
This cant be happening......

"Good afternoon Mr Calleb, my name is Sarah" I said without looking at his eyes but i could feel his eyes watching me and it wasnt helping matters why in the world was he staring at me like that didn't he know staring at someone was rude

I looked up at his face and was shocked at how handsome he was, i really couldnt help staring. Then a smirk appeared on his face as he asked "And how may i help you miss Sarah" in most calm yet seductive voice i might have ever heard

I dont think my name has ever so nice when someone said it. It sounded right coming from his mouth "I... I'm here to talk about the incident that involved my mother Katie Dalton" I said in a low voice but still loud enough for him to hear me. "Hmmm follow me upstairs i dont like to discuss matters like this in public " he said as he turned back to climb the stairs he had just come down from. I was shocked and just stood there rotted in a spot staring at this back, he turned back to look at me and i instantly held my breath as he raised his eyebrow at me and continued walking and followed him this time but i made sure to make my movements slow.

We entered into a room which was extremely spacious, I took it to be his study since it had a lot book everywhere and also on the table, plus its not like he would bring me to his room right?. I watched him enter into the room and then he walked deeper inside and i followed him where we were led into another room that was more spacious, extremely organized but had really dull colors as we walked further inside it i saw a bed, a study table, then it finally hit me we were in his bedroom my eyes widened in shocked but i regained my composure. He sat down at the bed and listened to what i had to say about the how the incident that involved my mother was a huge misunderstanding he was just nodding his head and then ne agreed that he wouldnt press charges i was shocked, my mum literally destroyed one his family cars when their company rejected my sister Anessa job application.

He stood up and i thought he was leaving but he got close to me so close i could smell him, that smell that drove my wolf crazy that made me lose all my senses it made me scared yet relaxed it was just wrong to me. That was when she said it my wolf "MATE" "no" i hushed her when she turned her head away such a drama queen i thought but could it really be true i looked at him again how could Calleb Adam the biggest business tycoon and also the man that no one had any information on be my mate it felt wrong.

As i stared at him he smiled and confirmed what i wished was just and illusion saying "you've sensed it right but you are trying to deny it" no i thought "this cant be happening" i whispered, i tried to leave i needed to think but the door was locked "Open the door" i told him he smiled, i couldnt get over how more handsome he looked when he smiles and then those dimples 'only I am allowed to see it no one else' i thought, Oh my Gosh Sarah get a grip on yourself how can you have such thoughts " its not wrong since he is our mate" my wolf said. I knew he wasnt going to open to door so i resigned to my fate and sat down at the corner of the room and curled my self in a ball. "This was all my mum fault if she didn't just get involved with this people this wouldnt be happening, no this was Calleb fault if he wasn't such a pervert we would have had the conversion in the living room and i wouldnt be stuck here" i murmured under my breath