
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 20: Destroying the skull organization base

Jack walked up to the gate.

"STOP…!" A commanding voice sounded, and a burly man walked over with an AK-47 rifle in hand, Jack took a deep breath to steady his beating heart, And ask.

"Where's black eye?, I brought the money he asked for."

"Oh..., so you are the brother of that beauty, we were hoping you fail to bring the money so we can taste your sister, well..." The burly man sighed with a gloomy expression and called, "hey you, take this native boy to black eye."

Jack eyes flash with killing intent, but he hid it and nodded, following the second man inside the base.



In the lightly dim room, five burly men stood calmly in different corners around the room, A man with one eye patch covering his left eye sat on a chair, staring at a woman who was trembling in a corner out of fear.

Black eye turned to Jack with a frown and said with an amuse tone, "I ask you to bring my money if you want me to release your sister, then where is the money?"

Jack stared at black eye with a smile and said, "Sorry black eye, I can't come up with that amount of money in five days, please add me time." As he said these, he was scanning the room, 'five goons, Black eye personal bodyguards, holding M1014, UMP, and AK47.' then his eyes move to his elder sister behind black eye, who was sitting in a corner staring at him with tears in her eyes. Jack heart bleed seeing his sister in these state, He sister always give everything to him, but him, he only gave her pain.

Black eye followed his eyes and smile, stood up and walked towards Jasmine. Gotten to her, he crouched down and raised his hand to touch her cheek, Jasmine distance herself in fear.

"TSK. TSK. TSK., are you till avoiding me?, fine. Hey you." Black eye called, his eyes fixed on Jasmine.

"I can't wait any longer, your sister is so beautiful and tempting, I can't just wait to taste her." Black eye said, his lustful daze moving all over Jasmine curvy figure and with the rags she is putting on which exposed some of her fair skin, only fueled his desire.

"You…!, that is not the deal!!" Jack roared at him.

"Shut up!, this is my turf, and I'm the boss here, anything I said go, if I want to change the rules no one can stop me, you got it, ok, change of plans, my brothers and I will have fun with your sister in Front of you, What do you think about that?" Black eye said with a smirk turning around to face jack.

Hearing black eye, Jasmine face turned pale, looking at her brother who was trembling with anger.

Black eye also saw this and smile, brought out his gun and said, "Have played with you enough, after I killed you, we will enjoy your sister and send her to you in the afterlife."

Hearing black eye, Jack mind barrier finally collapse and was about to attack black eye, when a dull collision sounded from outside the door, drawing everyone's attention.

"What's going on?" Black eye asked with a frown and added, "Let go and take a look"

Black eye walked towards the door and two of his men dragged the two siblings with them. Opening the door everyone face turn to horror at the scene in Front of them.


Leo looked around the people in the base, the base have a total of 160 people, all armed with submachine guns, some guards were even armed with rocket and grenade launchers. Leo move swiftly and activate his skill called "stealth" disappearing from plain sight.

Moving discreetly, he arrived behind a guard with a grenade launcher, with a slash of his sword, the guard head was separated from his body, falling to the ground with a THUD.

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200EXP and 300 Doom stones]

Leo face remain expressionless as he advance to the other guard.

At this moment, Leo looked like a demon, harvesting the lives of all the guards without them even knowing how they died. After finishing the guards he walked inside the base, at the center of the base were about 30 goons, drinking and laughing, enjoying themselves. When they saw Leo they were all surprised and someone stumbling walked up to him and said:

"Kid, What are you doing here? Or do you lost your way?."

Leo did not answer, but what everyone saw next was a flash of light from a blade, and next the man head rolled over.

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

"What the fuck…!!!" Seeing these all the goons became somber and search for their guns, at that moment Leo moved, disappearing from sight. The only things that rung out was the screams of the goons and the system notifications.

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, host have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

The goons were running around like headless chickens, running for their lives.

"Run...!!, he's a demon!, run!"

Leo was like a grim ripper from hell, here to harvest their lives,


"NO..., please No!."

The base was in chaos with blood flowing like river. After a while, everywhere became deadly silent.

Leo materialized in Front of the last man who was rooted on spot out of fear while holding his gun with shakily hands.

"P-please, d-don't kill me, I-I will do anything" the man was so scared as if he had seen the devil himself.

'This guys, didn't even care if You are a male or female, he killed them all.' he was so scared out of his wit.

"Those people, you guys killed also begged and pleaded for mercy, did you grant their request?, all those women you guys molested, raped and killed, did you listen to their pleads?." Leo asked with pure killing intent.

"I-I..., WE..." The man was at a loss of words.


The sword blade whistled through the air and the man head separated from his shoulders and hit the close door with a bang!.

Leo looked towards the door and sat down with his sword beside him, blood dripping from it.

The Door opened, and 8 people came out, two being prisoners. Black eye moved his daze around his men dead bodies with horror, then stopped on the man sitting in the middle. Black eye face turned red with anger and roar, "how dare you!!, do you know what you have done? Brothers kill these fool for me."

Hearing black eye, the five men walked forward, pointed their guns at Leo and opened fire without hesitation, unknown numbers of bullets whistle through the air, breaking the sound barrier heading towards Leo with endless killing intent.

A glint flash in Leo eyes and he disappeared instantly. "What the fuck, is this guy a demon?" Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the place Leo was sitting a minute ago.

Bang…!, Bang…!, Bang....

Five piercing gunshots rang out, and black eye five personal guards, dropped dead with 5 bloody headshots.

"How…?" Black eye looked at this scene in a daze. Leo materialized in Front of him with a smile and said.

"Black eye, we see again"

"See again?, dude! I don't even know you!" Black eye said in a Deep and resentment voice.

"Well, we have, and you killed a lot of my brothers and molest a lot of my sisters, today I am going to avenge them."

In his previous life, he and his platoon was captured by skull organization, and this shameless man, molested all the girls in his group in Front of them, which plant a deep seed of hatred inside Leo toward him and the skull organization.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but I know one thing, you are not going to let me live, so I have to kill you first." With that he quickly raised his gun.

"Bang..., Bang..." continuous gunshots sounded as he fired countless shot toward Leo.

Leo move swiftly, dodging all the bullets with ease. Black eye face turned ugly like he had eaten something bad, he kept on shooting till the magazine was emptied, without hitting Leo even once.

Jack and Jasmine were confused and stunned, 'this guy, is just too cool' Jasmine thought.

Black eye was about to reload, but Leo won't give him that chance and charged toward him. With a slash of his sword, black eye right hand was chopped off.


Black eye held his hand, screaming in pain, Leo looked at him with boundless killing intent.

"Who the hell are you!!?" Black eye cried with gritted teeth.

Instead, to answer, Leo kicked him away.


Black eye spray blood from his mouth and flew out, smashing inside the room. Leo walked towards him, dragging his sword behind him which produce sparks on the ground.