
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 54: Skull Organization next Course Of Action


"Because what...!! Don't make me kill you for delaying, my patience is low!!" Hades shouted at Sun, which got him on edge of his sit and he quickly said.

"My plan have worked, we have successfully infiltrated Leo's base. I sent the 15th guardian."

"So what did he report back?" Hemsel finally spoke after watching their drama with tired eyes.

"15th guardian reported that celestial base now occupied one third of the whole north in celestial island. The depressing information we got is that Mr Nicolas sent a total of 100,000 soldiers and 10 destroyers with the help of the commander under the Mu family. The old commander in chief also sent the whole death squad, which is a total of 200 men and 10 battleships. And the last information, 60% of the locals in celestial island believed Leo's words and are moving to the base for protection and half of them had joined the celestial army."

Hemsal frowned hearing the natives of celestial island had already joined celestial base. He and the locals have an unfinished business, and he was planning to destroy celestial island after his army of modify humans have been made. But now, Leo had spoiled his plan.

Sun continue:

"We don't know the exact number of their manpower, but we are sure it's above hundred thousand. The disturbing thing is that, they are constructing a very high wall. Our spy can't do anything to sabotage the base, because there are guards moving around 2/47, and the three temporal leaders, are very dangerous people, who are also Leo's subordinates. They are the ones in charge."

"The base is now bigger than ours, but we have enough firearms and manpower to crush them." The second elder said.

"Good, we have more firepower. Even if the base is big, we could still run it down and turned it to ruins." Hades said moving his gaze on everyone present.

"It's not as simple as you think Hades" hemsal said picking up his glass of wine with the blood princess silently standing behind him.

"And why's that?" Hades asked staring at hemsal.

"Are you so dump, or you left your brain somewhere?"

Hearing hemsal words all the elders and guardians present face turned cold.

"How dare you talk to the boss in such manner?!!" The 19th guardian known as snake, who luckily survived from Leo and Mila roared at hemsal. Hearing this low life talking to her creator in such manner, blood princess gripped the handle of her sword.

"And who are you to talk in front of me?" Hemsal asked, after stopping blood princess action.

Foolish snake didn't notice anything and roared again, trying to show his usefulness to his master after failing to capture Leo last time.

"Apologize to my Lord this instance!!" He roared.

Hemsal shook his head and raised his right hand, pointing his finger at snake head. The next moment everyone present were dumbstruck apart from blood princess. Because snake eyes rolled back inside his skull, he then opened his mouth wide, and white smoke begin flowing out.

The white smoke moved silently in the air and landed on hemsal palm, turning into a baby fist white orb.

Snake dropped dead, his skin... dried and deadly pale, like all the blood in his body has been drained.

Hamsel held the white orb in his hand and swallowed it the next moment, boosting his strength.

(Note: DEATH ENHANCER, S-CLASS UNIQUE SKILL: SOUL EATER. You will know more ahead.)


"Holy fuck!!"

"How did you...?"

Everyone present was so shocked and confused staring at hemsal as if he was a demon from hell.

"So You're also a super human?" Hades took a deep breath and asked after some time.

"Yeah" hemsal answered slowly feeling the powers flowing in him, after a while he said. "Don't be scared or anything, if i want you all dead, I will just give her an order, so calm down, you guys are still useful."

"Useful?" Hades asked with a frown.

"Ok, let take it like this, we aren't teams or friends, we're just collaborating, we'll be partners. You need me and I need your men, that's all" hemsal said calmly.

After some thought, Hades nodded slowly.

"Now... where were we, oh yes. You are planning to attack Leo's base right?. Think about these, Nicolas sent a total of 100,000 soldiers and 10 destroyers with the help of A-City commander, while the old commander in chief also sent the death squad, if we attack them now there is no possibility of not destroying the base without harming the soldiers or people in the base."

"What I am saying is, once you attack the base you won't be offending only Nicolas but also the commander and the old commander in chief, and with the amount of people who will meet their demise, it will also alert the governors. No matter how many governors you have in your clutches they will all agree to destroy you to please the public, so they could keep their position. And don't forget that they are super humans in the base too."

"If you manage to escape them or Nicolas how are you going to escape the Mu family or even the old commander in chief, remember he didn't even know you guys planned to kill his granddaughter when you sent this fool out to capture Leo." Hemsal stopped and took a sip of his wine.

Hades nodded calmly, 'with careful consideration, hemsal words made sense, but can we trust him? What if he turned against us? Well... I must find his weakness.' After thinking for a while he looked at hemsal and asked.

"So what are we going to do now?! Let Leo shit on our heads and walk away with it??!!"

"Now we just need to wait" hemsal said calmly.

"WAIT!! WAIT FOR WHAT?!!" Hades asked, in mild frustration.

Hemsal smiled calmly and said "Let WAIT still tenth of July, Leo said doomsday will start on the 10th, right?. Let wait and see what will happen on the 10th, if the 10th day pass, and nothing happen, we will use it to our favor. We will say to the whole world that Leo is a scam a deceiver and a lier. He planned to decisive everyone in the whole 7 nations to use their minds as his wish" hemsal stopped, took another sip and continue:

"No one like to be control, so we will incite public opinion, by then we won't need to move a finger or do anything. The people will help us vent our anger." Hemsal said with a touch of knowledge.

"What if everything he said turned out to be the truth, and doomsday really fall on earth?" Hades asked again. The rest people present just watched the interaction between the two, no one dare to join in, just watching by the side was worth it.

Hemsal eyes flashed with a glint, and he said calmly "I hope what he said it's the truth"

"What do you mean?" Hades inquired.

"Because it will come to our advantage, if doomsday really happen, you will spread out your ten elders to the five cities in this nation, saving survivors, make these people trust you and turned them against Leo. Tell them Leo is the cause of DOOMSDAY, tell them all their loved ones will be safe if Leo die. Make them hate and despise him. Make them worship and serve you like their god." Hemsal revealed all his plans to Hades and the others.

'Serve me like a god?. Hahaha... I love the sound of that' Hades thought with a laugh. "Ok hemsal, we will follow your advice."

"Good" hemsal smiled, taking a sip of his wine.


[ Moment later, somewhere around the base ]

"My lord, why do you need them" blood princess asked, staring at hemsal back. Today she was putting on a red gown which made her look more beautiful.

Hemsal smiled and said slowly. "These guys are fools, they think I will give them a chance to be worship as gods. Ha! I am just waiting for the day doomsday will start and the day the 10 commandment will resurface and release our true god." Hemsal said with his eyes turning pitch black.

Blood princess lowered her head feeling the dark aura around hemsal. If Leo was here he would frown deeply because the aura hemsal was releasing at the more was too eerie.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye 15 days have passed.

[ Time to go out Leo ] potentate voice sounded.

Leo have used half of these 15 days to get use to potentate upgraded beauty. With the system New version. Potentate beauty skyrocketed, turning her into the first most enchanting succubus Leo had ever seen, it's not like she had grown a tail or anything, she is still human, but her beauty was on a whole different level. Any man with low self-will will get a nose bleed in Front of her.

Leo took a deep breath and opened his eyes, red flames lit in the depth of his eyes for a second, his eyes then turned back to his normal blue shade.

"I feel stronger potentate" Leo said turning to potentate who was lying down on a couch made of white mist, making her seductive curves more exposed to him.

[ Congratulation, you just reduced the duration of unlocking the 10 yang karma fire.] Potentate voice sounded a little surprised.

Leo nodded and stood up. "Time to see the outside world again, I am dying to see my base." Leo said slowly disappearing from his sea of consciousness.

[ This guy ]

Potentate shook her head, making her now golden hair flow with grace...

hi guys, Celestial base is coming up in the next chapter.

want to know about the 10 commandment and the god hemsel was talking about. Then stay with Leo to know.

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Happy Valentine guys.

please vote with spirit stones, it will help motivate me and please comment and review the book for your ideas or questions.

stay safe.

OP_Supremecreators' thoughts