
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 18: Potentate

Gotten inside the ship everyone was stunned in place.

"WOW, beautiful! Nothing like the outside appearance" Nora said.

The interior of the ship was beautifully decorated with chairs, tables and also a kitchen, with chief diligently working on something, A brightly lit chandelier, and a touch of music, it was no different from a five-star hotel, with 20 rooms.

"So... what do you think Mr Jones?" Leo asked with a smile.

"I will manage it for now." Jones answered with a frown and walked toward the drinking bar. Mrs Jones gave Leo an apologetic smile, Leo nodded calmly.

"How did you...?" Nora asked looking around the ship.

"Am not the one who did these, I called maxim and asked him to help us with a ship good for a journey, and we got these" Leo said.

"Oh... that good" Nora said with a smile.

"Let look around" Sam said pulling Nora away.

"Dudes, where have you guys been, these place Is dope, Leo is really living the life." Ricky said walking toward them with a bottle of wine.

Leo Smile lightly and said, I am going to my room, all the rooms' door have a name of the owner, Am off" Leo said and walked towards a corridor, entered the first room and locked the door.

"Time to see my core" Leo said sitting on his bed with cross legs, closing his eyes.

Leo sea of consciousness.

Leo appeared inside his sea of consciousness, looking around he was greeted by endless darkness and a big black sun in the dark sky.

"What the hell, is this my sea of consciousness, in my previous life this place is sunny, filled with life and vitality, but now, there is nothing but darkness" Leo said with a frown. "I think it has something to do with me being a dark enhancer now"

"Yes host" The system voice sounded behind him. Leo turned around, in front of him was a white floating light.

"Are you…?"

"Yes host" The system answered.

"So... is this your real form?" Leo asked

"I have countless forms host, What form do you want me to have?"

"Hmm..., A man is not good enough, ok, change into a beautiful woman" Leo said with a smirk.

"Ok host"

Under the expected daze of Leo, the white light start charging its form to that of a human, A curvy figure came to view, flowing red long hair, almost touching her back side, smooth skin, bright eyes, with very seductive curves.

"Gulp…" Leo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looking at the beautiful young lady in Front of him. 'She is nothing but a seductress' Leo thought.

The system opened her beautiful clear eyes observing Leo. 'All the girls pale in comparison to this goddess in Front of me.'

"How did I look?" The system asked.

"Wonderful" Leo answered moving his daze around her body and stopped on her Hugh breasts.

"You know I can read your mind right?, don't have any lustful thought about me, or else I will shut down."

Leo face change dramatically hearing these and try to calm down, 'yes, he loves only gaya, no one else, oh I forgot she could hear me thought'

"Cough..., well these form is just to hot, even Nora fail in comparison, oh and is that dark sun over there my core?" Leo asked changing the topic.

"Yes host" The system answered.

"Can you stop calling me host?" Leo asked looking at her.

"What can I call you then?" The system asked back.

"My name is fine" Leo answered.

"Then you have to give me a name" the system said.

"A name?" Leo asked stunned, he had not thought of that.

"Well...., what about potentate?" After thinking for a moment Leo said.

"Potentate, I accept the name" potentate said.

Leo nodded and ask, "why is my core black?"

"Leo you have been merged with the system and also a rare dark enhancer, that why it's black." Potentate answered.

Leo looked at the black sun and float toward it, in proximity, he can clearly see a sword and the desert eagle orbiting around it. "Potentate… Why can these weapons appear here?, it's not an S or SSS-Class weapons."

"Every weapon stored in the system will appear here." Potentate answered.

"Hmm... Ok, I am going out" with that Leo disappeared from his sea of consciousness and opened his eyes. 'Ok potentate, I need to solidify my realm, wake me up if anything bad happened.'

'Ok Leo'

Hearing this, Leo closed his eyes, an invisible barrier appeared around him.

The journey to celestial island will take at least 2 days. Leo and his team will either stay inside to practice their skills or talked about some important stuff concerning doomsday, after everyone had fallen asleep, they would all went to the deck to train, honing their skills and teamwork to perfection.


2 Days later [17th of May]

Two middle-aged men in a barkeep suit stood calmly, waiting on the dock with 2 roles of security and workers. The first man was the mayor of celestial island and the second is his lawyer.

After some minutes, the ship arrived and Leo and the others step out. Seeing Leo, the two middle-aged men walked up to him and said respectfully, "Mr Leo welcome"

Leo looked at the two middle-aged men and nodded, "I called you 2 days ago, have you done what I asked?"

"Yes Mr Leo, the hotel is ready" the mayor answered.

"And who is this Mr groping?" Leo asked noticing the lawyer. "Mr Leo, this is My lawyer, Mr Nicolas."

"Greetings Mr Leo, please can you sign these" Nicolas asked.

"Ok" Leo said signing the ownership documents. "From now on Mr Leo, celestial island is officially yours" Nicolas said with a smile.

"Nora please" Leo called Nora over.

"Hiss" geoping and Nicolas and all the male security and workers took a deep breath. 'Whoa, how can someone be this beautiful?' Geoping thought.

"This is my sister, if am not around, you can ask her anything." Leo said and held Nora hand containing the ring. Nora felt a slight energy fluctuation and look at Leo. "Have sent all our belongings and 2 billion into the ring, follow Mr Nicolas to the hotel, I am going to check the site with the mayor geoping." Leo said to Nora.

Nora nodded and Leo turned to groping and Nicolas and said. "Take me to the site and Nicolas, take my family and friends to the hotel."

"Ok me Leo" the two answered respectfully.


After giving the security some orders. He walked back to Leo and said, Mr Leo they are all ready to move.

After taking their belongings, everyone head towards the hotel in 10 Audis.

"Let go" Leo said.

"Yes Mr Leo"

After an hour drive they got to the site. Leo looked at the vast land and a smile appeared on his face.

"Mr Leo, someone named maxim sent building materials in your name, there are all in the site" geoping said.

"Um" Leo nodded.

"Oh Mr Leo, this is our construction manager, Mr goodluck" geoping introduced a man with a smile.

"Good morning Mr Leo" good luck a handsome young man at 30, muscular physique and sharp eyes greeted Leo respectfully.

"Greetings" Leo answered back and said. "Let get to work" Leo brought out a blueprint from his storage, blueprint he brought from the system store for a whopping 2,000 Doom stones.

"This land is good, but we need to make a passage, so water could enter the base, and also, those forest in the back should be cleared, I want to use that area to build a farm, for now just mark the area, I need a total of 10 warehouses, 300 buildings with a capacity of 100 people each." Good luck looked at the land then the blueprint and nodded. Then said.

"Mr Leo, if we can clear those bushes around that area, and with the materials available, we can build at least 20 warehouses, 500 houses, and we can also increase the capacity to be able to occupy 150 people each"

Leo looked at him surprise and said, "that will be wonderful, then I will leave these to you, you guys should start building this base tomorrow, I want all these to be ready in 2 months"

"Don't worry Mr Leo, if we follow this blueprint, we will be able to build even more, but we lack workers, we only have 500 workers here" Goodluck said.

Leo turned to geoping "I hope you can handle these?, don't worry about their payment, just bring more workers, the more, the merrier"

"Don't worry Mr Leo, I will bring more workers" geoping said.

"Good, I will leave these to you goodluck" Leo said and handed the blueprint to goodluck.

"Oh Mr geoping, what is the population of the island?" Leo asked.

"About half a million, our island is among the smallest, so we have few people" geoping answered.

'Did these guy just said half a million is a small population' Leo thought with a frown and said.

"I need the exact number of population"

"Five days Mr Leo, I will get it"

"You have 2" Leo said walking out of the site.

"Mr Leo, where are You going!?" Geoping shouted.

"I am going to see the island" Leo said without turning back.

Watching Leo departing figure, geoping turned to goodluck and said, "I don't know why young people nowadays just like spending money, like Mr Leo, he is planning to build a very BIG base, look at these blueprint, only the walls are 5 meters tall"

"I can't believe he is so young and have so much money, well let get to work, you need to start headcount" goodluck said with a smile.


Leo was walking around the small town in celestial island, getting used to the geographic location. Celestial Island is undoubtedly a smile island, they have only one small town and what stunned Leo was the bascule bridge, 'so this is how maxim sent the materials' Leo thought. At that moment someone collide with him.

"Sorry" the guy in a black outfit and a cloak said running at full speed.

"So fast?" Leo said with awe.

"Thief…!!, Thief!, someone stop him, he stole my money." Leo looked around seeing a man shouting, pointing at the running figure.

Leo looked at the man then at the running figure and a curve appeared on his face.

"Let see how fast you are."

With that he shot out like a missile.