
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 33: Primordial Spirit Enhancers

Gotten to the mansion Leo asked "Mr Steven can I also borrow Mr sunny here?" Hearing Leo both sunny and Steven frowned.

"That's not working Mr Leo, you already have the death squad and my daughter. You can't have sunny, because he is very important to me."

Leo nodded, he knew when to push his luck and when to stop, he was just a little disappointed because he can't have sunny. In his previous life sunny was one of the powerhouse in Mr Steven base which was also the first strongest base in all first nation. Sunny have a skill known as "rampage mode" when ever he used this skill, black zombies will be like sheep so be slaughter in Front of him no matter their numbers. 'That was a little exaggerated, but well in his previous life sunny was a maniac when angered, that why the survivors gave him a nickname known as "butcher." Being A pure metal enhancer he can butcher his way through anything. Well... not entirely everything.

'Am just confused about one thing and that is, how did the first strongest base in all the first nation got destroyed. Was it done by the same golden zombie or something stronger than it.' Leo sighed and asked 'potentate why don't you want to tell me about the silhouette I saw before I died?'

[Leo Your realm is too low to know. How many times have you asked me about this question.] Potentate said a little annoyed and added [just focus on getting stronger] with that she disconnected the link.

Leo was about to say something when Steven voice sounded. "Oh by the way Mr Leo, what mission are you taking my granddaughter on?"

"It's nothing to worry about Mr Steven, we are just going to explore a tomb."

"And where is these tomb located?" Steven asked with a frown.

"At the far north outside A-City" Leo answered back. "Do you need backup or escort?"

"Thank you Mr Steven, but we are good" Leo answered with a smile.

"Ok Mr Leo, you can stay here for the night take it as our hospitality." Steven said turned around, seeing Mila walked through the door, he said to her "Mila please show Mr Leo his room."

"Me...?" Mila asked a little stunned.

Steven did not answer her but walked inside his study. "Thank you Mr Steven" Leo said and turned to Mila making a small bow and said. "Please lead the way milady." Mila rolled her eyes and walked towards the stairs, Leo Smiled and followed her behind.

After walking for a while with an awkward silent they got to the guest room. "This is your room." Mila said preparing to leave after showing him the door.

"We are going on a mission tomorrow so try to wake up early, we will be leaving at 7 am." Leo said.

"7 AM? Where are we going?" Mila asked with a frown looking at Leo.

"You will know tomorrow ice queen" Leo said with a playful tone and walked inside his room.

"You..." Mila stomped her foot angrily and walked out with an annoyed look.


Leo sat down on his bed looking around the room and called out to potentate again. "Now potentate let discuss the power source you discovered. Can it make me stronger or what?"

[Yes Leo, but you need the 7 primordial spirit souls to be the strongest enhancers alive]

"Seven primordial souls? What are those?"

[What You need to know now is that these 7 primordial souls represents the 7 classes of enhancers, if you have the whole 7 primordial souls in you. You will have the ability to wield the 7 classes known as Darkness, light, metal, wind, earth, fire and water, with these souls you will not be a single enhancer or a duo enhancer but the first sevenfold enhancer with unparalleled strength, and no disadvantage when facing other enhancers.]

Leo's breath picked up with his heart beating 100 times per second, "if it's possible" He took a deep breath to calm down his excited heart and asked in astonishment "wait did you just said we have disadvantage when facing other enhancers?"

[Yes Leo, all the 7 enhancers have disadvantage toward certain enhancers. When you faced someone who you have a disadvantage too, your attacks will be reduced by 40%]

"What!!!, can you tell Me about these disadvantage?, this is the first time have heard of it."

[The Seven enhancers have disadvantage and advantage toward each other.] "Can you make it more clear?"

[In a simpler term, the weakness of earth enhancers are the fire enhancers. When these two enhancers engaged in a battle, the fire enhancer can easily defeat the earth enhancers. Even if the earth enhancer is one realm above the fire enhancer he or she will till be defeated, unless the earth enhancer is two realms above the fire enhancer or have advance or higher rank skills can he or she secure a victory]

"Whoa..., that's new, potentate can you show me which enhancers have a disadvantage and advantage?"

[All the enhancers have a disadvantage and advantage. 1000 Doom stones to know more]

"You are really a doom stones shark you know that?, fine take it."

[Don't be whining Leo, it will help you in the future when facing other enhancer especially if you have a disadvantage against one.]

[They are]

[Light enhancer have a disadvantage towards metal and water enhancers.

Dark Enhancer have a disadvantage towards light and fire enhancers.

Water enhancer have a disadvantage towards earth, wind, and dark enhancers.

Earth enhancers have a disadvantage towards fire, metal, light and dark enhancers.

Fire enhancers have a disadvantage towards water, wind, and light enhancers.

Wind enhancers have a disadvantage towards light, metal and dark enhancers.

Metal enhancers have a disadvantage towards water and dark enhancers.]

"Hmm..., some enhancers have at least 4 disadvantage, so I have disadvantage towards light and fire enhancers? I can make use of these, and also if I got the primordial souls I will be invisible."

[Don't worry Leo, if you absorb all the souls of the primordial, you will be at least 80% immune to all enhancer attacks.]

"80% immunity? That's high" a glint flash in Leo eyes and a happy smile appeared on his face. He was about to say something, but he stopped as if he remembered something and asked the most important question.

"What are these primordial?"

[500 Doom stones to know all the details]


"Fine, take it?" Leo said with annoyance.

[Potentate didn't care about his mood and began her narration. Primordial Spirit souls are the founder and true origin of enhancers, they are the maker, holder and the controller of each of the class. After discovering that the universe was void of magic and power, it became boring for them, so they started passing down there powers through bloodlines to their children. While there children shared with there's. After years of these continuous cycle the universe was filled with supernatural beings we now called "enhancers" But this peace didn't last when an unknown danger raises. This danger planned to absorb all these powers from all the primordial pure blood liners to be the strongest to challenge the primordial. As arrogant and proud as there are, they didn't put this threat in their eyes. But after 20 years this threat that once aim toward the primordial then turned his target to the whole universe. At that moment, the primordial discovered that the threat they should have taken care of was now much more powerful and dangerous than before. They teamed up to face this danger. But these evil was not something they could face alone, they have to use the power of the universe to seal this unknown evil in a small planet, these battle caused them there last blood liners and physical forms, causing there skins to dissipate into nothingness leaving only there souls.]

"Wow..., what type of threat was that. Even though the 7 primordial joined forces they couldn't defeat that evil and have to result to borrowing more power from the universe which caused them all their bloodlines to perished to just sealed this threat away in a small planet." A stupid idea came on his mind.

"Is these small planet Earth" Leo shiver at the thought, "No way it can't be EARTH, if it's EARTH it means all those things that happened in my previous life are all caused by this threat? Is that silhouette I saw in my previous life the threat?"

"No, No, No, No, what am I saying. If it's really that unknown danger that all the primordial who were the origin of powers can't even defeat when teamed together, what can we humans do, yes it's not this planet. Because if it is. Human will not last even for a year after doomsday, but we survived for 10 years before we were wiped out by the zombies.

"Yes it's not this planet. Potentate what's the name of the planet they sealed this evil entity?"

[Your realm is too low to know]

"Don't worry I will be the strongest enhancer the universe have ever seen." Leo said with full determination.

"It's late, tomorrow we will venture into the tomb, I hope one of the primordial souls will be there." Leo said closing his eyes.

This novel is full of mysteries and I hope you can stay with me to unlock all of them.

be safe

OP_Supremecreators' thoughts