
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 39: Water Warriors Domain

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Leo asked looking at Mila with a confused look. Acting like everything that just happened didn't affect him.

"Are you asking me that!? What the hell is all this? Even if I believed you about doomsday, do you have to lead us here to die!!?" Mila asked in a roaring voice. "Calm down, I don't know they would be such a powerful being in here, if I had known I would have come alone." Leo said defending himself.

"You..." Mila said then sighed and asked calmly. "What is all these about chosen one and those craps I heard."

"Everything you heard is the truth, and we might meet more beings as strong as that old man, so we have a long journey ahead." Leo said looking at her and a frown appeared on his brow and asked. "Mila, what did you do when you are outside?"

"What do you mean?" Mila asked confused. "Did anything happened to you when am inside the temple?" Leo asked again. After thinking for a while she nodded. "Yes, I fell asleep when that old man waved his hand, when I woke up I felt a slight headache. That's all. Is something wrong?" Mila asked looking confused.

[Name: Mila Tyson]

[Realm: man formation 5 stars. Peak stage]

[Attributes: 25]

[Status: healthy]

[Species: Super human]

[Skill: Water domain. Amateur stage also known as S-Class]

[Unique Skill: Water warriors Domain.]

[Ability: Water enhancer]

[Loyalty: 65% "Trustworthy"]

'New skill, boast two stars above. And even unlock her unique skill. What the hell is going on potentate?" Leo asked.

[The Fire Primordial, must have rewarded her with that skill, and she might have absorbed some of his energy unknowingly being close to him for a long time.]

'It's even an S-Class skill. Ok potentate what's the description of this skill?'

[1,000 Doom stones]

'No way I will know in the future, not now' Leo shook his head and looked at Mila. "Don't you feel any change in your body?"

"I do, Like I got stronger, I thought it's because I just woke up. Anything wrong?" Mila asked getting more confused. 'Just woke up? Just woke up!!!? Didn't she know she had been rewarded with a legendary class skill!? I should calm down, it's not like I don't have an S-Class skill.' Leo said with a smile. "You just got stronger, I think you absorbed some of the old man energy, that's why you felt stronger."

"Oh that explained a lot, because when I sat down next to him, I felt myself getting stronger. If that I knew I would have sat more closed to him." Mila said with a thoughtful look. Leo shook his head and asked. "What's the time?"

Mila brought out her phone. "10 o'clock in the morning."

"Morning? What day are we?" Leo asked surprised. "3rd of June, what's wrong?"

"Let go, we will be holding a press conference on the 7th to announce to the world about doomsday, so let go." Leo said bringing out his phone from his pocket.

"No signal" Mila said waving her phone at Leo. True to her word there was no signal in Leo phone. "Ahhh... then let get out of here." Leo said with a growl and walk towards the big gate. Mila smile and followed him behind.

The two took a deep breath of fresh air, when they stepped out of the mountain.


A voice sounded. The two turned there head to the right, seeing about 20 men pointing sub-machines guns at them. Leo frown and said. "What do you guys want? Am not yet ready to destroy your skull organization headquarter."

Mila face changed slightly hearing Leo mentioned skull organization. These people have clash with countless small countries in the whole first nation, becoming one of the strongest underworld gang. They just ever cross her grandfather line. Or else they would have been destroyed long ago.

When the skull organization members heard Leo, there were filled with killing intent. A young man stepped out of a black BMW, walking to the front with a cigarette between his lip.



When the 20 men was this young man they all greeted respectfully. The young man was one of the 20 guardians of the skull organization. Skull organization is a powerful underground gang which have the strength to challenge countless small countries, with twelves elders and twenty guardian. These guys are stronger than ordinary people, and more ruthless. Each of them have claimed countless lives.

"And who are you?" Leo asked not even putting this guy in his eyes.

"I don't mind you rude attitude, but I will give you the pleasure to know my name. I am the 20th guardian of skull organization, known as snake." Snake said arrogantly bringing out a silver dagger, licking it slowly.

"Ok..., so why are you here?" Leo asked again. "It's kind of simple, just follow us back peacefully" snake said with a smile. "And what if I don't?" Leo asked with a smile.

"Well...." Snake said looking at Leo took a drag of his cigarette and continued slowly "violence is something no one want, because we can't gain anything from it." He stopped, and his eyes flashed with killing intent. "But if you refused to come with us peacefully." Snake grinned at Leo not finishing his words but everyone present got the meaning.

Leo nodded calmly and turned to Mila "please teach them a lesson, you can kill if you want"

Hearing Leo words, snake eyes turned cold and he roared. "Are you till a man Leo!! You will ask a girl to risk her life and fight for you. How pathetic!. And I thought you are strong to face me" he said with disappointment.

Leo was about to say something when another voice sounded again. "Mr Leo, is this what you are? A man who hide behind a woman. I hate those men the most." The other door of the black BMW opened, and a muscular man got out, walking to the front.

Snake face changed slightly, and he said "19th guardian what are you doing out? I can handle this." The 19th guardian known as bear smile and said. "Am here to help, think about it, if it's that easy to handle it, why would the leaders sent two guardians to catch a weak human. But after seeing these I think the leaders are mistaken about this man named Leo. And also that girl is not just anyone, she is the granddaughter of the whole first nation five stars commander, so if we injured her now, her grandfather will have the reason to wipe us out."

Hearing bear words snake and the other members face changed dramatically. "You are really something Leo, sending the daughter of a five stars commander to us so we can injure her. And you will use the opportunity to report and all the skull organization will be destroyed. I don't know you are so cunning." Snake said with pure killing intent.

"Don't kill her, we should capture her, she is a rare beauty and I wonder how she will taste down there and second if he killed this guy her grandfather won't know what happen, so he can't blame it on us" bear said with a burning daze looking at Mila slender legs and curvy figure.

"Ahh... I like how you think, you will go first, while the boys and I will go next. After that we can kill her too" Snake said with a smirk looking at Mila. All the other members eyes burn with lust looking at Mila.

Leo shook his head, he has two reasons he asked Mila to fight them. First to see what her skill can do, instead of paying 1,000 Doom stones to know, second... because of sunny who was watching from a distance to see that Mila was not a weak lady, but someone who can hold her ground. Because after doomsday they won't be those who will watch over you. He did it, so Mila grandfather won't worry about her so much.

Mila eyes turned cold filled with killing intent hearing their words. "I was planning of sparing some of you, but now all of you will have to die." With that she closed her eyes.

Leo discovered she had increased two stars above all his subordinates apart from Nora. With Mila strength and skills this fools won't pose any threat to her. The next second she opened her eyes and water rose from the ground, but instead to move around her to form a ring, it stopped in Front of her taking a form of a humanoid figure. The next moment a full human made entirely of water stood in Front of Mila armed with a water dagger in it right hand.

Leo was stunned.

Sunny watching from the distance was speechless.

Snake was dumbstruck, looking at Mila in horror, the cigarette in his mouth drop to the ground.

Bear was speechless, with a deep frown between his brow.

The skull organization members were all dumbfounded.

Even Leo was stunned. 'Is this the power of the water warriors domain. It's really terrifying, potentate take the 1,000 and tell me about this skill.


Water warriors domain description: [Water warriors domain have a total of twelve levels, anytime the user broke through a realm, the skill automatically unlocks the levels. The more levels unlock the more warriors the user can summon and all the warriors will have the strength of the user. Can only be use for 20 minutes.]

'Even if it's only for 20 minutes, it can change the result of a battle. Think about it, three core formation warriors against one core formation enhancer. That enhancer will have a hard time. Even if he/she last for 20 minutes he will be drained of energy and so will Mila. That's why it's a unique skill. It drains more spiritual energy than a normal skill.' Leo thought looking at Mila. 'Am just happy she is in my team.'

Mila looked at the skull organization and gave a simple and direct command.


The water warrior raised it head slowly and charge at the skull organization members.

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stay safe.

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