
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 50: Guns Dealing Or Wrong Dealing

"What do you mean Leo, are you saying we should clean this room to it normal state?" Sam asked dumbfounded.

"Of course, or are you planning to leave this room in such a mess?" Leo said calmly.

Mike and Mila looked at each other, and planned to leave the room silently. The two tip toe, trying to get to the door, as Leo was distracted with Sam.

"You two, stop right there" Leo said turning around.

"Please Leo, you can't do this" Mila said with a pout. "Yeah Leo, just call the hotel staff to clean it up" Mike said with a frown.

"And how will you explain the mess?"

Hearing Leo, Mike and Mila looked at each other and shrugged.

'Potentate, is there a way to return this room to his normal state?'

[Yes Leo, 5,000 Doom stones]

'How many do I have left?'

[70,000 Doom stones]

'ok, just do it'


Leo waved his right hand and under the gaze of the three, all the broken furniture and dust cleared up and rebuild itself, making the room look more elegant than the previous state.

Sam: "Wha...?"

Mila: "Leo you..."

Mike: "How..."

Sam, Mike and Mila were dumbstrucked, looking at the room with open jaw. Leo didn't look at them, instead he turned his gaze to the assassins dead bodies, with a wave of his hand, all the bodies turned to ash.

'Potentate, you can start now'

[Congratulation, subordinate Sam killed 17 normal humans. You have been rewarded with 1,700 EXP and 3,400 Doom stones]

[Congratulation, subordinate Mike have killed 2 normal humans. You have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 400 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Leveling up]

[Congratulation for entering the master realm 2nd stars, you have been rewarded with 1,000 Doom stones]

[Total reward is 2,100 EXP and 5,100 Doom stones]

'Show me my realm and doom stones'

[Realm: Master realm 2 stars. 1,300/8,000 EXP]

[Doom stones: 71,000]

'Hmm... I made my doom stones back, ok potentate I want to add to my skills, buy the Dark beam skill.'

Dark beam description: [unleash a powerful Dark beam from the user palm, which have the power to directly kill any opponent 3 realms below the user, non-upgradable, Active skill, C-CLASS, 30,000 Doom stones]

'Buy it.'

[Successful, you will feel a slight pain in your head]

Leo just frowned slightly feeling the pain, after a moment it disappeared.

[Skill Successful learned]

Leo nodded with a smile. 'From 71,000 to 41,000 Doom stones. That's understandable.'

"What are you guys waiting for?" Leo asked

"What do you mean?" The three looked confused.

"Go and enjoy the city, I want to practice my skill, knock my door after two days." Leo said.

The two eyes light up, and they left the room to enjoy the city, it might be their last. While Mila stood in the room looking like a lost kitty.

"What's it Mila?" Leo asked.

"Can I ever catch up to you in strength?" Mila asked.

'Catch up to me?' Leo thought surprised and said to her "You can't catch up to me, but you need to get stronger to be able to stand by my side."

Mila looked at Leo for a while, nodded and left the room. This fight with Sam had increased her determination to get stronger and be useful to Leo in the future.

Leo sighed and walked inside his room, got on his bed and sat cross-legged closing his eyes to practice his new skill.


[12th Of June]

Knock, knock, knock.

Leo slowly opened his eyes, stood up and walked out of the room to the door. A blonde hair came to view when he opened the door.

"Leo, it's time, let go" Sam said with a smile, she really enjoyed these two days in the city. Leo nodded and said. "A minute" with that his body shook, cleansing himself with his spiritual energy.

"That's cool..." Sam said looking at Leo with opened jaw.

"Let go" Leo walked past her toward the elevator.

"Hey, wait for me!" Sam shouted from behind.

Gotten outside the hotel, Leo entered the back sit of the car, with Mila sitting beside him and Mike sitting in the front passenger seat, all in black. After a while Sam came out of the hotel, glare daggers at Leo, got in the driver seat and drove away.

The black Audi drove out of the city, heading to the suburb. After 30 minutes of driving, sam packed the car under a closed down bridge and the team of four got out following Sam.

After taking different turns they got to a place which looked like an old casino, the team looked around the Area with a frown. Unknown number of people both male and female were moving around the casino with submachine guns. Sam walked to the entrance of the casino or what is left of it.

"Stop!! What are you four doing here?!" A man as big as a mountain asked them with a frown holding a rifle.

"We are here to see shadow" Sam said taking out a black card with a big latter S in the center. Seeing the card, the mountain face changed slightly. "Ok, wait for Me. Don't go anywhere" with that he walked inside.

Two minutes later he came back and opened the door for them. Leo, who was putting on a hood to cover his face nodded, and his group walked in.

The exterior of the building looked like a casino while the interior looked like a villa. With couches and different furniture, the room was Huge and elegant. At the center of the room sat a bald head man with a big scar on his right cheek, smoking a cigarette looking at them with a playful expression.

Mila looked around the room and whispered to Leo. "They are a total of 30 goons, each with a rifle." Leo nodded calmly.

"You must be Laura, and who are they?" Shadow said and asked Sam with a smile.

"These are my friends, he's Mike, Mila and Jack"

"Jack..." Shadow said looking at the man whose face was covered with a hood. "I am guessing you are her boss, right...?" Shadow said taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Yes, we are here to talk business, but I haven't seen the goods" Leo said flatly.

"Hahaha..., I like you, I see you don't beat around the bush." With that he clap his hands "bring the goods out" he said.

20 goons moved forward and dropped 10 big boxes in Front of Leo and his group, after that, five of them opened five boxes revealing rolls of guns and ammunition in the other five boxes.

"Don't worry Mr Jack, there are a total of 500 guns and 2,000 ammunition here. I am a guy of my word" shadow said secretly looking at Mila and Sam long and slender legs.

Leo nodded and Mike placed a suitcase in Front of shadow and opened it, showing the banknotes, which filled it to the top.

"That's a total of 500 million in cash" Leo said. Shadow stood up like a child who have discovered a bar of candy in his room. He rubbed his hands together ready to take the money, but Mike closed it the next moment. Shadow smile disappeared, and a frown appeared on his face.

"What's this?" He asked.

Leo sat down on the chair in Front of shadow and looked at him, saying "What is our guaranty that when you get the money, you won't try to kill us?"

"What" shadow was presently surprised, the next moment he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... How did you see through my intention that easily, well no problem, I want to kill you all with that I can have the half a billion and also my guns back."

Leo smiled and said "Is this how you do business with all your client?"

"Hahaha..." Shadow laughed as if he had heard the stupidest Joke ever. "Client? Kid... I don't even know you. As far I can see, you are not from any organization or have any big background or any backer. Because if you do, you won't come here with two of your girlfriends and one bodyguard." After that he stopped and looked at Mila and Sam with lustful gaze and added with a smirk.

"But... We can talk something out, If you give me these two ladies to enjoy, I will spare you two guys. My boys and I hadn't played for a long time."

Hearing these, Sam, Mila and Mike face turned cold, but Leo face remained indifferent and surprisingly calm. "The last person who said this nonsense died in my hand, if you want I can send you to him."

Shadow face turned red in anger and he roared. "Do you know who I am boy!! Send Me to him, who do you think you are? Now let me enjoy myself with these beauties, I have a total of 300 men here so you can't escape." He said, but he was a little confused why this guy remained so calm even in this situation.

'He might be scared inside, I think he didn't want the girls to know he's scared. Well... we will see how you will bear it when I play with them in Front of you'

With that he stretch out his hand intending to grab Sam.