
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 10: Teammates.

Nora have gone to recruit Sam, so let look for Mike.

"I will call Nora, you call Mike tell him to meet us at the mega food restaurant" Leo said to Ricky, bringing out his phone to call Nora. Ricky nodded took out his phone and called Mike.

After telling the others the location to meet, the two head straight to mega food restaurant.


"Nora, all these things you told me about zombie and the destruction of the world is really hard to believe, Even for me." Sam said with a thoughtful expression.

The two arrived at "The mega food restaurant" first, after ordering their food Nora started narrating everything to Sam.

"I know it's hard to believe so let just wait for Leo" Nora said with a smile, thinking it's best if Leo reveal everything to them himself.

At that moment, the restaurant front door opened, both Leo and Ricky walked in.

With the present of this two together, all the girls in the restaurant where in a daze.

'These guys are just too handsome.'

Leo and Ricky were indifferent to the attention from the girls... seeing The Nora and Sam sitting at a corner of the restaurant, they nodded and went up to them with the girls eyes following their every move.

"Do you think those two are their girlfriends?" A girl asked her friend sitting beside her.

"I think so... look at that silver hair girl, I wish I have her beauty." The other girl reply with a sigh.

Leo and Ricky walked up to the two girls and sat down. "I see you two made a lot of fans in this restaurant" Sam teased looking at the girls.

"We have more important matters now..." Leo said and look around

"I see Mike haven't yet arrive, let wait for him" Leo said taking Nora plate of food and started eating.

"Hey! That's my plate!"

Nora said trying to take back her plate But Leo was faster moving the plate out of her reach and said.

"Come on, order another plate"

"YOU...!" Nora was speechless.

This scene played under the daze of the girls, Earning Nora countless envy daze.

"Fools, is he that handsome?" Nora said with a frown.

"I see everyone are having a good time" At that moment a clear voice came from the Door drawing everyone attention.

At the door stood a tall and muscular young man standing about 2 meter tall with brown skin and shape eyebrows, Even though he looks like a titan in front of people, he has a carefree temperament, which draw people toward him.

Mike looked around the restaurant and spotted the four, he waved and walked towards them. Gotten to their table he sat down.

"Mike I see you are getting bigger," Sam teased observing Mike with a playful expression.

"I don't have time to play with you Sam." With that said he took her plate and started eating.


"Now… You know how I felt" Nora said looking at Sam with a smile, then called the waiter and ordered more food.

After finishing his food, Leo looked at his four friends and said, I called you guys here, to tell you something very important, and I hope you believe me." Leo said staring at their serious face and smile then continue:

"In two months time the world will be over run by zombies and..."

After 10 minutes of explaining and narrating everything to them, he kept quiet and took a sip of juice, observing Mike and Sam stunned faces.

After a moment or so. Mike burst out laughing.

"Hahaha… Leo, you are superb. I almost believe you there, please tell me which movie did you watch? Hahaha..."

Leo looked at him with a smile and ask, "Among five of us, who is the strongest?"

"Of course am the strongest" Mike said proudly.

Leo smirk and said, what if I say you aren't the strongest, what If I say I can beat you without using one third of my strength? Will you believe then?"

After thinking for a while, Mike nodded and said "Yes, if you are stronger than me, with the help of these spirit stones, I will believe everything you said."

"How can we know who is the strongest here?" Ricky asked the two.

"Hand wrestling" mike said without hesitation, he had defeated Leo countless times, so he was sure he can defeat him again.

They all turned to Leo to see if he'll accept the challenge.

Leo nodded with a smile stretching out his hand with his elbow placed on the table. Mike smile seeing these and lock his palm with Leo's.


with a go from Ricky, mike use a little of his strength, to his surprise Leo hand didn't move an inch. He frowned and increase his strength, the same results, now he used all his strength, A drop of sweat formed on his forehead flowing down slowly.

"My turn"

Leo said with a smirk and drop his hand, hitting Mike hand on the table.

"Leo wins" Ricky said with a smile.

"No, impossible, wait... you said both Ricky and Nora had eaten these stones right?" Leo nodded.

"Then I want to face them both too"

2 minutes later

mike had the most ugly face ever because if Ricky defeat him, he could come to term with it, but now he lost to both Ricky and Nora. He turned to Leo and ask

"where are the spirit stones you mention?"


Leo smiled and was about to being out the spirit stones, when a sound rang out around the restaurant drawing their attention.

At the other said of the restaurant were 10 muscular men sitting on a round table, with a waitress holding her cheek standing in Front of them and broken plates on the ground.

"Get out from here you low life!" A muscular man said standing up, preparing to leave the restaurant.

"But sir, you haven't paid for your orders." The waitress said with a gloomy expression, she just came to asked them for Their payment and he slapped her.

"Are you dead!, I said get out of the way" the muscular man roar again raising his hand to slap the waitress again.

"What is going on here?" A middle age man ran out from the kitchen, asking the man who was about to slap waitress.

"Boss, I came to them to asked them to pay for their orders, they not only refuse to pay but also slapped me." The waitress explain with a grieve expression.

Hearing the waitress, the boss face turned cold and said disdainfully toward to muscular man, "Don't you have shame, you bought something from my restaurant, not only didn't you pay, you also beat someone, you know I can call the punishment department for you all."

"Call the punishment department on us? Hahaha… Brothers, you all heard this old man. He said he's going to call the punishment department Hahaha..."

"Oh I can't stop laughing" the muscular man said while till laughing followed by all his brothers.

After laughing for a moment, the Muscular man face turned cold "Do you know who I am?, l'm someone even the chief of the punishment department showed respect, and you, a nobody is talking in front of me!" With that he slap the boss.


The boss spurt out blood as he flew backward, crashing down on the tables and chairs in the restaurant.

The customers moved out of the way watching. Even when they knew these men were bullying the restaurant owner, they keep silent, afraid of offending these ruthless men.

"These men are really shameless, they ordered food. Time to pay for it, they started bullying the owner and workers" Nora said with a cold face.

Her voice was not loud, but the man heard it and turned toward their table. Seeing Nora and Sam his face lit up.

"I was thinking who's brave enough to said that, it turned out to be this beauty." He said walking toward Leo group.

"Ok you three guys, get out of here we want to have fun with these girls" the man said arrogantly looking at Leo and the others with disdain.

"I dare you to touch her" Leo said in a flat tone.


"How dare you to talk to our big brother with disrespect!" The other members behind the man got angry hearing Leo words.

The man waved his hand to silent his members, stared at Leo with a frown and said.

"Kid, come again I think I misheard you, what did you say?"

"I don't like talking to Dogs but if you have a dead wish, touch her." Leo said with a cold face.

"How dare you!!" the man was furious now and threw a powerful punch at Leo face.

Leo face turned cold, he snorted and grab out. Grabbing the man's fist in his palm and exerted force.



The sound of bone cracking and a piercing scream rung out causing everyone in the restaurant to shudder.

"Big brother!" The other members were all stunned and shouted the next moment.

"You...! Brothers, kill this kid for me!" The man roar holding his broken fist.


Gotten their senses, they all change at Leo with endless killing intent.

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