you 3,000 Doom stones]

'Loan?, I hate owing someone a debt.' Leo said with frown then added, 'take it'

[Successful Host, when ever you are ready]

'Ok' Leo nodded looking at the coffin with determination, the next moment he lunged toward the coffin with a dagger in hand.

"NOW…!!!" Leo shouted, with that a powerful wave spread out from him heading straight towards the three statues, while Leo reach out his hand toward the coffin.

He grab the coffin lid, pushing with all his strength in his weak body.


A cracking sound rung out in the silent temple, Leo looked up, his eyes were filled with both Astonishment and horror. Astonishment Because the system wave destroy the second and third statues. Horror because the rocks on the first statue. Arm with a long sword was breaking slowly, showing the silver blade of the sword.

[Don't worry host the system have reduced the guardian realm to that of a soul formation fighters. One word of advice host, "don't die"]

Leo calm down a little, even if the statue realm has been reduced he can till kill him easily. Leo increase his speed, pushing the coffin lid more.

At this moment the lid is half way open, while the knight statue open his eyes, when the statue saw Leo, his eyes flash with killing intent, The only reason Leo was till alive is that the statue legs are till stuck. Leo increase his strength trying to break his limit.


The sound of the lid hitting the ground rang out. Leo looked inside the coffin seeing a small pouch and a long sword, tightly grip by a skeleton. He reached inside quickly grabbing the sword and the pouch. At that moment a strong wind push him back away from the coffin and then.


The Guardian sword hit the coffin missing his head by an inch.

Leo fell back, stood up quickly staring at the knight with a murderous look, if not for the system pulling him back, he will be dead by now.

[System urge the host to eat 10 spirit stones]

'Spirit stones?, Leo was a little surprise, opening the pouch his face lit up brightly, 'these are the spirit stones, 50 red spirit stones.' Even If the red spirit stones are the weakest of the four spirit stones, .in these situations it will give a lot of advantage.

Without waiting for the system next word, Leo swallowed 10 red spirit stones. After a moment the familiar sensation envelop his body, at this moment, every black bloods and impurity is being wash away from his body, the moving energy in his body, travel to every single joint in his body unlocking his marident allowing his spiritual energy to flow.

[Congratulation Host for leveling up to the man formation realm 5 stars]

[Congratulation Host for becoming a super human also known as "enhancer", system urge host to choose one from the 7 class of enhancers, known as… wind enhancer, water enhancer, fire enhancer, earth enhancer. The three rare enhancers are known as the metal enhancer, light enhancer and lastly Dark enhancer.]

[Congratulation, Host have be rewarded with 2,000 Doom stones.]

'Wait system, did you just say DARK enhancers?, why am I hearing about them now?'

[Dark enhancers are one of the strongest and rarest enhancers in the world with great advantage against the other enhancers apart from the light enhancers. Dark enhancer are one of the strongest enhancers in the world with deadly skills and abilities.]

'then I am choosing Dark enhancer'

[Successful Host, Good luck in your battle]

Now Leo looked at the knight statue with endless fighting spirit, now he is an enhancer in the man formation 5 stars, one level below the knight, but with dangerous attack powers of a DARK enhancer, he was not scared at all.


Leo shouted at the statue. The knight was already furious that a mere mortal dare to destroy his master sanctuary and now this mortal was challenging him, one of the guards of the great king, with endless rage he lunged at Leo with his sword, Leo smile because these statues don't have spiritual energy, so the principal of the realm are not applied here.

That is the statue realm is in a whole different realm than Leo, but it can also be easily defected by Leo too.

Leo lunged at the statue, thrusting the long sword he took from the skeleton.

The sound of sword clashing rung out as the battle rage on. This battle was not about skills or abilities but fighting experience.

Leo realizes that this statue is proficient in sword, he was an excellent swordsman more than Leo. If it wasn't for his countless life and dead battles he had encountered in his previous life, Leo would be long dead by now.

The knights slash with his sword aiming to dispatch Leo head in one deadly slash. Leo face turn cold and he leaped back. He looked at the statue with a wicked grin and said.

"Let me show you the main skill of a dark enhancer." With that he blend in the shadows disappearing from sight. The knight look around with his emotionless eyes.

At the right moment Leo jump out from the shadows behind the statue with a dangerous thrust of the long sword. The knight statue turn around with swift movement and deflected Leo sword attack. Leo landed on the ground swiftly and lunge out again running with his full speed with his sword blade cutting the air as he followed behind him. The knight statue might be strong and good at using swords but because of his body, his speed is greatly reduced.

With Leo moving from one shadow to another charging to him, the knight was confused, because Leo will appear in his right, left then back and lastly front. Leo knows he was not fighting fair but hey, this is a death match which will lead to one of them getting killed, he till have a lot of things to do, and he's not planning on dying here.

'System enhance my sword,' if Leo was a metal enhancer, he will just enhance his weapon, He can only ask his system because he was not.

[500 Doom stones host]

'Take it and add it with my loan'

[Successful Host]

Leo looked at the sword, the blade has gotten darker, a wide smirk appears on his face and he charged from the shadows with full force.

The knight was not expecting these, and was a bit late to react.

... Swish!

Leo sword came in contact with the knight right leg, to the astonishment of Leo. His sword went through the statue leg like a hot knife cutting butter. The knight was about to attack Leo again but fell to the ground, with a severed leg, he was completely immobilized. Leo walked up to him and said, "thank you. If not for you, I WON'T know how terrifying Dark enhancers are." With that he slash down separating the head from the body.

[Congratulation Host for killing a soul guardian, host have been rewarded with a legendary skill at the S-CLASS known as Master of swordsman]

[Congratulation, host have received 3,000 EXP and 5,000 Doom stones]

[Host loan of 1,500 Doom stones have been paid, total amount of doom stones left are 3,500.]

Leo shook his head with a sigh seeing the last notification. "It looks like I have a skill, master of swordsmanship, for killing this knight warrior I got this wonderful skill." Leo said with a smile and added. "Time to explore these tomb." With that he started exploring the tomb from inside out, the only thing he found was the now 40 red spirit stones, the long sword and a storage ring.

"I will give this storage ring to Nora, I have the system storage with me."

[Host, you know that is a C-CLASS ring with limited space, you can buy B-CLASS rings in the system store.]

'No thanks, you are planning to take me doom stones, that won't happen, Now let get out from here.'

Leo said jumping into the lake.





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