
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 109: What Really happened 2

"Huh? What are you doing Nicolas?!" The commander yelled, as Nicolas dragged Emily away.

"Leo said, if you encounter an enhancer more stronger than you, there is only one option, RUN!"

"What are you doing?! We should fight, not run!" Emily yelled as she tried to free her hand, but Nicolas gripped her tightly.

"This is not funny Emily! I won't lose you too!!" Nicolas roared.

Hemsal fixed his gaze on the thousands of soldiers in front of him. "Death incarnation!!"

His eyes got darker, the smokes surrounding him spread to his back and formed four dark wings. "Lightning of death!!"

The clouds above the base turned dark instantly, causing the survivors' faces to changed dramatically.

"What is happening?"

"Why is the sky suddenly dark?!"

"Is this the end?"

"What?! I'm not ready to die!!"

Both the soldiers at the entrance and the survivors inside were all staring at the dark sky.

"What are you all doing?! Everyone run to the back exit!!!" Nicolas roared, as he ran passed the survivors while still holding Emily's hand.

"Isn't that the general?"

"Why is he asking us to run?"

"Are we getting attack?"

"What are you guys waiting for, I am going with him!"

"Me too!!"

Some of the survivors joined Nicolas as he ran towards the back exit, while the others were utterly perplexed.

At that moment Hemsal's voice sounded in their ears.


Countless dark lightning fell from the sky with terrifying speed, colliding into countless buildings.


The dark lightning strikes destroyed the buildings and survivors into dust, that was all it takes for chaos to descend on the base.

"DAMNIT!! Fighters stop that man!!!" The commander yelled, coming a huge fireball in his hand.

"How dare you attack my base!!!" He yelled and threw the huge fireball towards Hemsal.

Two dark lightning strikes fell from the sky, destroying the fireball in an instant. "You brought this on yourselves!!"

"Death multitude! Descend!!!"

With his word, countless dark lightning strikes fell from the sky descending on the base.

The faces of the survivors and Nicolas changed dramatically. "Everyone run!!!!"





Countless lightning collided on the buildings and survivors, killing and destroying everything on spot!


The commander yelled in horror, as he watched his soldiers and survivors turned into dusts under the continuous lightning strikes.

"Stop this!!!"

"Do you surrender?!" Hemsal's voice boom around the base.

Countless survivors and fighters instantly dropped on their knees after hearing his question.

"What are you fools doing?!!" The commander yelled at his soldiers, who were kneeling on the ground.

"I am sorry commander, but... we aren't ready to die" a soldier with high military rank said.

"You!! Who told you he won't kill you after surrendering?!!"

"Why would I kill those who surrendered? Join me, and you would have everything you ever wanted!" Hemsal said calmly.

All the soldiers and survivors nodded, and more fell on their knees.

"We surrender!!!"

"Good!" Hemsal nodded with a smile.

"I will never surrender, I have never surrendered in a war! I won't start now!!!" The commander yelled as flames appeared in both hands.

"I will turn you into a barbecue!!!" He roared, as his eyes blaze with flames.

"What a powerful skill, you might have something special in you!" Hemsal side, as a lightning strike fell on the commander.

"I won't go down that easily!!!!!"

He yelled, and stretched out his hand to the sky, fire shot out of His palm and collided with the lightning strike.

"Huh? You are good, but... still too weak!" Hemsal raised his hand, and dropped it. Two more lightning strikes fell from the sky adding to the first one.



The lightning struck the commander knocking him out cold.

"You will be useful! Modified humans, take him away."


Two modified humans picked up the unconscious commander and dragged him away.

"Experiments, kill all the elderly, leave the young and kids"


Hundreds of experiments rushed inside the base, after hearing his word.

"What?! You said!!!" The soldier who spoke to the commander was stunned.

"I know what I said, that why you all are still alive." Hemsal said coldly.


"Run faster!"

Nicolas, Emily and hundreds of survivors had successfully escaped through the back exit.

"Dad! What should we do?!"

"I don't know dear, let just find a safe place!! Leo's base is too far from here!" Nicolas said, the next moment, the cloud above them turned dark.

"NO! He found us! Run faster!!!" Nicolas held Emily tighter, as he shot forward.


"Someone help us!!"

"Run for your life!!"

"The base has been overrun!!"

The base was on flames behind them, but that wasn't the issue at the moment, the problem is....

Nicolas looked into the sky, as the clouds moved in a circular motion, and a dark lightning fell from the middle, striking a group of survivors, turning them into dust.

"FUCK!!! This way!!" He moved to another path, with Emily behind him. Her face paled like she had seen a ghost!!





Countless dark lightning fell accurately on the running survivors turning them into dust, people were getting slaughtered like lamps.

"This won't work! Come Emily!!" He dragged her into a half-collapsed building, the two hid behind a rock in the building.

"Shhh" he gestured for Emily, who was trembling in fear.

"Are we going to die?"

"Shhh... Nothing will happen to us, let hide here for a while." Nicolas whispered. He raised his head over the rock to see the situation outside, his face changed dramatically as survivors were getting turned to dust by the lightning strikes.

"You can come out General Nicolas, I know you are in there!" Hemsal said calmly as he hovered in front of the half-collapsed building, the four dark wings flapping behind him.

"How did he...?"

"What should we do dad?"

"Shh... don't be scared, he doesn't know you are with me, so... what we need to do is simple, I will go out and distract him, while you run away"


"Shh... that is the only way, I can't lose you, I have already lost your mom and brother, I don't want to lose you too."


"NO but, do you know where Leo's base is?"

Emily nodded.

"Good, I will distract him while you run! Now go!!" He said.

Emily wiped her tears and nodded, she picked her gun and ran through the other passage.


Nicolas sighed and stood up, walking outside.

"Do you surrender?" Hemsal asked.

"Not happening!!!"

General Nicolas yelled as he picked up a metal pipe, which then increased in size and turned into a broadsword.

"I will end you!!" He yelled.

"A metal enhancer? You are just what I am looking for!" Hemsal said with a grin.

"Power of the death! Seal this human rights and powers!!!" He roared, as dark chains shot out from his right hand and bind Nicolas down.

"You brat!!!" Nicolas yelled, seeing a shadow running away in the distance, he sighed in relief. 'Be safe Emily.'


Ok, we will be going back to the present.

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much love. stay safe.

OP_Supremecreators' thoughts